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Balloon“It never works! Nobody even cares…”
Suitcase“Well… I care.”
— Inanimate Insanity S2E9, “Rain On Your Charade”

Suitloon is the het ship between Balloon and Suitcase from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


“Marsh on Mars”[]

This is the first episode in which Balloon and Suitcase interact. Balloon asks to help with anything ship Suitcase says that he can help. When Balloon ask if he can help with the rocket ship Baseball says he’s can’t because he might hack it. Suitcase says to give him a second chance and that he’s trying to change.

“Cooking For The Grater Good”[]

When Balloon isn’t given a task to do for the challenge, Suitcase suggests he goes with her to pick up flowers, to which he agrees. When Suitcase starts picking flowers for the pizza, Balloon corrects her, saying that Soap asked for “flower”, not “flowers”. He does not get mad at her for the misunderstanding however.

“Let Er’ R.I.P.”[]

When Balloon and Suitcase notice that they’ll have to go together, with Baseball and Nickel as well, they get very happy. When Nickel starts to tell them scary stories, both of them get afraid of it and run away at the same time, trying to calm down at a different corner of the mansion.

When Knife shows up and Suitcase complains about his behaviour, he says “Don’t trust me? Okay. I’ll leave you alone with the person that was just sooooo trustworthy last season.” (referring to Balloon). That leaves Suitcase questioning Balloon’s intentions. And when she asks him why he was so manipulative back then, he gets sad and tells her that he acted that way because he thought that was how you win in a reality show like this, but it’s not who he really is, and that he had always been paranoid about what others think of him. Hearing this, Suitcase changes her mind about Balloon, telling him that she believes him and promising to always be by his side.

“Everything Is A-OJ”[]

Balloon and Suitcase don’t interact directly in this episode. But when Mephone comes back, Balloon is the first person to complain about Suitcase being unfairly eliminated.

“Rain on Your Charade”


Balloon and Suitcase watching the sunset in S2E09 “Rain On Your Charade”

Suitcase find Balloon on the edge of a cliff, where they watch the sunset together. There, Balloon comments on how they don’t need the approval of others up there. When Suitcase asks him what he means by that, he opens up to her about his feelings regarding the other contestants, specially OJ. He talks about his attempt at apologising to OJ, how he used to feel so dependent on everyone else’s opinions of him, and how he felt like he had to make things right with them because of everything they went through together, and how he didn’t want to “meet new people”, like OJ suggested. He vents about how OJ wouldn’t let him talk and Suitcase tells him that his apology needs to be genuine, not something crafter like he did. When Balloon insists that it wouldn’t work, and that nobody even cares, she tells him that she does care, and that he just needs to believe in what he’s saying. This heartfelt conversation significantly strengthens their already growing bond.

“Mazed and Confused”[]

When Suitcase starts having hallucinations

“Kick The Bucket”[]
“Spring on the Breakfast!”[]
“Truth Or Flare”[]

Taco mentions that Suitcase had become rather friendly with Balloon, despite her alliance being against the idea. She asks Suitcase if the reason she befriended Balloon was to rebel against her alliance, to which she denies, stating that the only reason the two became friends was because Suitcase believed Balloon deserved another chance. The truth detecting platform confirms that statement.

“The Reality of the Situation”[]
“Through No Choice Of Their Own”[]

When the contestants start to group up, Balloon gets nervous and asks where’s Suitcase. When Baseball tells him that she’s doing the final challenge and that he should cheer up because “Next time they see her, they’ll know who won”, Balloon says he “just hopes she’s alright”. Showing how he doesn’t care if she wins or not at this point, he just wants to be sure that she’s okay.

Later in the episode, when Suitcase begins to hallucinate, she sees Balloon, who tells her he was doing just fine without her. When she gets excited to see him, the hallucinations says “Don’t you realize I don’t need you anymore”, showing how Suitcase is insecure that Balloon might leave her now that he’s friends with Nickel, because that would mean he “doesn’t need her anymore”. She then tries to reassure herself by reminding that this is just a hallucination of Balloon, not the real Balloon.


