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ShinjiHam is the het ship between Shinjiro Aragaki and Kotone Shiomi from the Persona fandom.


Shinjiro is a year older than Kotone. They are also both members of SEES.

Kotone meets Shinjiro on May 1st when she, Yukari, and Junpei visit Akihiko at the hospital. Before Shinjiro can leave the hospital, he briefly stops to look at Kotone for an unknown reason. She reencounters Shinjiro at the back alley of Tatsumi Port Island on 6/6. She joins Akihiko to see Shinjiro and convince him to rejoin SEES on 9/2. After Shinjiro decides to rejoin SEES because of Ken, at first, Shinjiro complains that Kotone is the leader of SEES, but it turns out he is concerned about her since someone needs to keep an eye on her. On October 4th, if Shinjiro’s Social Link was maxed, he told Kotone not to cry, and this is how it should be before he went comatose for the rest of the game.

The player can formally develop their bond through Shinjiro’s social link after the September full moon operation in Kotone’s route. However, unlike most Social Links, Shinjiro’s social link is limited and must be completed before October 4th.

Social Link[]

Shinjiro is available after the September full moon operation, where she can hang out with him, and they get along quite well. In ranked 4th, after Shinjiro helps and teaches Fuuka some cooking skills, Kotone suggests to Shinjiro, regardless of choice, "Make enough for everybody" or "Why don't we have a party?" at first, he is surprised by her suggestion. Still, he likes the idea of cooking for everyone occasionally. In rank, 5-6th Shinjiro decides to make dinner with everyone with Fuuka's help. The reason for this was because of Kotone. In Shinjiro's Social Link, ranked 8th, Shinjiro took Kotone to where they officially met in June, where he called her a pain. He explains she keeps messing things up for him. He keeps thinking that his life is how it should be, but her face pops up in his head. As Shinjiro’s Social Link progressed, it was a hint that he had developed romantic feelings for her, but he refused to confess his love to her as he knew he wouldn’t have much time, and it would be a mistake to be together. At Rank 10, he was suprised that Kotone found his pocket watch, and he never imagined that she, of all people, would bring it to him. When Shinjiro requested Kotone to look after Akihiko for him, if the choice was, "What about you, Senpai?" Shinjiro responded sadly as he told her he would stick with him. By the end of his Social Link, Shinjiro offers Kotone to get closer to him so she won't catch a cold. She and Shinjiro talk about various things late into the night.

After fully maxing his Social Link, Kotone can start a romantic relationship with Shinjiro by talking to him again. However, she must be very persistent with her feelings to overcome his reluctance. Shinjiro will confess his feelings for her. If Kotone chooses to stay in Shinjiro’s room instead of going back to her room, he will say he ain’t holding back anymore. This ends up implying that they made love.

Dear Girls Comic Anthology[]

While non-canon, in the Dear Girls Anthology commissioned by Ichijinsha, in the first Shinjiro's side story, "So Many Memories in Such a Short Time" by Mikanagi Fubito, Kotone wants to spend time with him alone. The following day, when everyone is busy except Koromaru, Shinjiro teaches Kotone to cook together. She secretly has a crush on him.

In the final Shinjiro's side story chapter, “Smile,” a what-if scenario, Kotone doesn’t return Shinjiro’s pocket watch on time before October 4. It shows she didn’t take Shinjiro’s death very well. It is not only Kotone forcing herself to smile, but it results in her inability to summon her Persona. She tries to keep smiling and think about her good times with him.

The Weird Masquerade[]

They were given moments from Acts 2 and 5 of the stage play adaptation. At the summer festival, Shinjiro tells Kotone twice that she looks best when she smiles. Shinjiro is the only upperclassman who calls Kotone by her first name, while Akihiko and Mitsuru only call her by her last name.

