Squid Game ships. This page is for ships with a lack of content, or for ships with minimal interactions. Please add as much content as you can to the sections below. Once a ship meets the requirements, you are welcome to create a page.
The current requirements for ship pages are:
- 20 sentences split between the canon and fanon sections, with content in both sections.
- One minimum link under the fandom section (e.g. AO3 tags, Tumblr links)
Please refrain from adding more than five images to a ship section, and refrain from adding any fan art. If you're unsure if a ship meets the requirements for a page, discuss with a member of our admin team.
429 • 606 • 062Hun • AliJang • Ali×Marbles • AliWife • Ali's Family • Daegyu • Daeggyi • DaeHee • Daeseok • DocSu • EulJu • EunHun • Eulseok • Frontman×Whiskey • Frontsales • FrontSalesHun • Gahun • GeumSik • GiEul • Gi-Nam • Gi-hun×Chocolate Milk • GyeongMin • GyeongYeon • Hwang Bros • Hwang Sandwich • HyuHun • HyunBong • HyunByeok • HyunHo • HyunJun • HyunSales • HyunWoo • Il-nam Dad Theory • InhoWife • JeongWoo • Jiyoung • Ji-yeong×Marbles • JunByeok • JunDae • JunEul • JungDae • Junghun • JunMi • JunMina • Junnos • JunSeok • Kimho • Kimhun • KimJun • MaskedGihun • MiJun • Mi-na&Bee • Mi-nyeo×Cigarettes • MyungWoo • Namsu • Nam-gyu×Drugs • Red Flag Magnet • Sae-byeok×Knife • SaeCheol • SaeHee • Salesmi • SalesWoo • Sanginho • Sanginhun • Semju • Se-mi×Fork • Se-mi×Glass • SemiByeok • Semina • SemiYoung • Seon-nyeo's Cult • Thanos Team • Team Four • Thanhun • Thanos×Fork • TriangleCircleSquare • Woo-Ho • Woo-Hwang • YeongHee • Yeongmi • Young-mi×Door Navigation |
429 is the slash ship between Choi "Thanos" Su-bong and Ali Abdul from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The two are shipped due to their contrasting personalities.
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606 is the slash ship between Cho Sang-woo and Kang Dae-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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SPOILER WARNING! This article contains spoilers from Season 1 |
- I promise, okay? There's no option left here. I teach Math at a high school. And I can run too. Soccer every day. Everyone was asking, but I held out so you and I could win. 'Cause you and me would be great together.
- —Player 062 to Gi-hun when convincing him to team up for Marbles in "Gganbu"
062Hun is the slash ship between Player 062 and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
Player 062 and Gi-hun don't interact a lot during the games, and the times they do are for a short time. The two met each other during the killing game and interact for the first time during Marbles game when players are tasked to get themselves a teammate.
Player 062 says he is fit as he's a math teacher and plays football while talking to Gi-hun about how there is no one better to find. He also mentions that he has declined other players as he immediately chose Gi-hun because they would be a cool team. Gi-hun answers that they don't know what the next game will be and is not sure on whether to play with him, to which Player 062 says that if a player will end up without a partner, they might automatically lose the game. He then makes a comment about Player 001, Oh Il-nam, that he might be the odd one out and extends his hand as an invitation for Gi-hun to be his partner. However, Gi-hun choses Oh Il-nam as his partner while Player 062, after being rejected by Gi-hun, choses Player 130. They both survive the game.
Then in the next game, Glass Stepping Stones, Gi-hun watches as Player 062 impressively manages to step on three correct tiles, until he steps on wrong one and falls to his inevitable death.
This rarepair stems from Player 062 words on how he immediately chose Gi-hun as his partner for Marbles and declined all other players, even though they didn't know each other at all. While others just assumed that he only said allat to Gi-hun because he probably didn’t have luck on finding a partner for the game sooner.
The ship currently only has two fanfictions under the platonic tag on AO3.
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- Player 062 & Seong Gihun tag on AO3
AliJang is the slash ship between Ali Abdul and Jang Deok-su from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
Ali×Marbles is the cargo ship between Ali Abdul and Marbles from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
AliWife is the het ship between Ali Abdul and Ali Abdul's wife from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
- Ali Abdul/Ali Abdul's Wife tag on AO3
- Ali Abdul & Ali Abdul's Wife tag on AO3
Ali's Family[]
Ali's Family is the family ship between Ali Abdul, Ali Abdul's wife and Ali Abdul's Kid from the Squid Game fandom.
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Daegyu is the slash ship between Kang Dae-ho and Nam-gyu from the Squid Game fandom.