Balloon“Look, I know I was a bit bossy. But I wasn’t evil or anything. Just give me a chance!”
Suitcase“Of course you can help us!”
— S2E02 “Marsh On Mars”
“Baseball, Balloon wants to redeem himself. Just give him a chance, please!”
— Suitcase, defending Balloon in S2E2 “Marsh On Mars”
Balloon“Well, I guess we’ll go together then.”
— S2E06, “Let Er’ R.I.P.”
Balloon“Because… I thought that’s how you win in a reality show like this! It’s not who I really am! I swear! I’ve always been paranoid of what you all think about me, alright?”
Suitcase“I’m sorry… I believe you. Well, I’ll always be by your side!”
— S2E06 “Let Er’ R.I.P.”
Balloon“Suitcase? Uh… Who are you talking to?”
Suitcase“T-that voice! Didn’t you hear that voice?”
Balloon“Um… Not sure what you mean. But I’m glad I found you.”
— S2E10 “Mazed and Confused”
“I’m not ditching anyone.”
— Suitcase, refusing to leave Balloon behind like Nickel suggested in S2E10 “Mazed and Confused”
Suitcase“Hey! I finally found you!”
Balloon“Oh, hey. I’m sorry I snapped back there. Well, actually I’m not! I was totally in the right.”
— S2E10 “Mazed and Confused”
“I always think things over. It’s a weird feeling. Automatically taking all left turns cause Nickel said to. It’s oddly comforting, having a path laid out for me. But also a bit degrading. But I just couldn’t let him ditch you.”
— Suitcase opening up to Balloon about how she feels in S2E10 “Mazed and Confused”
“Ohohoho! Oh Suitcase, that was a good one!”
— Balloon laughing at Suitcase’s attempt at joking, an attempt to lift her spirits in S2E11 “Kick The Bucket”
“Suitcase always tells me to believe in what I say. And you know what? I say that I can do this!”
— Balloon in S2E11 “Kick The Bucket”
Balloon“You were down there for a while… You okay?”
Suitcase“Never better.”
— S2E11 “Kick The Bucket”
“Oh man, Suitcase. I know that vote must have been hard, but you’ve proved your loyalty to the alliance! And well, I can’t hold that against you. Alright, I’d love to stay and chat but I gotta go now bye!!”
— Balloon, making bluff to protect Suitcase in S2E11 “Kick the Bucket”
“Looks like [Balloon voted for himself]! I mean, it’s easy to read how everyone would vote, so he decided to be a good friend instead by putting the blame on himself. And this is what a true ally looks like! But I’m not gonna let him fight my battles for me. I voted for YOU, Nickel! Because you’ve NEVER been a true ally to me!”
— Suitcase standing up for herself and Balloon in S2E11 “Kick The Bucket”
“Thank you.”
— Balloon’s last words to Suitcase during his elimination.


Suitloon is a semi-popular ship in the Inanimate Insanity fandom, due to them quickly becoming friends and having a strong bond with a lot of mutual understanding for each other’s issues. Suitcase was the first person who became willing to give Balloon another chance, and her bond with him was an important step leading to her gaining the courage to confront her alliance. Balloon has also been shown to care deeply for her on multiple occasions, deciding to vote for himself and weakening his chances just so he could protect Suitcase’s relationship with the alliance, and being willing to confront Nickel because of his friendship with her, much like Suitcase did earlier with him.

Suitcase struggles a lot distinguishing what’s real from what’s fake, even before the reveal in “The Reality of The Situation”. When she sees how well Balloon and Nickel were getting along after everything, how quickly they had moved on from what happened in the show while she was still hurt by it, it makes her deeply insecure. It makes her think that maybe now that Balloon has moved on, he won’t need her anymore, and that they won’t be able to share the bond they used to have during the competition. Balloon clearly does not feel the same way, as shown through his actions in the finale and his confirmation in the Hotel OJ Party stream that he thinks their bond goes a lot deeper than that. But now he’ll never get the chance to tell her how he feels.