After Shinjiro wins a goldfish for Ken at one of the vendors, unlike in the male route, Shinjiro asks Kotone if she wants something, too. Kotone nervously tells him that he doesn't have to. He tells him that when he does the shooting gallery, he will get her something she likes, which will surprise her. The reason for this is that Kotone has been doing a good job and deserves something sweet. Kotone happily smiles at him in response.

The stage play adapts two of Shinjiro’s Social Links from the game. The first is when Shinjiro mentions losing his pocket watch to Kotone during the summer festival in September instead of the dorm. Kotone was willing to search for Shinjiro’s pocket watch. The second was during the typhoon instead of at Naganaki Shrine; Kotone went to the 2nd floor to return Shinjiro’s pocket watch; she heard him in pain due to losing control of his Persona. She asked him if he was alright, but Shinjiro lied to her before he took suppressants to suppress his Persona. After she returns his pocket watch to him, nothing comes from it. During the October full moon operation, slightly different from the game, Kotone abandons the battle against the two Shadows halfway to find Shinjiro and Ken. She tries to stop Ken from killing Shinjiro since they are her precious friends, and she doesn’t want to lose either of them. After Shinjiro sacrifices himself to protect Ken, Kotone comes to his side, and Shinjiro lets Kotone hold his hand. Shinjiro tells her not to cry and she always looks good when smiling. Shinjiro’s last words to her are that this is how it should be before he falls into a coma. It shows how grief-stricken Kotone is after he falls into a coma.

In early January, Kotone meets Shinjiro in her dreams; whether or not it is a real Shinjiro or a dream version of him is unknown, but it doesn't matter since she is glad to see him again.

In the final scene, Shinjiro and the other SEES members reunite with Kotone on the rooftop of Gekkoukan High. He says he’s here just like they promised.


The Journey[]

  • During the Inaba trip, Yuko asks Kotone if she has someone she likes, if she admits she likes someone, and if the dialogue chooses “You don’t know him.” It implies Kotone was referring to Shinjiro.
  • Shinjiro can hang out with Kotone at the Film Festival in September.
  • Shinjiro can hang out with Kotone when walking Koromaru at night.
  • At the beginning of March, before March 5, if the player speaks to a student from her classroom, she will reveal that Shinjiro has awakened from his coma and escaped from the hospital. This implies that the reason for this was to find Kotone.
  • In the New Plus Game of the PSP version, a non-canon alternative ending sees Kotone die with the player's chosen love interest. Shinjiro is one of the options for this ending, where he tells her that the girl he saw in his dream was her, who was crying and smiling. He also tells her that he's glad to have met her.

CD Drama[]

  • Shinjiro found Kotone’s other geta shoe after Kotone fell and tripped. He was willing to fix her geta show with his handkerchief.

Persona Q2[]

  • During Shinjiro’s introduction, when he refuses to reveal more about himself, Kotone is the only one to interrupt him and adds more about him based on the Shinjiro from her world. This makes Shinjiro completely flutter.
  • Kotone created a code name for Shinjiro, “Brood,” due to affection towards dogs like Koromaru. Shinjiro ends up completely embarrassed again.
  • During the credits in one of the CG shows where Hikari is filming, Kotone interlocks Shinjiro’s left arm. These are the first and only CG features together.


The ship's name came from mixing Shinjiro Aragaki with Hamuko Arisato (fan name before her canon name, Kotone Shiomi, was announced). Kotone Shiomi is the name for the female protagonist used in the stage play adaptation.

ShinjiHam is considered the most romantic and tragic fan shipping in the Persona series due to their short time together. They think Shinjiro is the main love interest because the female route is the only route where Shinjiro can be saved. If Shinjiro’s social link hasn’t started or been left incompletely, Shinjiro will die just like his canon counterpart in the main series. She can max out his social link and possibly begin a relationship in the lover route. Most fans do fan art or fanfiction, which will portray them happily living together to start a family without consequences or one of them dying. They even had fan art of Shinjiro attending school again and repeating a year to be with Kotone. Some fanfiction displays Shinjiro wielding Wild Card ability like Kotone because Persona 3 Portable lacks the Epilogue from Persona 3 FES The Answer. Many fans also love writing fanfiction where Kotone casually calls Shinjiro by nickname since there wasn't a dialogue option to call him like that. At the same time, Shinjiro came up with a nickname for her.

