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We fit each other like hand and glove
— Clark to Bruce

Superbat is the slash ship between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne from the DC Comics fandom and associated adaptations.


World's Finest #289

Superbat hand
In Gotham City, Batman is unable to prevent the murder of an innocent man while in Metropolis, Superman saves the lives of many, but is still troubled for the fact that he can never save the most important people to him. Moments later, Batman is alone in the Batcave and Superman comes to visit, knowing that both oth them could use each other's company. Superman takes Batman to the Fortress of Solitude, where they talk their concerns and worries to each other and their bond becomes stronger as they come to realize that despite their obvious differences, they have more in common than they think. World's Finest Comics was an American comic book series published by DC Comics from 1941 to 1986, base on the relationship between Superman and Batman. 

Superman/Batman Annual #1

Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) is hired by a foreign businessman to kill Bruce Wayne. Slade tells the man that since he's now a freelance mercenary, he has a costume that he's started using. The man tells him that he can do whatever he wants, just as long as Bruce Wayne meets with an unfortunate end.

In New York, Batman and Superman battle several hero doppelgangers, including Superman and Batman imposters. Both heroes describe the events of the fight, both writing rather biased summaries. After the battle, Superman and Batman meet on a rooftop, and Superman and Batman thank each other for the other's help in the matter. Superman tells Batman that he'll let Batman know if he finds out anything else about the strange phenomena. He asks Batman if he's figured out his identity yet, and Batman tells him that he has a "who's who" of every college from the last twenty years, and that he'll find Superman's chin in one of the pictures. He asks if Superman's figured out his, and Superman replies that he's way to busy to figure out Batman's identity, and that lead-lining inside of his cowl was a good idea. In their respective homes, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent both pack for a cruise to the Bermuda Triangle, both taking their super-suits, planning on needing them.Clark and Lois Lane both arrive to the cruise ship the next day, and they check in. Bruce arrives with two bikini-clad women. The man checking them in informs everyone of a computer error with booking of the cabins. Since all the others are filled, Bruce and Clark, who don't get along, must share a cabin.

Superman Annual #11 : "For the man who has everything"

Superbat gift
Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman visit the Fortress of Solitude with gifts on Superman's birthday. Batman’s gift turns out to be a plant, a new breed of rose which has been named “The Krypton”.

Superman #38

Solar flare
As the issue opens, Superman and Ulysses are engaged in an epic standoff as Superman tries to save earth from Ulysses’ vengeful destruction. Their battle reaches the ultimate climax when both super men engage their greatest energies to fight one another. Superman pushes his go-to heat vision power to the limit, unexpectedly unleashing a massive solar flare for the very first time – knocking him and Ulysses unconscious. Batman rescue Superman and bring him in the Batcave, where explain to a shocked Superman his new power.

World's Finest[]

Bruce believes that the Jade Dragon that Joker stole has some connection to Superman, and decides to head to Metropolis. When he arrives he is hounded by reporters, before meeting Lois who drops her stuff. Lois quickly introduces Bruce to Clark, and Clark offers his hand in greeting, but Bruce ignores him in favor of helping Lois. He then asks her out on a date, much to Clark's annoyance, and heads off.

Later, Bruce is interrogating a goon on where Joker is, when Clark arrives and tells him that's enough. Bruce then throws Clark over his shoulder across the room, much to Superman's surprise. Clark then gets up and knock Bruce against a wall. Clark comments that he knew Bruce was crazy, but didn't think he was stupid. He then uses his X-Ray vision, and see's under Bruce's cowl, uncovering his secret identity. He says that he won't have vigilantes in Metropolis, and Bruce says he'll be gone once he finds the Joker. Clark says that may not be soon enough, when Bruce pulls out the piece of Kryptonite he took from Joker's last crime scene. Clark backs away and Bruce informs him that Joker has twenty more pounds of it. He thought he ought to know and throws the Kryptonite at Clark. Clark stares at it and when he turns back, Bruce has disappeared.

Clark flies home and gets a call from Lois, who tells him that she'll be having a date with Bruce tomorrow. Clark disapproves, and then finds a bat tracker on his cape. He looks out the window and sees Bruce on a nearby building, now knowing his secret identity as well.

