Tackle is the het ship between Pickle and Taco from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.
In "A Lemony Lesson", Pickle advices Balloon to choose Taco. Despite him disagreeing, they still let her join. During the challenge, Pickle starts to get fed up with Balloon's hatred of Taco. He criticizes him to stop, saying it's not her fault. After Balloon called Taco a "*****", Pickle kicked him into the sky.
In "One-Shot Wonder", after Pickle launched Balloon into the sky, he saw him floating. He got upset, so he told Taco to come over. After she said "Pancakes!", Pickle thought it was her saying Balloon is fat and agreed. As Taco launched, she popped Taco. Pickle screamed out that he deserved it.
In "Sugar Rush", during the elimination, Taco says "Pancakes" and Pickle agrees with her that Balloon is fat. They both vote for him to be eliminated. During the challenge, Pickle and Taco are seen collecting candy. Later, Taco tells Pickle she sees candy in the water from "The Crappy Cliff" and roars. He jumps into it, but accidentally falls into elephant poo. Taco falls on him, making them both sink.
In "Double Digit Desert", Pickle and Taco are competing the challenge together. Pickle jumps but accidentally falls onto a cactus. Taco screams out "Sour cream".
In "Aquatic Conflict", Pickle tells Taco to grab a mask. Pickle later gets concerned and asks Taco how she's going to swim if she doesn't have arms. She answers that she does and shows him. Pickle gets flabbergasted about Taco having arms and speaking in fluent English. Taco screams out "Sour cream" and Pickle stops his shock. As they were in the water, Pickle started talking like a pirate. Taco tries to decode his message, saying that she knows they're competing on Inanimate Insanity. Pickle corrects her that it was a pirate reference, and Taco talks back that his face is a pirate reference. She spits out a lemon on his right eye. He yells out he can't use it anymore, to which she jokes that he might need to use an eyepatch.
In "Crappy Anniversary", Pickle tells Taco and the rest of the contestants that he has experience of jumping off cliffs. He comments, however, that his blocked vision in one eye may keep him from doing the challenge well. Taco yells out "Sour cream" in the way she's apologising, and Pickle forgives her. Just then, he accidentally falls into the water. Taco laughs and jumps too, only she didn't succeed.
In "Inanimate Smackdown", both Pickle and Taco voted for Marshmallow to be eliminated. During the challenge, as Paper (more specifically Evil Paper) is beating up Pickle, Taco is seen looking back.
In "The Great Escape", Pickle and Taco are having a picnic. Pickle exclaims how he's surprised how he and Taco got into the final six. Taco agrees. During the challenge, MePhone tells the contestants to spit out lemons. Taco views it as easy until she tries so and realises she can't. She starts crying and Pickle comes over to comfort her. After the challenge, Pickle notices Taco laying on her head crying. He comes over to say he feels bad for her.
In "The Tile Divide", MePhone gives Pickle and Taco a hoverboard for winning the last challenge. During the challenge, both of them jump on a tile. They immediately fall and lose.
In "The Penultimate Poll", Pickle and Taco are playing ring toss. He doesn't succeed, but she does. OJ comes over and asks them what they're doing. Taco screams out "OJ!" but Pickle ignores him, acting like he heard a buzz. As Pickle is confirmed to be eliminated, he tells Taco that she should win and believe in herself. As the eliminated contestants are choosing who to eliminate, Balloon picks Taco. Pickle calls him a fat tub and pops him. Taco grows a smile.
In "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 1)", Pickle is the only one who wanted Taco to win.
In "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 2)", after Taco revealed her plan to win, Pickle got concerned and didn't understand what she meant. Taco insults him that he was never her friend, just part of her cover.
In "Everything's A-OJ", after Pickle complains about Balloon competing again, he yells at him that he was the only one who knew Taco was nothing but trouble. Pickle gets upset and walks away. Later, Pickle complains about why OJ had to take out his trash so soon. He sees a photo of him and Taco in it, gets saddened and walks back into the hotel to play games.
In "The Reality of the Situation", Taco knocked on Pickle's door to apologise for everything. He was shocked to see her. As she tried explaining herself, Pickle explained he got her letters and burned them. When she tried to explain how she never intended him to be part of the plan, he calls her stupid. When he died by MePhoneX, Taco is seen crying for him.
In "Objects in Mirror", Taco glances at Pickle and gets nervous. After Cobs was killed and the winner was decided, Pickle comments to Knife how he kind of forgives MePhone. Taco gets baffled how he forgives him and not her.
Tackle was a very popular ship in the Inanimate Insanity fandom during season one, besides Saltpep and PayJay. Fans liked their close friendship and how Pickle was always there to defend Taco when someone didn't like her, especially when the person against her was Balloon. However, after Taco betrayed their alliance, the ship started to gain hate. Pickle no longer viewed Taco as a friend and would get upset when even thinking of her. Because of that, Tackle went from one of the most popular ships to rarer than a rarepair. Because of the huge disliking, it also has many rivals, most notable being Tacomic and Knickle.
- Pickle/Taco tag on AO3
- Pickle & Taco tag on AO3
- Pickle x Taco tag on TikTok
- Taco x Pickle tag on TikTok
- Paco posts on Tumblr
- Tackle Inanimate Insanity posts on Tumblr
- Pickle x Taco posts on Twitter
- Taco x Pickle posts on Twitter