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“Suma! Don't be such a wimp! ”
— Makio to Suma.

Sumakio is the femslash ship between Suma and Makio from the Demon Slayer fandom.


Suma and Makio are both wives of Tengen Uzui. They, along with Hinatsuru were all confirmed missing. Once Tengen makes it to the Entertainment District. Tengen trusts Tanjiro Zenitsu and Inosuke to find his missing wives while he tries to find more info on the upper rank demon. Inosuke soon manages to find a hole that leads to the ground.

He discolates all of his joints so he can fit in the narrow space and he makes it underground. He finds Makio, Suma, Zenitsu, and other individuals trapped inside of Daki's obi. When Inosuke is spotted by the sentient obi, it attacks him but Inosuke manages to hold it off and while he cuts it, he manages to free the people who were trapped inside of it. The obi becomes hesitant on what to do as the Beast Breathing Demon Slayer continues to back it into a corner. Daki requests for it to capture Inosuke alive. She also tells the Obi that it can kill some of the humans but she wants the 10 most beautiful humans to be saved for her to devour. After Daki's order it's suddenly attacked by Inosuke who is unable to slice it. The obi tells him that slashing it is pointless when it isn't even the main body. Inosuke ignores it and prepares to use Beast Breathing: Sixth Fang: Palisidate's Bite on the Obi. The Obi tells Inosuke that humans he rescued are looking awully vulernable. The Obi regenerates from the damage it sustained from Inosuke and tries to take advantage by the attacking the unconscious humans that Inosuke rescued by cutting it. Inosuke tries to stop it but Inosuke is unable to make it in time and it is about to kill the humans

But fortunately, it turns out Inosuke managed to rescue Makio and Suma while he was cutting the Obi. Both of them throw kunai at the Obi which pins it down and prevents it from killing the unconscious humans, saving their lives. Makio complements Inosuke saying that he came up with a great name to call the obi, "wormbelt". Suma agrees and says the name is perfect for something so gross and that's she's so telling on it. And that she can't wait till Uzui finds out about it. The two female Shinobi join the fight. Makio tells Inosuke that they're going to help Inosuke. Inosuke questions who the two are and Suma tells him that they're Tengen wives but also tells him that's she not really a fighter and that they shouldn't rely on her in protecting the people. While Suma continues to doubt herself, she is grabbed from behind by Makio who tells her that it's not the time to act like a wimp. But Suma rebuttals and starts to cry while she tells Makio stuff like she's a good for nothing and that she got captured right away, which only angers Makio.

During their battle with the Obi, Tengen comes in from above and quickly cuts every last piece of the obi left in an instant, saving everyone. Tengen complements his wives and pats both of their heads. This makes Suma cry and Makio look shocked. While Tengen and the others are battling the upper rank Demon, Makio and Suma quickly begins to evacuate other people who live at the Entertainment District. After evacuating everyone they look after Hinatsuru who was wounded during the battle and unconscious.

During the final moments of the battle between Tengen Tanjiro Zenitsu Inosuke Daki and Gyutaro ended and Daki and Gyutaro were both decapitated simultaneously. Suma celebrates and assumes that Hinatsuru is dead so requests her look from beyond as they were victorious in defeating the Demon. Makio becomes shocked and asks Suma if she even has a clue what she's saying and doesn't become pleased with Suma's response and calls her dummy before slapping her in the head. However the city nearly completely destroyed after Gyutaro's body suddenly exploded as multiple blood blades destroyed nearly everything. Hinatsuru Makio and Suma are all very concerned for Tengen as the poison starts to further deteriorate his body. Makio panics in her thoughts because none of their antidotes were working against the poison. Uzui, believing that he is in his final moments he tells them that he has a few last words but is interrupted by Suma. Who begs and pleads for him to not die, saying that they defeated the upper rank demon and he survived the explosion of blood blades as well and would never forgive him if he were to die now. Makio gets angry and tells Suma to be quiet and says that Uzui is trying to speak and threatens to shove stones in her mouth if she doesn't stop. Hinatsuru requests the two to stop but Suma whines and says Makio's bullying her. Tengen becomes disappointed and now says in his thought that he can't even have any final words before he dies.