Bruce comes to pick up Lois for lunch three days later, and Lois asks Clark to "keep an eye" on him while she talks to Perry. Clark and Bruce both observe that Lois never stops, and Clark asks if Bruce has found anything on Joker. Clark points out that Bruce has been dividing his time between work and Lois and Bruce asks if that's a problem. Clark is concerned given Bruce's reputation and Bruce says that he's taking Lois quite seriously. And says that Clark probably already lost his chance with her. Lois comes back and Clark glares at them. Bruce says he'll be seeing Clark, and gives him a wink as he and Lois walk out.

After Joker kidnaps Lois, and Bruce gives his statement to the police, Bruce tells Clark that Lois is just the bait. Clark says that he'll be careful, but Bruce says that won't cut it and to expect the unexpected with Joker. Clark says that Bruce should have remembered that and flies off.

Clark is dying from the Kryptonite when Bruce walks in. He grabs and is about to get it far away from Clark, when the doors close on him. He finds a chemical, but it would take a week to heat through the wall. Clark weakly awakens and tells him to use it on the Kryptonite before passing out again. The Kryptonite melts and Clark forces himself up, but Bruce has to catch him before he falls. Bruce tells him to snap out of it and Clark forces himself up. He grabs both Bruce and Lois and flies them out of the building. They find Joker who throws marble grenades at them, and Clark flies them out again. Bruce brushes Clark aside once they land, and Clark thanks him for helping him save Lois. He couldn't have done it without him. Bruce is aware and takes off on his jet. Lois then realizes that she doesn't know what happened to Bruce, and Clark assures her that he's fine, watching Bruce as he leaves.

The next day, Clark goes to visit Lois but is disappointed to find Bruce already there. Clark turns to leave, but Lois wants to know why he came by at least. Clark tells Lois that he might have an idea as to why Joker is out to get Superman, and Bruce tells him not to keep them waiting. Clark says that he did some digging and believes that Joker is teaming up with Lex. Clark can't prove it, but Bruce says that he could ask him.

After Lois finds out that Bruce is Batman and is angry about it, she storms out of the room. Clark arrives and comments that she's taking it well. Bruce thinks it's ironic, given that she likes Superman and Bruce Wayne, but both of their other identities are the problem. Clark says that it's too bad they can't mix and match, which causes Bruce to smile. He says he's not used to being rescued and thanks him. Clark says he owed him one and Bruce tells him that the robot came from LexCorp. Clark says that's why he's here, so Bruce can help bring Luthor in. Bruce asks if he's joking, but Clark admits that he's having trouble finding Luthor, and was hoping Bruce might have an idea. Bruce might, but knows that Lois isn't going to like him leaving so soon after a fight, which Clark knows all about.

Clark and Bruce arrive at Lex's lab, and Bruce asks if he sees anything. Clark says it's lined with lead, and Bruce suggests using the direct approach instead. Clark punches the wall down, and bows to let Bruce go ahead of him. Bruce jokes that he's learning as they walk inside. Joker then activates the robots and the two fight them off. One last one arrives with Mercy attached to it, and the two fight it off to save her. Bruce asks where Lex is, and Mercy explains that Joker wants to make Lex loose everything he built. Clark says that Lex built half of Metropolis, when a final bot appears. Clark tells Bruce to go after the Joker, while he handles this, and the two split up.

When everything is said and done, Bruce gets ready to head back to Gotham. Clark comes to see him at the airport and Bruce asks if he's there to make sure he'll go. Clark actually thought they worked well together, but wouldn't want to make it a regular occurrence. Bruce says that Lois is all Clark's now, but he better be good to her since he knows where he lives. Bruce then boards his plane and Clark watches as he flies away.

Justice League: War[]

After Clark throws Hal through a building, he finds Bruce with the alien box and pins him against the wall. He asks what Bruce can do, but Bruce gets out of it. Clark assumes that Bruce was friends with the Parademon and the two start to fight. Clark has Bruce cornered when Hal wakes up and Clark lets Bruce go to fight him. Bruce is able to stop the fight when he call Clark by his real name instead of Superman. Clark sees that Bruce has made his point and uses his X-Ray vision to see his secret identity. Bruce says that they think the box is alien, and Clark says it isn't Kryptonian. Bruce thinks it was worth a shot, and Clark points out that it's a big universe. Bruce says that someone is strategically placing the boxes and they need to find out who.

Clark asks why they're in his city, and Bruce tells him about the kidnappings in Gotham. Clark has seen the same in Metropolis and asks if Bruce thinks them and the boxes are connected. Bruce says that they are, and the box starts to light up. A boom tube then opens and parademons start to fly through. Some attack Bruce and Clark gets them of him, giving a sarcastic "you're welcome" after.

