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Serrawong is the het ship between Luis Sera and Ada Wong from the Resident Evil fandom.


Resident Evil 4 (2005) & Separate Ways[]

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Resident Evil 4 (2023) & Separate Ways[]

In 2004, Ada is employed by Albert Wesker to retrieve a sample of the Amber and its research data. Ada reaches out and forms a deal with Dr. Luis Serra Navarro, one of the researchers for the Los Iluminados cult. Luis had discovered the Amber’s property and its potential strength after being left for an extended period. In exchange for a sample of the Amber and its research data, Ada will extract him out of Valdelobos, a mountainous region of Spain. Before Luis can hold up his end of the deal, he along with other researchers are forcefully parasitized with the Las Plagas parasite. He manages to remove it before fully being taken under its control. He flees back to Valdelobos, and hiding the Amber before being captured again and thrown into the cell of Salazar Castle where he is set to be tortured and killed along with other prisoners.

Ada, dressed as a cult member, walks into the cellar with other cultists, on their way to kill Luis. As the others are moments away from attacking him, Ada catches them off guard by killing them herself, saving Luis. In the final moments of Luis performing his dance, knowing Ada is there, he wraps his arm around her and smiles sweetly as she places his favorite cigarette between his lips. He informs her that he no longer has the Amber that she’s looking for. Ada is quick to tell him that no Amber, no deal. Luis understands and explains that he hide it in a save place and that he’ll take her to it.

As the two are making their escape from the cellar, they notice other cultists are on the hunt for them. Ada explains how they’re going to be taking the “high road,” leaving Luis briefly confused, though follows her. They run to a suspended rope, where Ada attaches Luis to it. The heavy doors to the room open and Ramón Salazar’s bodyguard, Pesanta, emerges. Ada tells Luis to “fetch the Amber,” as she remains back to battle the creature. Luis refuses, though the rope hoist him up anyway. Out an open window, he yells down to her that they’ll meet at the church in the village.


Resident Evil 4 (2023) & Separate Ways[]

  • Ada saves Luis from cultists.
  • Ada brings Luis his favorite cigarette, placing it between his lips.


Resident Evil 4 (2023) & Separate Ways[]

Ada“Your favorite, I believe? [places a cigarette between Luis’s lips]”
Luis“Excellent timing, Ada. You know how I feel about being tied up. And yes. Many thanks.”
— Ada rescuing Luis from being killed by cultists.
Ada“We’ve got company. They’re looking for us. But we’re taking the high road, got it?”
— Leaving the cellar and being hunted by cultists.
Ada“Fetch the Amber. We’ll meet up later.”
Luis“No! Sorry, what kind of man leaves a lady- whoa! [Luis is hoisted into the air, escaping out an open window] Then we’ll meet at the church! Lets not make it a funeral, eh?”
— Ada remaining back to battle Pesanta, while Luis escapes.


Serrawong is a small ship within the Resident Evil fandom. The ship was for the most was part non-existent until the release of Separate Ways, the DLC to Resident Evil 4. Luis and Ada themselves are more primarily shipped with Leon Kennedy, the main character of the main story of RE4. Following the release of SW, fans were surprised to enjoy Luis and Ada’s interactions so much. It got tot the point where some Aeon and Serennedy shippers felt almost threated by Serrawong growing in popularity so fast.

On AO3, Serrawong has 35+ works in its romantic/het tag, and 30+ in its platonic/general tag.



Luis/Ada tag on AO3
Luis & Ada tag on AO3


Main article: Serrawong/Gallery


RE - Logo
RE/Ships: HetSlashFemslash
RE/Characters: MaleFemale
SHIPS het AeonAlcithanBirkinfieldBurtontineCleonClesker
slash ChreonChriskerFiersJakiersLetrickLuthan
femslash AlgridBurtonfieldHarperwongValomar
poly LelushleyMacnivanfieldNivanshakePolystarsValenfieldton
non-binary Nemestine
friendship ClairryClerryLeonDogLerryRosefield
family AlbertJakeEthanRosemaryHarper SistersRedfield Siblings
cargo Boulderfield
CHARACTERS male Albert WeskerChris RedfieldEthan WintersLeon KennedyPiers Nivans
female Claire RedfieldJill ValentineSherry Birkin