The following is a list of the type of ships, typically displayed in the 'type' box in the infobox. For more information on the ship types, see this page.
Type | Desciption | Examples |
Het | A pairing of characters or real-life people, where one side is male and the other female. The word "Het" is derived from the word, "Heterosexual". | |
Slash | Slash refers to relationships between two male characters. BL pairings are also categorized under slash. | |
Femslash | Femslash, derived from 'female slash' refers to relationships between two female characters. Also occasionally called F/F, Femmeslash, Girlslash, Ladyslash or Sapphic. | |
Poly | Poly, short for polyamorous is a relationship between three or more characters. It can also be referred to as threesome, foursome, moresome or OT3 ships. |
Non-binary | Non-binary ships are used to describe relationships including one or more non-binary individuals, or ships involving characters whose true gender is unknown, or characters who fit into a fictional gender or sex. In gender, Non-binary is an umbrella term to describe any person whose gender is not male nor female. Some common nonbinary gender identities include: agender, bigender, genderfluid and neutrois. | |
Cargo | Crack!Ships between a fictional character, or real-life person and an inanimate object. |
Family | A pairing of characters or real-life people, who are related (adoption + marriages figure into this also, any kind of family unit), and are shipped only as family members. Large groups of friends who are like a family also fall under this category. This is not incestuous ships. |