When Clark is kidnapped by the parademons, Bruce decides to as well so that he can rescue him. He finds Clark being turned into a pardemon by Darkseid's right hand who says that the transformation can't be stopped. Bruce then holds a knife to his throat, but he calls on more parademons. Bruce is able to get the power down and stops Clark's transformation halfway through. Clark is still controlled and starts firing his heat vision around the room, causing debris to nearly fall on Bruce. Clark tries to fight Bruce, but Bruce evades every attack. He tells Clark that he needs to fight Darkseid's control, and that the world needs him. Clark eventurally breaks control and the two get back to earth to help defeat Darkseid.

Season 1[]


Clark answers the comm from Bruce and says that he already got the alert. Bruce is aware, but says that they need to talk. When they are on a transportation mission, Clark is about to join the other heroes, but Bruce stops him and reminds him that they need to talk. They head to diner where Bruce tells Clark that Conner needs him. Clark insists that the kid need Bruce and Red Tornado. He'd just be a constant reminder of what he's not. Bruce thinks that Clark is wrong, and even though Conner troubles Clark, he still has to deal with him being there regardless. He needs to get over the how and why. Conner needs his dad, but Clark says that he's not Conner's dad and leaves.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

Eighteen months after the battle between Superman and General Zod in Metropolis, Superman has become a controversial figure. Billionaire Bruce Wayne, who has operated in Gotham City as the vigilante Batman for two decades, sees Superman as an existential threat to humanity. After learning of Batman's form of justice, Clark Kent seeks to expose him via Daily Planet articles. Wayne learns that Russian weapon trafficker Anatoli Knyazev has been contacting LexCorp mogul Lex Luthor.

Superbat gala

Bruce attends a gala at LexCorp to steal encrypted data from the company's mainframe, where he also encounters with Clark. While decrypting the drive, Bruce dreams of a post-apocalyptic world, where he leads a group of rebels against a fascist Superman. He is awoken from his vision by an unidentified person, appearing through a portal, who warns him of Lois Lane's crucial role in the future, and urges him to find "the others" before vanishing. Wayne admits to Alfred Pennyworth that he plans to steal the kryptonite to weaponize it, should it become necessary to fight Superman.

Superbat g

At a congressional hearing, as Finch questions Superman on the validity of his actions, a bomb goes off and kills everyone present but Superman. Believing he should have detected the bomb, and frustrated by his failure to save them, Superman goes into self-imposed exile. Batman breaks into LexCorp and steals the kryptonite, planning to use it to battle Superman by building a powered exoskeleton, creating a kryptonite grenade launcher, and a kryptonite-tipped spear. Meanwhile, Luthor enters the Kryptonian ship and accesses a vast technology database accumulated from over 100,000 worlds.

Later, Luthor kidnaps Lois and Martha Kent, Clark's adoptive mother, to bring Superman out of exile. He reveals to him that he manipulated Superman and Batman by fueling their distrust for each other. Luthor demands that Superman kill Batman in exchange for Martha's life.

Superbat battle

Superman tries to explain the situation to Batman, but instead Batman fights Superman and eventually subdues him. Before Batman can kill him with the spear, Superman urges Batman to "save Martha", whose name is also shared with Bruce's late mother, confusing him long enough for Lois to arrive and explain what Superman meant. Realizing how far he has fallen and unwilling to let an innocent die, Batman rescues Martha, while Superman confronts Luthor on the scout ship.

Luthor executes his backup plan, unleashing a genetically engineered monster with DNA from both Zod's body and his own blood. Diana Prince arrives unexpectedly; revealing her metahuman nature, she joins forces with Batman and Superman to eliminate the creature. When they are all outmatched, Superman realizes its vulnerability to kryptonite, and retrieves the spear to kill it. In the creature's last moments, it fatally wounds Superman.


Luthor is arrested and Batman confronts him in prison, warning Luthor that he will always be watching him. Luthor gloats that Superman's death has made the world vulnerable to powerful alien threats. A memorial is held for Superman in Metropolis. Clark is also declared dead, with various friends and family members including Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince attending for him in Smallville. Martha gives an envelope to Lois, which contains an engagement ring from Clark. After the funeral, Bruce expresses his regrets to Diana about how he failed Superman. He reveals to her that he plans to form a team of metahumans, starting with those from Luthor's files, to help protect the world in Superman's absence. After they leave, the dirt atop Clark's coffin levitates.

