Shipping Wiki

“Wow, she's pretty! So…elegant! So refined! Like a real-life princess!”
— Dia, mentally describing Platinum

SinnohShipping is the het ship between Lucas and Dawn from the Pokémon fandom.


Pokémon DP/BDSP video games[]

Their first meeting is when the player observes Professor Rowan and his assistant (depending on the gender the player chooses, the professor's assistant will be the gender that was not chosen) looking out towards Lake Verity from a distance.

Afterwards, the professor and his assistant leave the lake to go to the laboratory, and the assistant apologizes to the player because they must go. Later, the player and Barry are attacked by Starlys and are forced to use the Pokémon in the professor's suitcase to defend themselves. Once the fight is over, the assistant returns to the lake to find the professor's lost suitcase. Once he understands that the player and the rival have used the Pokémon contained in the case, he is afraid that the professor will be angry, then he retrieves the case containing the Pokémon and heads back to Route 201.

Just after the player and the rival return to Route 201, the professor and his assistant were waiting for them, then once the professor analyzed the player and his rival but also the Pokémon they took. He decides to leave, then the assistant advises the player and the rival to join them in the laboratory.

When the player first arrives in Sandgem Town, the assistant was waiting for him personally to introduce him to the professor's laboratory. Once they enter the lab together, the player receives his Pokémon and Pokédex from the professor, and the assistant expresses his relief that the player is a person who is kind towards Pokémon.

As soon as you leave the lab, the assistant is waiting for you at the door and guides you through the city. Once he introduces you to the whole city, he advises you to go and say goodbye to your mother, as you are about to make a big trip. Once you say goodbye to your mother and go to Route 202, the assistant is waiting for you again, but this time to teach you how to catch Pokémon. Once he has taught you, he gives you pokéballs and goes to Jubilife City.

The first time you arrive in Jubilife City, the assistant will come and ask you how many pokemons you've caught but will also tell you where the trainer's school is so you can learn some tips. When you return to Jubilife City after earning your first badge, you will see Professor Rowan with the assistant "chatting" with members of Team Galactic. The player and the assistant will fight together to defeat these members who want to get the data from Professor Rowan.

When you arrive at Route 206, you will briefly see the assistant who will ask you where you are on your Pokédex and give you two gadgets. One that will allow you to confront some trainers again, the other that will give you a new function for your watch.

In front of Veilstone City’s Gym, you will again see the assistant who will ask you once again where you are on your Pokédex. Once you have obtained your badge, the assistant will ask for your help to fight members of the galactic team who would have stolen his pokédex. Before the battle, the assistant will tell you.

Mars and Fortuneshipping

"You and your Pokémon together with me and my Pokémon...United like this, our dream team has no chance of losing!"

You will find the assistant and the professor in the Canalave Library, but you will not interact with them. Nevertheless, when you have to save the assistant at the Lake Verity who got beaten by Mars, the latter will say to you before the fight:

"So, what is it? Are you some lovey-dovey couple to the rescue?"

Finally at the top of Mt. Coronet, after the player has faced Dialga or Palkia, the assistant will be glad to see the player safe, and will take him out of Mt.Coronet

Pokémon Platinum video game[]

Indeed, Pokémon Platinum is quite different from Pokémon DP or BDSP. It adds a lot to the Diamond and Pearl versions, including the Battle Frontier.

However, not many changes in the interactions between Lucas and Dawn. Except, that they bump into each other halfway through their journeys at Route 201.

Once the player unlocks the the Resort Area, they can own a villa and add furniture to it, overtime. But, if you control Lucas as the player while the professor's assistant is Dawn. Once you have bought several pieces of furniture, Dawn will say:

"Sigh...To be with that special someone in a wonderful villa like this...I think it's a nice dream to have".

Pokémon Adventures: DPPt manga[]

In the main series manga adaptation, Dawn's counterpart is Platinum Berlitz, the rich and sheltered heiress of the Berlitz Family who made it her mission to climb Mt. Coronet with her two "bodyguards" to gather materials to make her own version of the family brooch. Because of Diamond (Lucas's manga counterpart) and Pearl (Barry's manga counterpart) accidentally bumping into Paka and Uji, the two parties' important letters were mixed up after they get up and part ways. As a result, Paka and Uji ended up with Dia and Pearl's passes to the stand-up comedy night being held at Jubilife City, whereas the two budding comedians end up with a letter with the instructions to become Platinum's bodyguards throughout her journey.

PokéSpe manga- FortuneShipping first meeting

Diamond seeing Platinum for the first time

After becoming Platinum's unofficial bodyguards (much to the trio's ignorance), Dia first lays eyes on Lady (one of Platinum's many aliases) as she approaches them, with the background turning into a soft aesthetic as he stares at her in silent awe. Notably, with Dia mentally describing her akin to that of a princess.

Though, not getting along at first (specially on Pearl's part towards Lady), Dia mostly tries to make them all to get along while they press on with their journey. After Lady eventually softens up and sheds her icy exterior, she starts getting along with the two rookie comedians, and develops a strong bond with them. While Dia's crush on her is barely taken note on, his feelings for her still harbor throughout the series as the three remain close friends.


SinnohShipping is a very popular Pokémon ship, especially in Pokemon DPPt and BDSP. At the beginning of the game, the assistant will act as a "mentor" to the player by teaching him/her several tricks. But the further the player progresses in the game, the more the assistant understands that he is a trustworthy person, this is shown when the assistant asks the player for help in Jubilife City. Then once the player becomes the champion of the region, the roles are reversed, and the assistant almost takes us as his "mentor". This is shown in BDSP, when you come back to the professor's lab in Sandgem Town after becoming champion, the assistant asks you to teach him a little more about Pokémon battles. Moreover, as they are the protagonists of DPt and BDSP and have total confidence in each other, makes fans feel that there could possibly be something between them.



Lucas/Dawn tag on AO3
Lucas/Dawn tag on


FortuneShipping tag on DeviantArt
CommonerShipping tag on DeviantArt


FortuneShipping posts on Tumblr
CommonerShipping tag on Tumblr


Lucas/Dawn on


  • For some unknown reason, in the BDSP games but English version, Mars doesn't talk about couple when the player comes to save the assistant. Nevertheless, in almost all other languages like French or Japanese, Mars says the same thing as in DPt where she compares the player to a "hero" who comes to save his/her beloved.

