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“The price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.”
— Steve[1]

Steve Rogers is a principal character from the Marvel and Marvel Cinematic Universe fandoms.


Steve is a genetically enhanced super-soldier who fought in the World War II, brought to the present day after being resurrected from ice.


Steve Rogers' father died when he was a child, and his mother died of pneumonia when he was in his late teens.


Avengers - Steve Rogers Skinny (Captain America The First Avenger)

Steve Rogers before Project: Rebirth

Steve Rogers was born a sickly and frail child and was often attacked by bullies. His father died in combat during World War I, and his mother succumbed to tuberculosis, forcing Steve into an orphanage. Despite his weak form, his resistance to the bullies who fought him impressed Bucky Barnes, who came to his aid to fight them off. The two quickly became friends.

Avengers - Steve Rogers (Captain America The First Avenger)

Steve Rogers after the Super-Soldier Serum

After realizing his aptitude for art, Steve and Bucky enrolled in an art class. Years later, they learned that the U.S. had entered World War II, and Bucky began training Steve in boxing, with Steve's desire to be recruited in mind. Despite his best efforts, Steve was rejected due to his many ailments and his noticeably small frame. After overhearing Steve and Bucky's conversation, scientist Abraham Erskine admired his spirit and enrolled him as a candidate for Project: Rebirth.

Steve was subjected to military training, and after throwing himself over a dud grenade (which he believed to be live), he was selected for his bravery and camaraderie towards the enemy. Steve was successfully injected with the Super-Soldier Serum (SSS), which enhanced almost every function of his body to the absolute peak of human ability.

Erskine, however, was killed by a HYDRA spy shortly after Steve's transformation, and Steve was denied entry into the army. Instead, he began performing for the USO, touring the country as a costumed Captain America.

After single-handedly rescuing hundreds of POWs from a HYDRA weapons facility, Steve was given command of a special unit called the Howling Commandos and sent to destroy HYDRA facilities across Europe. On his final mission, Steve crashed a HYDRA plane full of bombs into the Arctic, sacrificing his own life to prevent HYDRA from destroying the world.

Because of the serum, Steve did not die, but entered a state of cryostasis. He remained there for seventy years until scientists exploring the Arctic discovered the plane and his body inside. He was thawed from the ice and sent out into the world. He joined the Avengers and fought alongside his teammates for several years.

The Avengers split over the Sokovia Accords, and after a battle with Tony Stark, Steve gave up being Captain America and was forced to go on the run from the United Nations.



Captain Hill — the ship between Steve and Maria Hill
Romanogers — the ship between Steve and Natasha Romanoff
Scarlet America — the ship between Steve and Wanda Maximoff
Shield Shock — the ship between Steve and Darcy Lewis
Staron — the ship between Steve and Sharon Carter
Steggy — the ship between Steve and Peggy Carter
Warshield — the ship between Steve and Sif
Wondercap — the ship between Steve and Diana of Themyscira


Amerihawk — the ship between Steve and Clint Barton
Capsicoul — the ship between Steve and Phil Coulson
Captain Panther — the ship between Steve and T'Challa
Golden Boys — the ship between Steve and Clark Kent
SamSteve — the ship between Steve and Sam Wilson
ShieldAnt — the ship between Steve and Scott Lang
Spangled Banner — the ship between Steve and Bruce Banner
Stony — the ship between Steve and Tony Stark
Stoward — the ship between Steve and Howard Stark
Stucky — the ship between Steve and Bucky Barnes
ThunderShield — the ship between Steve and Thor Odinson


Frostshield — the ship between Steve and Loki


Pepperstony — the ship between Steve, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
RogerWinterBones — the ship between Steve, Bucky Barnes and Brock Rumlow
SamSteveBucky — the ship between Steve, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes
SamSteveSharon — the ship between Steve, Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter
Stark Spangled Banner — the ship between Steve, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner
Stegginelli — the ship between Steve, Peggy Carter and Angie Martinelli
Stuckony — the ship between Steve, Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark
T'Stony — the ship between Steve, T'Challa and Tony Stark
T'Stuckony — the ship between Steve, T'Challa, Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark
ThunderIronShield — the ship between Steve, Thor Odinson and Tony Stark
WinterShieldShock — the ship between Steve, Bucky Barnes and Darcy Lewis
World War Threesome — the ship between Steve, Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter


Domestic Avengers — the ship between Steve, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton
Superfamily — the ship between Steve, Peter Parker and Tony Stark


Peggy Carter

Main article: Steggy

616: Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers had a brief affair during the war, one of many for him. However, she later moved on and had a relationship with Gabe Jones. Peggy Carter's main purpose in the comics is to give more backstory to Sharon Carter, who was first her younger sister and later her niece.

MCU: Peggy Carter is the only woman seen to develop strong feelings for Steve before he was enhanced with the Super Serum. She and Steve bonded over Steve's good heart, bravery, and morals, as Steve was humble, kind, and a gentleman unlike anyone Peggy had met before, who did not shy away from her shining light as a strong woman.

Sharon Carter

Main article: Staron

616: In the 616, Sharon Carter is the love of Steve Rogers' life and his main love interest throughout the history of his comics. In the main 'verse, they adopted a son, Ian. Who is Zola's biological child. And in an alternate universe, the couple is together and has a child named Eleanor. They are still together as of the most recent run in Captain America [2018].

MCU: Steve meets his neighbor Kate, who he knows is interested in dating him, soon after he wakes up in 2013 when Steve moves into an apartment. In reality, she's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Agent 13, sent to keep an eye on Steve and help him out. They develop feelings for each other, but Steve learns that she's Peggy's great-niece, which makes it difficult for him to deal with his feelings for Sharon (her real name). They finally admit their feelings in 2016 when she helps him and Team Cap evade the authorities and they share their first kiss. It's unknown if they've seen each other in the 2 years since Team Cap went underground.


Bucky Barnes

Main article: Stucky

Tony Stark

Main article: Stony


“Who's ready to help me sock ol' Adolf on the jaw?”
— Steve Rogers[2]
“You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed... walk it off.”
— Steve Rogers[3]
“I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost your best defender. So we're here to fight. If you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.”
— Steve to Secretary Ross[4]
“I'm loyal to nothing, General -- except the Dream.”
— Steve Rogers


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Steve Rogers at Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Steve Rogers on Fanlore





  1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2013)
  2. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  3. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2014)
  4. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


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