Shipping Wiki
this article may contain major plot or ending details
WARNING! This ship page includes the subject of incest, murder and grooming.

Shingujicest is the het and familyship between Korekiyo Shinguji and Korekiyo's sister from the Danganronpa fandom.


Korekiyo mentions his Sister several times in his Free Time Events with both Kaede and Shuichi, mentioning that she was sickly and spent a lot of time in hospital, she made his uniform for him and that he learned anthropology thanks to her.

However, the truth behind their relationship is revealed once Korekiyo's double crime in Chapter 3 is found out. Korekiyo says that he and his Sister were lovers. But because he was her brother and lover and because of her constant visits in the hospital, she didn't have many friends. She eventually died. Remembering how lonely she used to be when she was alive, Korekiyo decided to kill girls he thought were worthy of being his Sister's friends, believing that now that she's a ghost, her friends should be ghosts as well. He set a goal of making 100 friends for his dead Sister, thus becoming a serial killer.

Additionally, Korekiyo claims that during one of his seances, her spirit visited his body and has ever since been inside him. Several times during the trial, Kiyo takes off his mask, revealing he was wearing a lipstick underneath, behaves in a different manner and talks with himself. However, as Maki pointed out, this may be a case of delusions after the traumatic experience of his Sister's death rather than a case of a split personality or a ghost possession.

During his execution, despite being happy to see his brother again, Korekiyo's Sister takes part in the exorcism, along with Monokuma, to get rid of his soul. This might mean that she did not appreciate him killing girls for her.

Despite Korekiyo’s positive view on his sister, it’s possible that Korekiyo was manipulated into the relationship. Despite there being no explicit proof, it’s likely that his sister used her status as the older sibling and being ill to coerce and groom Korekiyo based on the context. His split personality of his Sister, or tulpa, is extremely passive-aggressive and cold, leading to more hints that his sister was manipulative and abused him.

However, with the reveal in the final chapter, it's unknown whether the relationship he had with his Sister was real or whether it was a part of his fabricated backstory by Team Danganronpa. It's even unknown whether he had a sister at all.


Shingujicest ship is one of the least popular Danganronpa ships overall. The fact that it's a canon incest relationship was enough to put off some fans. The reveal that the sister's death had a negative effect on Korekiyo, with him wanting to kill 100 girls so she'd have "ghost friends" in the afterlife put off pretty much the rest of the fandom.

A very common fan name for Korekiyo's sister is Miyadera, which might've been formed from the Japanese type dere "mayadere" mayadere is similar to "mayakashi" which seems to mean falsehood and lies. In other words, characters like mayadere are often built on lies. Which most likely someone just changed the letters and it became "Miyadera".

As a result, Korekiyo can often be seen being shipped with someone else. Most of those who stay with this ship prefer it as a family ship. Its main rivals ships is Amaguji and Shinnaga.

Around 2021-2022 when the fandom was striving again, many Korekiyo fans have taken to headcanoning that, due to the fact that in Korekiyo's freetime events it suggests that he was a little boy when his sister started their "forbidden" romance alongside some of the tulpa's dialogue, that Korekiyo was groomed and manipulated into the relationship along with facing severe Stockholm Syndrome. While not directly confirmed, it has led to many angsty fanfics and talk of a redemption for Kiyo. It's common for fics to include a ship, Amaguji is a common choice for these fics but not excluding ones that do Shinnaga and/or Kirukiyo, or feature the poly ship of Amashinnaga or Amatojoguji, to start hanging out more with Kiyo, getting to know each other more, facing the aftermath of the killing game which is common for Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation AUS, opening up more about his sister, gushes on about his sister while the other person slowly or surely is quick to pick up the pieces about the real nature of the Sister's relationship that Kiyo can't see yet.

There is a small theory that suggests that Tsumuji is Korekiyo's brother, whether as step, half or fully. Or outside of the game where "Myadera" is Tsumuji's self-insert or nod, one point in this theory suggests the fact that Tsumuji does have a incest kink. The theory started in this tumblr post with various other variations of this theory floating around over the years.



Korekiyo/Korekiyo's Sister tag on AO3


Korekiyo's relationship with his Sister on Danganronpa Wiki


  • Shingujicest is one of only four ships to be made canon in the Danganronpa series thus far - the others being Hijirisano, Monocest, and Ruruyoi. It's significantly more common for ships to be left ambiguous or for one of the characters to die before the story ends.
    • This is one of two Danganronpa's canon incest relationships, with the other being Monocest. However, as it's unknown how many of Korekiyo's memories were fabricated, this one might not count.