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Daeggyi is the slash ship between Kang Dae-ho and Lee Myung-gi from the Squid Game fandom.
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Dae-ho with Jung-bae and In-ho enter the bathroom right as Thanos has pushed Myung-gi to a wall by his neck. Seeing In-ho, Thanos stops what he was doing and leaves, with Nam-gyu and Gyeong-su following. After they leave, Jung-bae asks if that group, referring to them as assholes, were still bothering him and Dae-ho comes up to Myung-gi saying he can always ask for their help. To that, Myung-gi declines, saying everything's fine and leaves.
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DaeHee is the het ship between Kang Dae-ho and Kim Jun-hee from the Squid Game fandom.
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The two met each other during the killing game and interact for the first time during the Six-Legged Pentathlon game when players are tasked to make up teams of 5. Dae-ho was tasked to bring a player to finish their team and brings a former marine, but are interrupted when Jun-hee comes up and asks for their help.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Fans think that the two would be cute together.
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Daeseok is the slash ship between Kang Dae-ho and Park Gyeong-seok from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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DocSu is the slash ship between Jang Deok-su and Byeong-gi from the Squid Game fandom.
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The two met each other during the killing game and interact for the first time before lights go out.
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EulJu is the femslash ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Kang No-eul from the Squid Game fandom.
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- Both have served in the army
- Hyun-ju as a Sergeant and No-eul as a soldier.
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The two are shipped mostly because both have experiences being in the army, Hyun-ju as a Sergeant and No-eul as a soldier.
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EunHun is the het ship between Kang Eun-ji and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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Frontsales is the cargo ship between Hwang In-ho and Whiskey from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The Front Man, or Hwang In-ho, likes to drink whiskey as he's shown to do so various times throughtout the show.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. In-ho is usually written to like drinking whiskey in fanfiction works and his scenes of drinking it are usually used in edits of him. However, in some other works In-ho uses the whiskey in interesting situations inappropriately. <- That's the most amount of description this is getting.
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Frontsales is the slash ship between Hwang In-ho and The Salesman from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
- Hwang Inho/The Salesman tag on AO3
FrontSalesHun is the poly ship between Hwang In-ho, The Salesman and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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- FrontSalesHun posts on TikTok
- All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.
The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
Gahun is the family ship between Seong Ga-yeong and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
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Season 1[]
Season 2[]
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GeumSik is the family ship between Jang Geum-ja and Park Yong-sik from the Squid Game fandom.
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Gi-Nam is the het between Kang No-eul and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
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Gi-Nam is the friendship between Seong Gi-hun and Oh Il-nam from the Squid Game fandom.
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The two met each other at the killing game and interact for the first time in the dorms before the first game.
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Some fans were unsatisfied with the plot twist of Il-nam being one of the creator of these cruel games and wished he stayed as a normal old grandpa, as in their opinions it undermines their relationship and all the scenes between them in the games were for nothing.
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Gi-hun×Chocolate Milk[]
Gi-hun×Chocolate Milk is the cargo ship between Seong Gi-hun and Chocolate Milk from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. When biscuits and milk were given out Gi-hun asks the guard whether they have chocolate milk instead, as he mentions that he can't digest plain milk.
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GyeongMin is the slash ship between Gyeong-su and Park Min-su from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The two met each other during the killing game and interact for the first time during the Six-Legged Pentathlon game when players are tasked to make up teams of 5.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
- Gyeongsu/Park Minsu tag on AO3
- GyeongMin posts on TikTok
GyeongYeon is the family ship between Park Gyeong-seok and Park Na-yeon from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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Hwang Bros[]
Hwang Bros is the family ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Hwang In-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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Season 1[]
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Hwang Sandwich[]
Hwang Sandwich is the poly ship between Hwang In-ho, Seong Gi-hun and Hwang Jun-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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HyuHun is the het ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
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The two met each other during the killing game.
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- Hyun-ju & Gi-hun tag on AO3
HyunBong is the het ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Choi “Thanos” Su-bong from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The two were not shown to have interactions with each other.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
- Cho Hyunju/Thanos tag on AO3
HyunByeok is the femslash ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Kang Sae-byeok from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
HyunHo is the het ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Cho Hyun-ju from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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HyunJun is the femslash ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Kim Jun-hee from the Squid Game fandom.
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The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
HyunSales is the het ship between Cho Hyun-ju and The Salesman from the Squid Game fandom.
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HyunWoo is the het ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Cho Sang-woo from the Squid Game fandom.