The ship currently has 27 works on Ao3. It rivals in popularity with Nickloon and Knifecase.


Balloon/Suitcase tag on AO3
Balloon & Suitcase tag on AO3


  • Their emoji combo is 💼🎈
  • When asked who he shipped Suitcase with, the lead writer Brian Koch answered that in his ideal world, she would be with Balloon.[1]
  • Producer Justin Chapman made a tweet saying that Balloon lets Suitcase pretend that his arms are her arms.[2]
  • They are shown looking at each other in the official season 2 teams artwork.
  • On 2020, when the II merch store introduced Double Shirts, aka. Shirts that had some of the most iconic duos of the show on them, Suitcase and Balloon were one of the duos.[3]
  • On the stream “Inanimate Insanity II PRE-FINALE HOTEL OJ PARTY!”:[4]
    • Fan makes the assumption that Balloon is rooting for Suitcase to win the season, given their “close relationship” as he puts it. Balloon confirms that and tells the viewers to get #TEAMSUITCASE trending.
    • Balloon that he had been trying to keep up with Suitcase’s exploits on the show, but that he had no contact with her since his elimination, and that he was really excited to see her again
    • Fan asks Balloon what he wants to say to Suitcase when he sees her again. He says “I want to wish her the best of luck in the finale, of course! I think she can really take it all the way. But uh, yeah I want to let her know also that, you know, we’re still gonna be friends regardless of how she performs in the final episode. I think our friendship goes a lot deeper than that.” Fan then comments that he thinks the two of them had a very special bond that they’ll continue to have regardless of the competition, and that he doesn’t see a reason why that wouldn’t be the case.
    • When Balloon’s session of the stream ends, he signs off saying “I doubt Suitcase is watching right now. I’m sure she’s busy prepping for her finale. But I want everybody out there to cheer Suitcase on! I know she can feel the energy!”
    • At the General QnA part of the stream, when the characters are asked “Who are your favorite friends?”, Balloon says the first person that comes to mind is Suitcase.
  • In the II 2024 holiday merch announcement video, “MERRY COBSMAS! #inanimateinsanity”, when the voice actors roleplay as their characters reacting to the merch, Ben Cross (Balloon’s VA) says “Knife is cool and all, but I was really hoping for- *gasp* SUITCASE!” while reacting to the Knife and Suitcase plushies.[5]




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SHIPS het BasebulbBasecaseCobscaseFanbulbFancaseFantubeGuavfruitKnifebulbKnifecaseLifekettleMarshatinMarshknifeMicroknifeNickboxNickcaseNicloverPepperloonPhonebulbSaltjaySilvercandleSuitloonTackleTacopadYindle
slash BallojBaseknifeBickelBombJayCheesebombCheeseloonFanphoneFloorphoneGlitchy KnifeGooberryKnifephone4SKnickleKnifanMephojNickloonPapercutPayJaySilverberryToipadTrifeTropheesy
femslash ApplebowBoxcaseCabtubeCandlegolfClovertubeLightcaseLuckyfilesMarshbowMarshpleMicbulbSaltpepSoapMicTacocaseTacomicTestbulb
non-binary CabbotCandlebrushFanbrushGoobotKnifeBrushLightbrushMarshbrushPaintJayPaintyangSilverbrushTestbrushTwophone
family MeeplingsShimmer FamilyTestbot
poly FantubebulbMarshapplebowPaySaltJayPoly Bright LightsTestbulbrush
friend Rockbulb
CHARACTERS male BalloonFanKnifeMePhone4OJ
female LightbulbMarshmallowSuitcase Test Tube
neutral Paintbrush