Sesoka is the femslash ship between Aayla Secura and Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars fandom.
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As Ahsoka pulls Anakin out of the wreckage, Aayla tells her that they have to leave. She grabs Anakin's other arm, and helps Ahsoka him onto the ship and the two check over his wounds.
In the medbay, Ahsoka watches over Anakin. Aayla walks in and says that she needs Ahsoka up in command, but Ahsoka wants to stay. They don't need her up there, but Anakin does. Aayla says that she can help Anakin by getting the ship to safety, when the commander walks in. Aayla asks what's going on and the commander informs them that their navigation has made it so their headed right for a star. The three then leave to try and fix it.
Unnable to get the navigation to change, Aayla tells them to cut all the power to reset it. Ahsoka says that that means that Anaikin's life support will be cut. Aayla doesn't like the it either, but they're going to have to take the risk. They're able to avoid crashing into the star, but end up crashing into the nearby planet instead.
Ahsoka and Aayla rush to the medbay and are able to get an unconcious Anakin out in time before the ship explodes. Aayla says that he's still alive, but Ahsoka is just glad that he wasn't awake to see her crash. Aayla says that he would be proud. Ahsoka says that she's officially mastered the art of demolishing ships.
They're able to make a small shelter, and Aayla comes to the conclusion that if they don't find help, Anakin's not going to make it. Ahsoka suggests that Bly and Aayla try and find help, while she and Rex stay with Anakin, but Aayla says that it's going to take the two of them to find help. Ahsoka insists that she can't leave him, and that if their situations were reversed he wouldn't leave her. Aayla knows that it's hard, but Anakin needs to stay behind, there's nothing more they can do for him now. They have to get off this planet, and as a jedi she needs to do what's best for the group. Bly pulls Ahsoka and Aayla aside, showing a carving he found. They figure that it's from a civilization, and Ahsoka figures that the people must live near trees, Aayla calling her perceptive. Ahsoka gives one last goodbye to Anakin, and Aayla says that it's now time to go.
As they start their search, Aayla says that she can still feel Ahsoka's worry and attachment to Anakin.
Jedi Crash
- Ahsoka arrives to Aayla and Anakin.
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Sesoka has a very small following. It does have a few followers after the Maridun arc, but Aayla lack of appearance's in the series did not allow the pairing to grow a large following. On AO3, there are currently seven works.
- Ahsoka/Aayla tag on AO3