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Il-nam Dad Theory[]
Il-nam Dad Theory is the family ship between Hwang Jun-ho, Hwang In-ho and Oh Il-nam from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. This is a theory which states that Il-nam might be In-ho's father, so he might as well be Jun-ho's father. There are also variations with this theory where Il-nam is only In-ho's father and Il-nam is only Jun-ho's father. This is all based on Il-nam's words about his son not liking milk, and In-ho has stated that he doesn't like milk when offering his to Jun-hee.
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InhoWife is the het ship between Hwang In-ho and Hwang In-ho's Wife from the Squid Game fandom.
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JeongWoo is the slash ship between Kim Joeng-rae and Choi Woo-soek from the Squid Game fandom.
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Jiyoung is the femslash ship between Ji-yeong and Kim Young-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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Ji-yeong×Marbles is the cargo ship between Ji-yeong and Marbles from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Ji-yeong lost in the Marbles.
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JunByeok is the het ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Kang Sae-byeok from the Squid Game fandom.
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JunDae is the slash ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Kang Dae-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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- Hwang Junho/Kang Daeho tag on AO3
- JunDae posts on TikTok
- BrightTiger posts on TikTok
JunEul is the het ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Kang No-eul from the Squid Game fandom.
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- Hwang Jun-ho/Kang No-eul tag on AO3
JungDae is the friendship between Kang Dae-ho and Park Jung-bae from the Squid Game fandom.
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Junghun is the slash ship between Seong Gi-hun and Park Jung-bae from the Squid Game fandom.
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- Jung-bae – “Oh no, the marriage had nothing to do with you. The divorce was your fault”
- Gi-hun – “Come on dude, if anything my wife left cuz of you”
- — One More Game
Season 1[]
Gi-hun and Jung-bae are seen gambling together but besides Gi-hun asking if Jung-bae can give him some money to which Jung-bae responds by telling him, he can't at the moment as him and his wife aren't doing so good finically already later Jung-bae's wife tells Gi-hun to leave. After that we don't see the two again, as Gi-hun joins the games back.
Season 2[]
After three years the two coincidentally met again on the 34th Squid Game.
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Promotional Material[]
Season 2[]
JunMi is the femslash ship between Kim Jun-hee and Se-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The two were not shown to have interactions with each other.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. This ship is seen to be the Nana of the fandom, as the two are usually compared to the main characters from the anime.
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- Kim Junhee/Semi tag on AO3
JunMina is the femslash ship between Kim Jun-hee and Kang Mi-na from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The two were not shown to have interactions with each other.
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Junnos is the het ship between Choi "Thanos" Su-bong and Kim Jun-hee from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
- Thanos/Junhee tag on AO3
- Thanos & Junhee tag on AO3
JunSeok is the het ship between Kim Jun-hee and Park Gyeong-seok from the Squid Game fandom.
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The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
Kimhun is the slash ship between Seong Gi-hun and Kim Jeong-rae from the Squid Game fandom.
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The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
Kimho is the slash ship between Kang Dae-ho and Mercenary Kim from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
KimJun is the slash ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Mercenary Kim from the Squid Game fandom.
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The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
MaskedGihun is the slash ship between Seong Gi-hun and Masked Officer from the Squid Game fandom.
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The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. DO NOT HESITATE TO ADD THE PROPER NAME IF AVAILABLE. |
MiJun is the het ship between Hwang Jun-ho and Kang Mi-na from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
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Mi-na×Bee is the friendship between Kang Mi-na and Bee from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Mi-na died in Red Light, Green Light because a bee caused her to move. Initially the insect had stood on her, which made Mi-na uncomfortable as she asks Thanos what she had on herself, and after he mentions the bee, Mi-na inmediately shakes herself, unbeknownst of having broken the main rule of Red Light, Green Light.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. How romantic it is to die because of a bee.
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Mi-nyeo×Cigarettes is the cargo ship between Han Mi-nyeo and Cigarettes from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Mi-nyeo brought cigarettes and a lighter to the killing games through interesting means, and was shown to smoke in the bathroom.
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MyungWoo is the slash ship between Cho Sang-woo and Lee Myung-gi from the Squid Game fandom.
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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.
Namsu is the slash ship between Nam-gyu and Park Min-su from the Squid Game fandom.
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Nam-gyu×Drugs is the cargo ship between Nam-gyu and Drugs from the Squid Game fandom.
