Shipping Wiki

Shotgunshipping is the femslash ship between Amanda Young and Lynn Denlon from the Saw fandom.


When Lynn is first abducted by Amanda, it sets the tone for their dynamic. Amanda is brutal and domineering, embodying the role of Jigsaw’s enforcer. Her demeanor is cold, displaying little concern for Lynn as a person. This is the first glimpse of Amanda’s insecurity. The aggression masks her fear of failure and her need to prove her worth to Jigsaw. Lynn, on the other hand, is confused and terrified, immediately recognizing Amanda as a threat.

As Lynn begins treating John Kramer, Amanda’s jealousy becomes evident. She perceives Lynn as a threat, not only because of her role in Jigsaw’s test but also because of her proximity to him. Amanda idolizes Jigsaw, viewing him as a father figure and the source of her redemption. Lynn’s medical skills place her in a position of importance, something Amanda craves but cannot achieve.

This insecurity manifests in Amanda’s hostility. She frequently glares at Lynn, speaks to her condescendingly, and questions her capabilities. This behavior reveals Amanda’s fear of being replaced or deemed unworthy in Jigsaw’s eyes. Lynn, in contrast, tries to remain professional, focusing on her task and avoiding unnecessary conflict.

As the story progresses, Amanda’s emotional instability becomes more pronounced. She lashes out at Lynn multiple times, displaying erratic and violent tendencies. She physically threatens Lynn when she believes Lynn is not working fast enough to save Jigsaw. These moments are less about Lynn’s actions and more about Amanda’s internal struggles. Her need to control the situation stems from her desperation to maintain Jigsaw’s approval.

Lynn, meanwhile, begins to see cracks in Amanda’s façade. Despite her fear, she starts to realize that Amanda’s aggression is rooted in insecurity rather than pure malice. This understanding, however, doesn’t make their interactions any less dangerous. Amanda’s unpredictability keeps Lynn on edge throughout.

One of the most significant moments between Amanda and Lynn occurs during their heated confrontation near the climax of the film. Amanda, overwhelmed by jealousy and self-doubt, accuses Lynn of not valuing her life and insinuates that she doesn’t deserve to live. This outburst is deeply personal, revealing Amanda’s own struggles with self-worth and her belief that she, too, is undeserving of redemption. Lynn, surprisingly, responds with empathy. She tries to appeal to Amanda’s humanity, expressing her desire to survive for the sake of her family. This moment highlights a stark contrast between the two women: Lynn’s will to live versus Amanda’s nihilistic outlook. It’s a brief but poignant exchange that underscores their shared vulnerability, even as they remain adversaries.

The culmination of their relationship occurs when Amanda shoots Lynn, a decision driven by Amanda’s jealousy and emotional unraveling. This act is the ultimate expression of Amanda’s inability to reconcile her insecurities with Jigsaw’s philosophy. By killing Lynn, she directly defies Jigsaw’s principles, proving that she has not truly embraced his ideology.


Shotgunshipping often explores themes of manipulation, codependency, and survival. Fans enjoy delving into the contrast between Amanda's ruthless, sadistic tendencies and Lynn's compassionate, yet captive nature. The ship is also frequently depicted as a dark and twisted romance, with Amanda's intense, obsessive feelings for Lynn often taking center stage.


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