Their fan shipping was slightly increased, which was only shown in Persona 3 Portable, Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade (Female Route), and Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. On AO3, ShinjiHam is divided based on how one calls Kotone. Between Kotone Shiomi (58), Female Persona 3 Protagonist (322), and her fan manga name Minako Arisato (239), there are 619 works.


“You're... a pain. You keep messing things up for me... I keep thinking that my life is the way it's supposed to be, but.. Sheesh... Your face keeps popping up in my head...”
— Shinjiro to Kotone on Rank 8th
“This is your fault, you know. I'm all confused. You're all I can think about, day and night. Dammit, this isn't how it's supposed to be...”
— Shinjiro's confession to Kotone during Extra Scene after Rank 10 is maxed
“Don't cry. This is how it should be.”
— Shinjiro's departing words to Kotone, who is crying for him
“The girl I saw in my dreams... It was you... You were crying and laughing like usual... Yeah... This ain't a dream... You're really here...”
— Shinjiro reveals his dreams to Kotone in his ending
“I'm glad I met you.”
— Shinjiro, Persona 3 Portable



Aragaki/Shiomi tag on AO3
Aragaki/Female Protagonist tag on AO3
Aragaki/Arisato tag on AO3
Shinjiro/Female Protagonist on FanFiction.Net


Shinjiro x Minako tag on Tumblr
Shinjiro x Hamuko tag on Tumblr


Shinjiham hashtag on Twitter
荒ハム hashtag on Twitter
FoolMoon hashtag on Twitter


荒ハム tag on Pixiv


Live Action Stage Play Images[]

Manga/Anthology Images[]

Spin-Off Images[]


  • Both Shinjiro and Kotone are the only members of SEES to get killed in the Good Ending if Shinjiro's Social Link wasn't maxed.


Persona ShipsPersona Characters
SHIPS het AiAkiAiJunAikotoAishinjiAiyojiAiYuAkiHamAkikariAkiMitsuChiKouFuukihikoFuupeiHanaChieJundoriJuntoneJunYukaKanNaoKenakoMinaLizMinaYukaRiYuRyoHamRyuAnnSaedachiShinjiHamShinjikaShinjiMitsuShuAnnShuFuukaShuMakoShuMitsuSouYukiTeddikoTheoHam
slash AkinatoAkishinjiJunAkiJunShinjiMakoJunMakoShinjiMonoTeddiePegoRyuRyoJun • ‎‎‎‎RyoMina • ‎‎ShuAdaShuAkeSouKanSouYoTatsujunYosuKanYuTeddie
femslash AilizaAnnshihoFuukaHamFuukAigisHamugisKanariseMitsuHamNaoriseNatsuukaYufuukaYukaHamYukaMitsuYukgisYukiChie
poly AikotoyukaAkiShinjiHamKanNaoRiseMakoJunYukaMoonlight Bridge Trio
friendship AimaruInvestigation QuadInvestigation TeamKenhikoKenjiroKenmaruKorojiroMakoKenMakomaruMinakomaruNanaTeddieNaoichiP3 ProtagonistsSEES TrioSpecialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
family Android SistersDojima FamilyHanamura BrosKirijo FamilyTheoEliza‎Velvet Room Sisters
CHARACTERS male Ken AmadaRen AmamiyaShinjiro AragakiYosuke HanamuraJunpei IoriKoromaruRyoji MochizukiYu NarukamiAkihiko SanadaKanji TatsumiTeddieMakoto Yuki
female AigisYukiko AmagiMitsuru KirijoRise KujikawaChie SatonakaKotone ShiomiNaoto ShiroganeYukari TakebaFuuka Yamagishi