Shipping Wiki

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power ships. This page is for ships with a lack of content, or for ships with minimal interactions. Please add as much content as you can to the sections below. Once a ship meets the requirements, you are welcome to create a page.

The current requirements for ship pages are:

  • 20 sentences split between the canon and fanon sections, with content in both sections.
  • One minimum link under the fandom section (e.g. AO3 tags, Tumblr links)

Please refrain from adding more than five images to a ship section, and refrain from adding any fan art. If you're unsure if a ship meets the requirements for a page, discuss with a member of our admin team.



She-ra logo
She-Ra ShipsShe-Ra Characters
SHIPS het EntrapdakGlimbowSeamista
slash Repkyle
femslash CatradoraGlimadoraGlitraMarahopeScorfumaScorptra Spinnetossa
non-binary Catrouble
friend Best Friend SquadSuper Pal Trio
CHARACTERS female AdoraCatraGlimmer