Shipping Wiki

The Fox and the Hare is the het ship between Fox Alistair and Velvet Scarlatina from the RWBY fandom.


Fox and Velvet were introduced in the opening sequence of volume 2 walking beside each other. In volume 2 chapter 12 the two are seen standing next to each other in an airship next to Coco and Yatsuhashi as members of team CFVY. They both then jump out of the ship and they land next to each other. They get along well and look at each other at the end of the episode. Later in another episode we see them and the other members of team CVFY sitting in a cafeteria having lunch together.

In volume 3 chapter 4 Fox and Velvet are seen sitting in the stands next to each other cheering on their teammates. Fox is then shown comforting Velvet by putting a hand on her shoulder after she sulks because of the loss of Coco and Yatsuhashi. After the fight between Pyrrha and Penny they are both seen standing up shocked at Cinder's announcement. The two are then shown running towards a leaving aircraft along with Yatsuhashi and Coco. They are then shown standing next to each other in chapter 10 before the battle of beacon.

In the After the fall novel Fox using his semblance tells Velvet telepathically that mole crabs are attacking them. Later Velvet uses her semblance to replicate Fox's tonfa weapons to attack a diffrent group of mole crabs. When Fox then asks her to help him and the others, Velvet tries to ignore him but his semblance made it difficult. Velvet was then grossed out when Fox went to tear up the dead mole crabs. They then team up to fight against Carmine Esclados. During the fight with Carmine, Fox at one point gets hurt and Velvet hollers at him if he's ok.


The Fox and the Hare is a rarepair within the RWBY fandom, due to their minimal interactions. Some people ship them due to the fact that they're both on the same team and have some similarities. Some people think it would be ironic if the two ended up together considering that Velvet has an interest in photography and Fox being blind wouldn't be able to see any of her pictures. In some fanfictions one of the jokes is that Velvet tries to take a picture of Fox but he can't see where the camera is pointed. It has a small fanbase on tumblr.



Fox Alistair/Velvet Scarlatina tag on AO3


The Fox and the Hare posts on Tumblr
Fox x Velvet tag on Tumblr


  • The Fox and the Hare comes from the name of a russian folktale


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