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Nam-gyu throughout the killing game takes drugs with Thanos. While meeting Thanos, he also mentions having injected himself when he asks the other man for the drug pills, showing his swollen cubital fossa. During the Six-Legged Pentathlon game, in a conversation between Nam-gyu and Thanos, the former was asking for drug pills because he was nervous and has convinced the latter by reminding him of his former experience. The next day, Nam-gyu takes some more pills in Thanos' bed with him. After Thanos was killed, Nam-gyu took his cross necklace with the pills and the next day ate two pills as he sat on his friends bed.
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Red Flag Magnet[]
Red Flag Magnet is the poly ship between Seong Gi-hun, Cho Sang-woo, Hwang In-ho and The Salesman from the Squid Game fandom.
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After 457's rise to popularity many fans started to bring up Gi-hun's other popular Gi-hun ships specifically Sangihun and SalesHun were brought up because of the 3 ships sharing an "toxic" factor to their dynamic and many shippers find all three of these man all being interested in Gi-hun to be funny. Eventually when people add Jun-ho and/or Jung-bae into this Gi-hun Polycule it sparked the Gihun's Harem ship.
Just like with Gihun's Harem many shippers love it for the jealous/possessive suitors aspect of it.
Animation videos like this are a good example of what ship's content is usually like. It's extremely popular with fanart and memes.
The name for the ship mainly stems from fans addressing the ship as "Gi-hun being a magnet to psychos" or "Gi-hun got all these Red Flags all over him" or “Gi-Hun is a magnet for red flags”.
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- Red Flag Magnet posts on Tumblr
- Gihun's Harem tag on Tumblr
- Gihun's Harem posts on Tumblr
- Red Flag Magnet posts on Twitter
- Red Flag Magnet posts on Twitter
- Red Flag Magnet posts on Twitter
- Red Flag Magnet posts on Twitter
- Red Flag Magnet posts on Twitter
- Red Flag Magnet posts on Twitter
- Template:Twitter/Tag
- Gihun's Harem posts on Twitter
- Red Flag Magne posts on TikTok
- Gihun's Harem tag on TikTok
- Gihun's Harem posts on TikTok
- All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.
Sae-byeok×Glass is the cargo ship between Kang Sae-byeok and Glass from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. After Sae-byeok, Gi-hun and Sang-woo succesfully crossed the glass bridge in the Glass Stepping Stones game, all the remaining glass exploded and Sae-byeok got injured significantly by one of the glass shards. Although it wasn't the finishing blow, glass was one of the main reasons for her passing, as Sae-byeok ultimately died due to blood loss.
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Sae-byeok×Knife is the cargo ship between Kang Sae-byeok and Knife from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Sae-byeok was killed by Sang-woo using a knife that was given during dinner, having done this in order to put an end to Sae-byeok's suffering as she was previously injured by a glass shard that struck her abdomen, ultimately suffering blood loss.
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SaeCheol is the family ship between Kang Sae-byeok and Kang Cheol from the Squid Game fandom.
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SaeHee is the femslash ship between Kim Jun-hee and Kang Sae-byeok from the Squid Game fandom.
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Salesmi is the slash ship between Park Min-su and The Salesman from the Squid Game fandom.
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- Park Minsu/The Salesman tag on AO3
- Salesmi posts on TikTok
- Salesman x Minsu posts on TikTok
SalesWoo is the slash ship between Cho Sang-woo and The Salesman from the Squid Game fandom.
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- Cho Sangwoo/The Salesman tag on AO3
- Salesman x Sangwoo posts on TikTok
Sanginho is the slash ship between Cho Sang-woo and Hwang In-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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During Gi-hun's nightmare, after he opens the door outside his hotel room, he sees the Front Man holding and showing Sang-woo and Sae-byeok's decapited heads to the 456 player, while he asks, "Looking for these?"
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- Cho Sangwoo/Hwang Ingo tag on AO3
Sanginhun is the poly ship between Seong Gi-hun, Cho Sang-woo and Hwang In-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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Semju is the femslash ship between Cho Hyun-ju and Se-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
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Se-mi×Fork is the cargo ship between Se-mi and Fork from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Se-mi was killed by Nam-gyu using a fork, being repeatedly stabbed in the neck.
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Se-mi×Glass is the cargo ship between Se-mi and Glass from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. During the special game when Se-mi was cornered by Nam-gyu, Min-su dropped a glass bottle and it shattered upon meeting the floor. Nam-gyu looked to where the bottle came from and taking her chance, Se-mi took the glass shards and attempted to attack him.
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SemiByeok is the femslash ship between Se-mi and Kang Sae-byeok from the Squid Game fandom.