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slash AmagujiAmamiiboAmasaiBaking SodaBitcoinBubblegum RockChifumiChileonChimondoCyberspaceDaigetsuDaiyakureDespair CompassGokumaruGokumotaGokuwadaGondhamGontaguujiGoshiHagakureonHifegoHijirigawaHinadamHinaegiHinidaiIshimondoKamukomaKemugisaKiiboumaKizajinKokichiroKomaegiKomagamiKomahinaKuzuhinaKuzukomaKuzusoudaLeogamiLeonaegiMasataroMatsukamuMitworaiMomoshiMondoleonMonogamiMonoSonicMonoTeddieMunasakaNaegamiNaehiroNaemondoNekodamNekomaedaOugokuOumaedaOumakuraOumamiOumoshiOumotaOwagamiRouletteSaigokuSaiiboSaimotaSaioumaSansmaedaShinoumaShinsaiSoudamSoudanidaiSoul FriendsSoumaedaSoutakaTerufumiTeruhinaTerunidaiTogakureTwogamiTwoteruVenkichi
femslash AkamenoAkanatsumiAntidepressantsAsakaneBand AidCelesayaCelesgiriCelesjunkoCelestojoClass ClownsDespaircestFukazonoHanezonoHarumenoHarupekoHarushiraHiyobukiIkuzonoIrumakiIrumatsuJunkanKaebukiKaemugiKirihinaKirinamiKirizonoKirukaedeKirumakiKirumugiMahpekoMahtoMikaneMukugiriMusic BookNanamikiNevermikiNursery RhymesPekobukiPekomikiPekoniaPekosabaPhoto AlbumPiano BuddiesPiano TilesSakuraoiSaramatsuSatosumiSayakaedeSayomatsuSeikanShironagaShironamiSnap ShotSoapiesSoniakaneSoniakiSoniyokoSyomaruSyoniaTenbukiTenkaedeTenkangieTenmikanTenmikoThe ArtsTokokuroTokomaruToxicandyTraining MontageTsumakiTsumionjiTsumoniaYonamatsuYonamenoYumenberg
non-binary MitworaiTwokaneTwobukiTwogamiTwomikiTwoteru
poly AkasaimotaAmanagamatsuAmasaimatsuAmasaioumatsuAmasaioumotaAmashinnagaAmashinsaiBubblegum Space RockChapter 3 CulpritsChisakuraoiChikuwadaChishimondoClass 74th TrioClass 76th TrioClass Trial RuinersDanganronpa HeroinesDouble DateKaeibuzonoKiibourumaKoizumikiodaKomahinadamKomahinanamiKuzuhinasoudaMakaemiuMitwomikiNaegamigiriNaegirizonoOumamimatsuOumamasaiPiano TrioProtag GangSaioumatsuSaioumotaSondhimeSonsoudamSurviving TrioStrawberry TrioTenkaemakiTraffic LightsTraining Trio
family Despair SistersDiamond BrothersFujisaki FamilyHagakure FamilyKirigiri FamilyMonocestMonokumiNaegi FamilyPartners in CrimeShinguji FamilyTowa Siblings
friend ChizoKomasugiTwilight Syndrome GirlsTokomaru FamilyUltimate ArtistsWarriors of Hope
cargo Akane x FoodAoi x DonutsChiaki x Video gamesHinata x Orange JuiceJunko x DespairKaede x PianoKirinoodleMondo ButterNagito x HopeSeesaw EffectYasuburger

Rantaro AmamiMasaru DaimonChihiro FujisakiGonta GokuharaYasuhiro HagakureTeruteru HanamuraHajime HinataKiyotaka IshimaruIzuru KamukuraJataro KemuriNagito KomaedaLeon KuwataFuyuhiko KuzuryuK1-B0Ryota MitaraiKaito MomotaMonokumaMakoto NaegiNekomaru NidaiKokichi OmaMondo OwadaShuichi SaiharaNagisa ShingetsuKorekiyo ShingujiKazuichi SodaGundham TanakaByakuya TogamiHifumi Yamada

female Kaede AkamatsuAoi AsahinaTenko ChabashiraJunko EnoshimaToko FukawaGenocide JackMaki HarukawaMukuro IkusabaMiu IrumaSeiko KimuraKyoko KirigiriMahiru KoizumiNatsumi KuzuryuCelestia LudenbergSayaka MaizonoIbuki MiodaKomaru NaegiChiaki NanamiSonia NevermindSakura OgamiAkane OwariPeko PekoyamaHiyoko SaionjiTsumugi ShiroganeKirumi TojoMonaca TowaMikan TsumikiKotoko UtsugiAngie YonagaHimiko Yumeno
unknown Ultimate Imposter