Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 77

Silvisper is the het ship between Silver the Hedgehog and Whisper the Wolf from the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom.


Silver had been a big fan of Whisper, who was back known as the "Guardian Angel of the Battlefield" and aided the Resistance and saved the life of Silver many times, all while keeping her identity hidden. Coincidentally, a month after the war, Sonic and Silver infiltrated the same Eggman base Whisper was dealing with, leading to Silver's meeting of a revealed Whisper (and his over-excitement). When Whisper, during her stand with the Badniks, crashed and got herself trapped in the rubble, becoming helpless, Silver destroyed the remaining Badniks and freed her, thus saving her life. He then offered Whisper the delight of joining her team, in which she partially accepts.


Silver's status as a fan of Whisper and their major interaction in issue 8 of IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog quickly inspired a romantic pairing of them, which currently stands as the most popular Whisper ship, but very less popular than other Silver ships.



Silvisper tag on DeviantArt



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Sonic the Hedgehog ShipsSonic the Hedgehog Characters
SHIPS het BartoniaBuntoineChaffronChareamEspadeEspicoleEspikalEspioniaInfinisperJetaveJuleenaKhanallyKnuxamyKnuxaraKnuxerciKnuxikalKnuxoniaKnuxougeKnuxulieManamyManinaMarinicMinashSallailsScourgionaShadallyShadamyShadariaShadarineShadazeShadDashShadikalShadoniaShadougeShadsticksSilvamySilvazeSilvisperSonallySonamySonazeSonDashSoneachSoneenaSoneezieSoneliseSonerciSonicksSonikalSonicLumineSonionaSonisperSonminaSonougeTailamyTailarbyTailazeTailerciTailinaTailionaTailougeTailrineTailscoTailseyTailsmoTaireamVectamyVectilla
slash EspilverKnuxadowManourgeMephadowMephilverMonoSonicShadfiniteShadilverShadpioSonadowSonectorSoneggmanSonilverSonKaiSonMarioSontailsSonucklesVecpio
femslash AmooeyAmreamBlazamyBlazeamBunallyFionicMareamPeachamyPercamyRougamyRoupazSalamySallicoleSticmySurgamySurgazeTangazeWhispangle
non-binary MetadowMetailsMetamyMetonicRookiniteShadomegaShardicoleTikaos
poly SconadilverSonadilverSonSalAmy
family EggSageSonic UndergroundVanilleam
friend Diamond CuttersShadeamSoneamTeam ChaotixTeam DarkTeam RoseTeam Sonic
cargo KnuxmeraldSonChili
CHARACTERS male Espio the ChameleonKnuckles the EchidnaManic the HedgehogMiles "Tails" ProwerShadow the HedgehogSilver the HedgehogSonic the HedgehogVector the Crocodile
female Amy RoseBlaze the CatCream the RabbitRouge the BatSally AcornSonia the HedgehogTikalWhisper the Wolf