Nezuko comes in which surprises everyone. She places her hand on Tengen's arm which sets him on fire with pink flames. All three of them look at Nezuko with greatly shocked expressions and Suma tackles Nezuko and believes that Nezuko is trying to cremate Uzui. She tells Nezuko that it's way too early to cremate Tengen especially since he wasn't even dead yet and becomes angry at her but then Tengen realizes that the poison is gone. Tengen apologizes for worrying his wives that much. His wives all hug him while crying. And are very relieved that Uzui managed to survive

Afterwards the Seperent Hashira appears and none of them look very amused to see him. He says that Tengen almost earned his praise for defeating an upper rank and Tengen responds by saying he wasn't doing it for his praise. Makio claims that Iguro did take his time coming here. Suma agrees and says that he took too long to arrive but is startled when Iguro's snake hisses at her and she tightly clings on to Tengen. Iguro asks how long it'll take Uzui to recover after losing his left arm and his left eye. Tengen says that he'll retire because he can hardly fight in his condition and he's certain that the master we'll allow him too. Iguro says that he refuses to let that happen. Considering that too many young Demon Slayers die before they get to become a Hashira. And that one of their places as Hashira is already gone since Rengoku died and that even Tengen in his current state would be better than nothing. Tengen tells him that the young Demon Slayers are coming along slowly but surely, including the young one he despises. Iguro becomes shocked when he hears that and cannot believe that Tanjiro managed to survive. The three are seen helping Tengen walk, Suma and Makio both of say how happy they are that Tengen survived and Hinatsuru happily states that they can all return home now. And Tengen says that they should make their return very flashy. With that the three live a normal life after they've successfully defeated an upper rank Demon.

Though Suma and Makio appear to not be on good terms. They do truly care for each other. As they are married to each other and Suma along with Tengen were more than willing to marry Hinatsuru and Makio as well. Even though Makio can be aggressive towards Suma she doesn't dislike her. Suma can along with Makio too. Like when she fed Makio some of her food to Makio who said it was delicious. Makio and Suma are very close. And both of them deeply care about each other despite how they can be towards each other at times they have shown that they can get along at times.


Sumakio is a rarepair among the community. People prefer to ship Uzui wives instead. It doesn't have much of a fanbase either. As again people much rather ship Uzui wives which includes these two characters but it is very rare to find people who ship Suma and Makio by themselves. However Suma is bisexual so it's likey that she also has romantic feelings towards Makio and/or Hinatsuru in their relationship. Whilst Makio's sexuality is unknown. But however Sumakio does have a small fanbase on AO3.



Makio/Suma tag on AO3


HinaMakiSuma refers to the ship between Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma
UzuiWives refers to the ship between the two, Tengen Uzui and Hinatsuru
UzuMitsuHinaMakiSuma refers to the ship between Tengen Uzui, Mitsuri Kanroji, Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma
UzuRenHinaMakiSuma refers to the ship between Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma
UzuZenHinaMakiSuma refers to the ship between Tengen Uzui, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma


Kimetsu no Yaiba title
Demon Slayer ShipsDemon Slayer Characters
SHIPS het AmaKagaAoInoDakiTanDakiZenDokiDouKanaDouKotoDouShinoGenZukoGiyuShinoHaibumeHakuKoyuHimeShinoInoKanaInoNezuInoShinoIzuNezuKaiDakiKaraNezuKyoNakiMakoGiyuMuiNezuObaMitsuRenKanaRenMitsuRenShinoSaneKanaSaneShinoTanAoTanKanaTanMakoTanMitsuTanOchaTanShinoUzuHinaUzuSumaYahaMaruYoriiTamaYoriUtaZenAoZenNezuZenShino
slash DotaroDouAkaDouEnmuEnZanGenMuiGenTanGenZenGiyuTanGyoHanInoTanInoZenIzuTanMuiTanObaSaneObaTanRenGiyuuRenKazaRuiTanSabiGiyuuSaneGiyuuUzuObaUzuRenZenTan
femslash AoiNezuDakiMaruDakiNezuDakiSumaKanaAoiMakioDakiMakoShinoNaDakiNezuchakoNezuKanaNezuMitsuShinoMitsuSumakioTamaShinoTsuKanae
poly InoZenTanMakoShinoMitsuNezuKanaAoSabiMakoGiyuUzuiWives
friendship Butterfly GirlsDouGyuDakiElectric PalsMuRuiObaMaruWaterBreathersSquadZenitaro
family GenSaneGyuDakiKaneShinoKochou SistersMichiYoriMuiYuuNezuTanSabiMakoTogaDomaUrokodaki Family
CHARACTERS male DomaGenya ShinazugawaGiyu TomiokaInosuke HashibiraKyojuro RengokuObanai IguroSabitoSanemi ShinazugawaTanjiro KamadoTengen UzuiZenitsu Agatsuma
female Aoi KanzakiDakiKanae KochoKanao TsuyuriMakomoMitsuri KanrojiNezuko KamadoShinobu Kocho