- “I'll really miss my boyfriend, Keith.”
- — Sky
Skeith is the het ship between Sky and Keith in the Total Drama fandom.
Little to nothing is known about Sky and Keith's relationship other than the fact that Sky was dating him before going on Total Drama. Keith was in the room, while Sky recorded her audition tape and she brought up how she'd miss him when she's away. However, Sky did have the intent of breaking up with Keith for unknown reasons. She initially planned on dumping him before going on the show but she ran out of time. This made things very difficult for her, when she fell in love with Dave and had to fight her feelings for him when she was still technically in a relationship with Keith. It can be assumed that right now, Sky and Keith are broken up although this hasn't been 100% confirmed yet.
Total Drama Pahkitew Island[]
Dave awkwardly tells Sky "I like you.", which makes her feel a little uncomfortable. Sky tells Dave "I like you too, but-" and gets cut off by Dave before she can finish her sentence. Dave tells Sky that he doesn't want to hear the "but" so that he can live in denial for a while. As would be revealed later, if Dave did let her finish, she would have said "I like you too, but I have a boyfriend." This demonstrates that Sky was struggling to remain faithful to her boyfriend and fight her feelings for Dave.
Chris showed Dave Sky's audition tape, where she reveals having a boyfriend. Dave is absolutely shocked and horrified to hear that Sky had a boyfriend, when he was chasing her all this time. To rub it in even worse, Chris kept replaying the part where Sky mentioned "my boyfriend Keith" to the point where that line was ringing in Dave's ears. Dave flipped his lid and lashed out at Sky, telling her that he hated her now because she dared to have a life of her own before meeting him. Sky snapped back at him and told him that she was going to tell him this earlier but he didn't want to hear the "but" so he kind of brought this upon himself. Dave swore vengeance on Sky for having a boyfriend and made sure he would turn her final challenge into an absolute nightmare.
Sky explained in the confessional that she meant to break up with Keith before she went on the show but she ran out of time. She also stated that the only reason she mentioned Keith in the audition tape was because he was in the room at the time and she kind of felt obligated to give him a mention. Although the reason why she planned to dump him was never explained, it's likely she might have wanted to do this just in case she met any new guys on the island. Because she was still technically dating him, she had no choice but to avoid falling in love.
With all of this out of the bottle, it can be assumed that Sky and Keith are no longer together, especially if we take into consideration that Keith was watching the show.
Although Keith never appeared on screen in the show, many fans have expressed a desire to see Keith so that his relationship with Sky could be expanded on. Many fans were also disappointed when Keith and Sky supposedly broke up in the show, even if Sky didn't have enough time to properly dump him. Although Keith is an enigma, many have assumed that however he acts, he can't be any worse than Dave. Backlash against the canon rival ship, Skave, has led to many preferring this over it, even though very little is even known about it. Other rival ships include Skella and Shy.
- AO3
- Sky X Keith tag on AO3
- Skeith story on Reddit