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Selidre is the family ship between Deirdre and Seliph from the Fire Emblem fandom.


Deirdre's child[]

Deirdre is the first wife of the protagonist and lord of Calphy, Sigurd. She gave birth to Seliph while she and her husband where stationed at the castle of Agustria. The couple spend some time with their newborn and extended family, until Sigurd had to fight against the political enemy, Chagall. Before setting to battle, Sigurd asked Deirdre to avoid going to the fight and to stay at the Castle, because their newborn son needed her. She spent some time with Seliph, but she got anxious that her husband was far away in the war, so she entrusted Seliph to the young prince Shannan, with a promise that she wouldn't take long to return. With those words, she go to reunite with Sigurd. However before reaching Mandino, where her husband was, she is abducted by Manfroi, who also erases her memories. She will never see Seliph again in her life. She gets married to the future Emperor of Grannvale and have two children. Deirdre never gets her memories back but decades later when she has a new family, she eventually discovers that she was previously married and that Seliph was her first child, even though she is unable to to anything about it since she has no memories and has a new family. She will later be killed by her son Julius.

The Scion of Light[]

After his parents death, Seliph is raised by prince Shannan, the knight Oifey and his father's childhood friend, lady Edain, hidding in Isaach. Seliph inherits his mother's face. Due to being Deirdre elder son he is actually the true heir to the Grannvale empire. The people see him as a hope for ending the empire's tyranny led by Julius and call him the Scion of Light. During his fight against the empire Seliph avenge his father by killing Arvis. After this, Seliph heard a voice. It's Deirdre spirits that appear to him alongside Sigurd's one. She first notices that Seliph has grown up, then she asks him to always cherish his companions. Then she demands him to help her others children, Julia and Julius. She finally ask him to take care of himself and then she leaves back to the afterlife. Seliph defeats Julius, aids his half-sister Julia, and takes his rightful place as Grannvale emperor.

In Verdane (where Deirdre was living before meeting Sigurd) she is reputed to have become a legendary and saint-like figure in said location, referred to as the "Holy Maiden". If no one inherits Verdane, the people of the country ask Seliph to anex their kingdom because he is Deirdre's son, and he agrees, bringing back the peace to his mother's homeland.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

In Fire Emblem Heroes they are both summonables and are finally able to meet. When the legendary variant of Seliph reach the level 40 he mentions the secret event, where he has met his parents ghost. They are both encountered in a bound heroes battle. Seliph promises that he will protect Deirdre, and she says that Seliph grown into a fine young man.


They are a very tragic family, therefore the fans often love to show Sigurd, Deirdre and Seliph as a happy family in 'What If' scenarios. Many fanarts and fanfictions show Seliph reunited with his parents in alternate timelines, such as in Heroes, often alongside his half-sister Julia. Some fanart also takes place when Seliph was a baby. This family ship is a bit less popular than Sigliph due to the fact that Deirdre is a less important character than Sigurd and that Seliph inherit more traits from his father. Deirdre may get some criticism due the fact that she was reckless and decided to ignore advices, leaving her newborn to seek her husband or never seeking Seliph when years later she discovered that she was previously married and had a son prior she became empress, but Heroes develops her a bit further even explaining that she has strong anxiety.

Selidre isn't very popular due to the fact that Genealogy of The Holy War never released outside Japan.


Seliph & Deirdre tag on AO3




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Fire Emblem Ships (ArchaneaValentiaJugdralElibeMagvelTelliusAwakeningFatesFódlanElyosHeroes) • Fire Emblem Characters
SHIPS het AlphonicaAreleaAreneArvidreAzeldainBerkuneaBoeymaeBoymistCaedarthCelicalmCelimarthChroliviaChrollyChromiaChulayraClairalmClaudainClauviaDewedainDimigardDimimariDortalieEiryonElfioraElilynElniniEphrachelEphtanaFalmFebailmuirneFerdimariFinnedainHecflorHectorlynHubetraIkeMiaJamkedainJulenaLachinnLayliphLexayLexdainLindeMerricLonlissaLuturMicaSotheMidainMirivaikeMuirliphNaneifNatashuaNetteflixPentlouiseQuanthlynRathlynReinhtarRoylarumRoyliaRoyLiliRoyphiaRoyshannaRoysueSalerikaSeliFeeSeliLanaSethrikaSigayraSiguedainSigurdeirdreSilqualmSubazuraSullionSylvcedesTineleif
slash ArlerricDimiClaudeDimidueDimilixFerdibertForsythonHenrickenIkeMarthIkesorenKentsainLeokumiLibrionLongaiusRyomarxSigurdiganSylvixYuriashe
femslash BerniegardCaminokaCathmirCelifayeCelimaeDoropetraEdeltheaEirichelFayesilqueFlorilynFlorinianHapistanceJulanaKagerochiLissabelleLucisevMariHildaMonigardNepheatherSakuliseSay'rikiSophelia
non-binary AshelethAzurrinChrobinClaudelethDimilethEdelethFlaynlethIvlearKagelearKazerrinPetralethRhajrrinRobcinaRobdeliaSetlethShurrinStahlbinSumibinSylvlethTharbin
family AlmycenArvidreCeliconradChildren of DestinyChromcinaEphikaJulialiusLucissaMarthcinaMarthiceMikorrinRoylynSelidreSeliliaSeliliusSeteynSigliphWhitewings Sisters
friend FaedunnSmash Brethren
CHARACTERS male AlmChromDimitriIkeMarthRoySeliphSigurd
female CelicaEdainEdelgardEirikaLucinaLyn
neutral BylethCorrinRobin