Justice League

Facing overwhelming odds against Steppenwolf's army, Wayne decides to use the Mother Box to resurrect Superman, not only to help them fight off Steppenwolf's invasion, but also to restore hope to mankind. Diana and Curry are hesitant about the idea, but Wayne forms a secret contingency plan in case Superman returns as a nemesis.

Justice l

Clark Kent's body is exhumed and placed in the amniotic fluid of the genesis chamber of the Kryptonian ship alongside the Mother Box, which in turn activates and successfully resurrects Superman. However, Superman's memories have not returned, and he attacks the group after Stone accidentally launches a projectile at him. On the verge of being killed by Superman, Batman enacts his contingency plan: Lois Lane. Superman calms down and leaves with Lane to his family home in Smallville, where he reflects and attempts to recover his memories. With the final Mother Box unguarded, Steppenwolf retrieves it with ease. Without Superman to aid them, the five heroes travel to a village in Russia where Steppenwolf aims to unite the Mother Boxes once again and remake Earth. The team fights their way through the Parademons to reach Steppenwolf, although they are unable to distract him enough for Stone to separate the Mother boxes.

Superman arrives and assists Allen in evacuating the city, as well as Stone in separating the Mother Boxes. The team defeats Steppenwolf, who, overcome with fear, is attacked by his own Parademons before they all teleport away.



World's Finest

  • Bruce asks Lois about Superman, and she jokes about setting them up.
  • Bruce asks if Lois and Clark are in a relationship.
  • Clark asks if Lois' relationship with Bruce is that serious.
  • Bruce asks how to contact Superman, and says that he's never around when they need him.
  • Clark saves Lois and Bruce from the robot.
  • Bruce tells Clark to grab Lex, while he grabs Harley.
  • Clark grabs Bruce's parachute before he falls in the river.

Young Justice[]


  • Clark says that Bruce will take care of testing Conner's powers.
  • Bruce says that Clark will come around to Conner eventually.


Justice League: War

  • Bruce mentions that he's been keeping a tab on Superman's skills.
  • Bruce tells Hal that he's been tracking Superman.
  • Bruce suggests talking to Clark.
  • Clark asks what they do next, but Bruce has no idea.
  • Clark asks what the parademons are doing with the people and Bruce says that they're harvesting them.


“You ever heard of Superman? He died fighting next to me.”
— Bruce to Arthur; Justice League
“The world needs Superman. And the team needs Clark.”
— Bruce to Diana; Justice League
Clark“Well I know you didn't bring me back because you like me.”
Bruce“I don't... not.”
— Justice League


Superbat is a very well beloved ship by most DC shippers. It is by far the most well known and most popular ship across adaptations and the comics themselves. Most ship them due to the two being the most popular heroes, as well as their opposite's attract dynamic.

On AO3, Superbat is the most written ship for both Clark and Bruce. It is the fifth most written ship in Batman (Comics) tag, the third most written in the DCU (Comics) tag, and the most written in the Injustice: Gods Among Us, Batman vs Superman and DC Extended Universe tags.


Clark/Bruce tag on AO3
Clark & Bruce tag on AO3
Bruce/Clark on FanFiction.Net
Clark/Bruce on FanFiction.Net
Superman/Batman on FanFiction.Net
Batman/Superman on FanFiction.Net
SuperBat stories on Wattpad
SuperBat tag on DeviantArt
SuperBat tag on Tumblr
SuperBat posts on Tumblr
Clark/Bruce on Fanlore


9th MAR 28th 2022
13th AUG 30th 2021
18th MAR 21st 2022
44th 2022


  • In Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bruce has a mug with the Superman logo on it.
  • In Young Justice when asked who would win, Batman or Superman, Connner Kent thought it was stupid to ask since there's no reason they would fight[1].


Fan Art[]

All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.





