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Teartwo is the non-binary ship between Teardrop and Two from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


The Power of Two[]

Two announces that they're down to the final 41, when Profily suddenly appears with the intention of helping Teardrop join the season. Two is more than eager to have Teardrop in the show and allows her to join with no hesitation until Fanny interjects, asking how TPOT will ever end if more people keep suddenly joining. Two decides that they agree with her, but Profily points out that they already said Teardrop could join, causing Two to make an exception for Teardrop and let's her in the game. After hearing Golf Ball out, Two decides to let Teardrop compete on her own team and then recaps the seven TPOT teams.

After the sun has set, Two tries out Teardrop's carnival game. Eraser shows exactly how her game works by throwing a block at a stack of blocks on a table, like a ball toss game. Two finds this game fun and gives it a 5/10, making Tear Drop safe.

Two refuses to eat Teardrop's box of chocolate since there were only 96 when the label says there should 100. Two judges Teardrop next and her box of 100 chocolate balls. They devour the whole thing instantly. Two says that some of them were dirty and gives the meal a 7/10.

Two refers to Teardrop as their little water friend when assigning her the canal to fix. Later, after Teardrop won the challenge, Two asks why she's a cloud assumes that it's because she misses Cloudy. Two says they feel the same.

Two and Teardrop haven't made as much interaction ever since due to Two being a host managing 62 contestants and Teardrop busy competing. Although, they do have some similarities. They both have abilities and powers. Two's powers are collectively called The Power of Two, which is the prize and title of their show. Two's power is ultipotence. Their Limitless power would give them universal levels of means at their disposal. They usually use it to host and get things finished much faster. While with Teardrop, she has a total of 7 abilities. She uses her abilities to help her advance through the game. She even uses one of her abilities (Water absorption) to get Two's plate back in "Fishes and Dishes."


Teartwo, the ship between Teardrop and Two, first was mention on the app TikTok, on October, 13th, 2022. Teartwo is a rarepair. Many fans started to enjoy the idea of the two, but others didn't really like the idea of Two and Teardrop. Despite that, the ship has been gaining popularity. The first fanfiction about Teartwo was publish on Wattpad on September 10th, 2023. As of November 2023, this is the only fanfic publish on Wattpad, under the tags Teartwo and Twodrop. Its rival ships are Wooddrop (Woody/Teardrop), 24 (Two/Four), and 2x (Two/X).



Teartwo stories on Wattpad
Twodrop stories on Wattpad


Teartwo posts on TikTok
Twodrop posts on TikTok


Teartwo posts on Twitter