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Semina is the femslash ship between Kang Mi-na and Se-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
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Mi-na is introduced in the third episode of the show, and doesn't appear afterwards, given that she was the first player to be killed during Red Light Green Light. She is shown to be very feminine and an "It girl". She didn't show to reciprocate Thanos' feelings when he flirted with her.
Se-mi is introduced in episode 4, an episode later. Thanos approaches her similarly to how he approached Mi-na,but similarly to her, she also lacked an interest in his romantic approaches.
- The ship name Semina sounds like the word "Seeds" in Russian.
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Although the pair never meets, it is a slightly popular ship within the fandom. Given that many people headcanon Se-mi as being a girl kisser. Many people also like it given Se-mi's and Mi-na's lack of interest in Thanos when he flirted with them.
The ship's main rivals are Thanos x Mi-na and Se-mi x Min-su.
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- Kang Mina/Semi tag on AO3
SemiYoung is the femslash ship between Se-mi and Kim Young-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
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Seon-nyeo's Cult[]
Seon-nyeo's Cult is the family between Seon-nyeo, Park Mi-hwa and Shin Do-nam from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. The three met each other during the killing games and interact for the first time during Mingle. After Seon-nyeo was left alone during the 2nd round, she teamed up with Park Mi-hwa and Shin Do-nam. In the last round when 2 players are needed, her and Park Mi-hwa formed a pair. The three could be seen together after Mingle when Seon-nyeo put a curse on Hyun-ju's team. Seon-nyeo also managed to get Park Mi-hwa to change her vote for "O".
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Team 4[]
Team 4 is the friend ship between Seong Gi-hun, Cho Sang-woo, Ali Abdul and Kang Sae-byeok from the Squid Game fandom.
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Team Four[]
Team Four is the friend ship between Seong Gi-hun, Cho Sang-woo, Ali Abdul, Oh Il-nam, Kang Sae-byeok, Ji-yeong, Han Mi-nyeo and Player 276 from the Squid Game fandom.
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Thanhun is the slash ship between Choi "Thanos" Su-bong and Seong Gi-hun from the Squid Game fandom.
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- The ship name StrawberryGrape refers to their hair colours, as Gi-hun has dyed his hair red before and Thanos' hair is purple
- Same applies for their emoji combos
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Thanos×Fork is the cargo ship between Choi "Thanos" Su-bong and Fork from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Thanos was killed by Myung-gi using a fork in the bathrooms by thrusting it under his chin several times.
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Very popular joke/crackship in the fanbase, it has the most content on TikTok. Common portrayals of the ship is usually the typical romantically involved with a item gap with Thanos looking all blushy with the fork like a cheesy gacha life couple, also commonly made in gacha life. Usually the fork is drawn with the Roblox man face onto it as well.
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- During the release of S2 the official Netflix Twitter account changed its bio to simply just say "fork".
Thanos Team[]
Thanos Team is the friendship between Choi Su-bong, Gyeong-su, Nam-gyu, Park Min-su and Se-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
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TriangleCircleSquare is the poly ship between Triangle Guard, a Circle Guard, and a Square Guard from the Squid Game fandom.
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Most of any ship content between the guards is usually from content farm channels that focus on the guards to applies to kids for money. But occasionally there are works that does geuinelly ship it, usually animations can be found. It can also be found in OC work where fans make their own Squid Guard ocs.
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Woo-Ho is the slash ship between Choi Woo-seok and Hwang Jun-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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Woo-Hwang is the slash ship between Cho Sang-woo and Hwang Jun-ho from the Squid Game fandom.
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YeongHee is the femslash ship between Ji-yeong and Kim Jun-hee from the Squid Game fandom.
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Yeongmi is the femslash ship between Ji-yeong and Se-mi from the Squid Game fandom.
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Young-mi×Door is the cargo ship between Kim Young-mi and Door from the Squid Game fandom.
This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. During Mingle, after Young-mi was fell and didn't make it into the room in time, she collapsed against the door as she was shot.
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Squid Game Ships • Squid Game Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | 555 • 07069 • DaeJu • ForkBee • Eulseok • Hyunseok • HyunSik • NyeoSu • Semigyu • Seminsu • Thanmi |
slash | 457 • 324250 • Alihun • Aliwoo • DaeHun • Juncruiter • JunHun • SalesHun • Sangihun • ShyPills • Thanggi • Thangyu | |
femslash | Hyunmi • HyunNyeo • Jibyeok | |
poly | Gihun's Harem | |
friendship | Gi-hun's Team • SaeHun | |
cargo | Gi-hun x Umbrella • The Salesman x Gun | |
CHARACTERS | female | Cho Hyun-ju |
male | Seong Gi-hun • Thanos |