DC Bullet 2024
DC Comics ShipsHet DC Comics ShipsSlash DC Comics ShipsFemslash DC Comics ShipsMale DC Comics CharactersFemale DC Comics Characters
SHIPS het AlMaxAquaMeraAquaWonderBabsDonnieBatannaBatCatBatLaneBatQuinnBatShivaBBRaeBBStarBBTerraBruBabsBruTaliaBruWeissCloisCyRaeCyStarDamiRaeDemonfireDickBabsDickKoryDinahOllieHalCarolHarleypoolHawkmatesJadeRoyJarleyJasonyouJayBabsJayStephJohnZeeKaradoxKarolsenPoisonBatRaeFlashRobJinxSuperarrowStarzamStephKonSuperWonderTalJayTimBabsTimStephTrigEllaTuernlaVictoraWallindaWestallenWonderBatWondertrevZeeiver
slash AquaBatAquaSuperAtomarrowBartDickBatArrowBatFlashBartKonBatJokesBatLanternBatLexBatstantineBirdFlashBoostleBrainMallahChastantineClexClollieColdwaveColdFlashConnorKenanConnorKyleConstanqueenConstantsharkCyBBCyRobDamiJonDickJoeyDickRoyDickstrokeEobarryFlashborgGhostBatGordlockHalBarryHalOllieHawkFateJayKyleJayJonJayRoyKonGarKrypAceKyleWallyLexJokesMidpolloNygmobblepotOlivarryPatrochillesRiddlebatRoyKyleRoyWallySinghwaySinHalSladiverStarblazerSuperbatSuperBrainSuperolsenTimBartTimberTimConnorTimKonTwoBatsWallyPiper
femslash Amy x LorenaAnitaCissieBabsAlysiaBabsFrankieBabsIvyBabsQuinnBabslinaBabsRaeBabsRoseBabstannaBatmooreBeaToraCassieRaeCatQuinnCissieCassieDianaKateDianEttaDianlaDinahBabsDinaharleyDinahelenaDinahZeeDitemisDonnaKoryDonnaRaeEiko x SelinaHarley x ReneeHarlivyHarperCassHelenaBabsHelenaReneeJinxQuinnKaneeKanversKaraBabsKaraCassieKaraLoisKatanaQuinnKateBabsKatelinaKatequinnKate x SafiyahKawyerKoryBabsM'gann x RosePamlinaPoisonFrostQuintressRoseCassieRoseRaeStarRaeStephCassStephCassieStephGretaStephHarperStephKaraSuperSaturnTalia x JadeTalinaTerraRaeThundergraceWestparkWonderBardaWonderCaptainWonderCanaryWonderCarterWonderCatWonderCheetahWonderCroftWonderDoveWonderHawkWonderLoisWonderMagicWonderMeraWonderQuinnWonderSuperZeeKateZindinah
non-binary JessAndyScarab Love
poly AquaWonderMeraBabsHarlivyBatJokeleyBrutalinaCissieCassieAnitaCissieCassieGretaCissieCassieKonConnorKyleWallyDamiMar'iJonDickKoryBabsDickWallyRoyDinahHalOllieGotham City SirensHalBarryOllieHelenaDinahBabsJayKyleDonnaJokeRiddlePenguinJoyFireSuperBatLaneSuperWonderBatTimKonBart
family Al Ghul SistersAquabrosAquafamArrowfamBarryBartBarryWallyBatboysBatbrothersBatcousinsBatfamilyBatKidsBruAlfBruCassBruDamiBruJayBruTimBWDGCassDamiCassSandraClarkJonClarkKonDianaCassieDianaDonnaDianaHippolytaDickDamiDickJayTimDraysonFlashfamJayDamiJayDickJayTimJimBabsJohnstraLexKonOllieConnorRobinsRoyOllieSupercousinsTimCassTimDamiWilson SiblingsWonderFamYoung BatsZataras
friend BabsCassBabsDamiBatgirlsBruAceBruDukeBruStephClarkryptoCore FourDamiRaphDamiStephWonderwing
cargo JayCrowbarMeraWaterPoisonPlantsTimCoffeeWonderCreamZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Male DC Comics CharactersBarry AllenBart AllenJohn ConstantineArthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonRoy HarperConnor HawkeNate HeywoodHal JordanClark KentConner KentGarfield LoganLex LuthorRay PalmerJimmy OlsenOliver QueenKyle RaynerCisco RamonMick RoryLeonard SnartVictor StoneJason ToddBruce WayneDamian WayneWally West
female Female DC Comics CharactersNyssa al GhulTalia al GhulHelena BertinelliStephanie BrownCassandra CainDiana of ThemysciraBarabara GordonPamela IsleyKate KaneCissie King-JonesKoriand'rSelina KyleDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneAstra LogueLena LuthorMeraRenee MontoyaHarley QuinnRachel RothCassie SandsmarkFelicity SmoakCaitlin SnowDonna TroyIris WestRose WilsonZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
