SuperWonder is the het ship between Clark Kent and Diana of Themyscira from the DC Comics and DC Animated Universe fandoms.
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Diana of Themyscira (a.k.a Wonder Woman) and Clark Kent (a.k.a. Superman) are founding members of the Justice League. The two are also part of the trinity, and rather close friends.
New 52[]
Diana and Clark met as Superman and Wonder Woman, finding the other attractive rather quickly. The two started to bond over their similar powers. Often with how it alienates them from those around them. The two eventually kissed and started dating. Clark taking Diana out and teaching her how to blend in with civilians. When Batman found out about their relationship, he confronted Clark and showed him his fail safe room. Which is where he kept any failsafe's in case the Justice League ever turned evil. He showed him Diana's which was empty, explaining that she has no weaknesses and the only thing with a chance of taking her out if she went evil was Clark.
- Earth-2
On Earth-2, Clark and Diana during the events of World War II, they were apart of the Justice Society of America. Clark went under the name as "Shakespeare", they would soon meet Barry Allen of Earth-1. Later after he would reveal his true identity as Clark Kent. Later they would battle against Atlanteans. After the battle, Barry would depart from them as he soon returns to Earth-1. Years after the events of Justice Society: World War II, Clark and Diana would enter in a relationship with each other, after Clark was heartbroken for sometime after the death of Lois Lane. But because Diana was immortal, she would eventually going to lose Clark.
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SuperWonder is a pretty common pairing within the DC fandom. Specifically within the Justice League fandom. The ship is slightly controversial however. Not necessary as a fandom ship, but as an actual canon ship. As many prefer the two to be in their more iconic ships. Making the ship a rival ship to Clois and Wondertrev. This makes many fans prefer that the two only be together in Elseworlds Tales. As it makes it easier to get around the other ships not being together.
On AO3, SuperWonder is the third most written ship for Diana and the sixth most written for Clark. There are currently 380+ written works.
- Clark/Diana tag on AO3
- Superman/Wonder Woman (Justice League) tag on FanFiction.net
- SuperWonder posts on Tumblr
- SuperWonderBat refers to the ship between Bruce Wayne, Diana and Clark
- SuperWonderLois refers to the ship between Lois Lane, Diana and Clark