DCAU logo
SHIPS het AquaMeraBatannaBatCatBatHawkBatLaneBatQuinnBruBabsBruTaliaCloisDickBabsDinahOllieJarleyKaradoxStarzamVictoraWallindaWonderBatWondertrev
slash AquaBatAquaSuperBatArrowBatJokesBatLexClexLexJokesSuperbatTwoBats
femslash BabsQuinnBabslinaBeaToraCatQuinnDianAresiaDianAudreyDinahelenaHarley x ReneeHarlivyKaraBabsKaraLoisPamlinaWonderCanaryWonderCheetahWonderHawkWonderMera
poly BatJokeleyGotham City SirensSuperBatLaneSuperWonderBat
family BatfamilyBruAlfBruTerrBruTimDianaHippolytaDraysonJimBabsRoyOllieSupercousins
cargo PoisonPlantsZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Arthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonRoy HarperHal JordanClark KentLex LuthorJimmy OlsenOliver QueenKyle RaynerCisco RamonLeonard SnartBruce WayneWally West
female Talia al GhulHelena BertinelliBarabara GordonPamela IsleySelina KyleDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraHarley QuinnRenee MontoyaDiana of ThemysciraZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
YJ logo
SHIPS het AquarMeraBarryIrisCloisDickBabsDinahOllieSpitfireTalJayTimBartTimStephWonderBat
slash BartDickBatArrowBartKonBirdFlashBluepulseClexCyBBDickRoyKonGarRoyWallySuperbatTimKon
femslash BabstannaSnaibselStephCassStephCassieTalia x JadeZaquel
poly SuperWonderBat
non-binary Scarab Love
family AquabrosBarryBartBarryWallyBatfamilyBruTimBWDGCassSandraClarkJonClarkKonDianaCassieDianaDonnaDraysonJayDamiJayTimLexKonRoyOllieTimCassZataras
friend BabsCassBatgirls
cargo MeraWaterZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Barry AllenBart AllenArthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonHal JordanClark KentConner KentGarfield LoganLex LuthorOliver QueenCisco RamonLeonard SnartVictor StoneJason ToddBruce WayneDamian WayneWally West
female Talia al GhulStephanie BrownCassandra Wu-SanDiana of ThemysciraBarbara GordonPamela IsleyKate KaneCissie King-JonesDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraCassie SandsmarkIris WestZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
DCEU logo
SHIPS het AlMaxAquaMeraAquaWonderBatLaneBatQuinnCloisHarlickJarleyWonderBatWondertrev
slash AquaBatAquaSuperBatFlashBatJokesBatLexFlashborgHawkFateSuperbatVicromanVigilmaker
femslash DianEttaDinaharleyDinahelenaDinahReneeHarley x ReneeHelenaReneeQuintressWonderCheetahWonderLoisWonderMeraWonderPoison
poly SuperBatLaneSuperWonderBat
family AquabrosBruAlfDianaHippolyta
cargo WonderCream
CHARACTERS male Barry AllenArthur CurryClark KentLex LuthorVictor StoneBruce Wayne
female Helena BertinelliCassandra CainDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraHarley QuinnRenee MontoyaDiana of ThemysciraIris West
DC Super Hero Girls Ships
SHIPS het AquarMeraBBRaeCyStarFlagirlHalCarolWondertrevZeeiver
femslash BabsIvyBabsJessBabsQuinnBabsRaeBabsRoseBabslinaBabstannaCatQuinnHarlivyKaraBabsKaraLoisPoisonFrostPoisonJessWonderCheetahWonderMagicWonderMeraWonderQuinnWonderSuper
slash CyBBHalBarryKrypAceSinHalSuperbat
poly Gotham City Sirens
family DianaHippolytaJimBabsZataras
friend BabsAceBabsDami
cargo PoisonPlantsWonderCreamZeeMagic
CHARACTERS female Diana of ThemysciraBarbara GordonPamela IsleySelina KyleLois LaneHarley QuinnRenee MontoyaRachel RothCaitlin SnowZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
male Barry AllenArthur CurryDick GraysonHal JordanClark KentGarfield LoganMeraOliver QueenCisco RamonBruce WayneDamian Wayne