Shipping Wiki

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Slash ship: 11Femslash ship: 11Het ships: 1414Familyships: 1010
Male characters: 33

The Lion King is a movie series.


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In the Pride Lands, the animals are ruled by the royal lion family of Pride Rock. The lions protect the land’s borders and honor the Circle of Life by eating only what they need. However Scar, brother of the great king Mufasa, is resentful that his brother rules over the Pride Lands. His bitterness only grows when Mufasa’s son Simba is born, yet another obstacle between him and the throne he covets.

It isn’t long before Scar sets out to kill both his brother and his nephew. While he succeeds with Mufasa, Simba escapes, leaving Scar to reign as a cruel king. Simba grows up blaming himself for his father’s death, and embracing a carefree lifestyle with two friends who raised him. However, Simba cannot truly forget his past, particularly when his childhood friend Nala unexpectedly arrives in his new home looking for help.


Introduced in The Lion King
Introduced in The Lion King: Six New Adventures
Introduced in The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Introduced in The Lion Guard



Ahadi x Uru — the ship between Ahadi and Uru
Azali — the ship between Azaad and Fuli
BanShen — the ship between Banzai and Shenzi
Binga x Bunga — the ship between Binga and Bunga
EdShen — the ship between Ed and Shenzi
Janjasiri — the ship between Janja and Jasiri
KiFu — the ship between Kion and Fuli
Kisiri — the ship between Kion and Jasiri
KiTii — the ship between Kion and Tiifu
KiZu — the ship between Kion and Zuri
Kopa x Vitani — the ship between Kopa and Vitani
Kovara — the ship between Kovu and Kiara
Mufasarabi — the ship between Mufasa and Sarabi
Nirak — the ship between Nirmala and Surak
Ranion — the ship between Kion and Rani
Scarabi — the ship between Scar and Sarabi
Scarafina — the ship between Scar and Sarafina
Scarira — the ship between Scar and Zira
Scarla — the ship between Scar and Nala
Scarzi — the ship between Scar and Shenzi
Simbzi — the ship between Simba and Shenzi
Simbala — the ship between Simba and Nala
Simbira — the ship between Simba and Zira
Timzi — the ship between Timon and Shenzi
Varak — the ship between Varya and Surak
VarKhan — the ship between Varya and Shere Khan
Vitani x Kion — the ship between Vitani and Kion


Janjion — the ship between Janja and Kion
Kionga — the ship between Kion and Bunga
Kiono — the ship between Kion and Ono
Kovimba — the ship between Kovu and Simba
Kovion — the ship between Kovu and Kion
Kovu x Balto — the ship between Kovu and Balto
Kovu x Kopa — the ship between Kovu and Kopa
Mufeera — the ship between Mufasa and Bagheera
ScarKhan — the ship between Scar and Shere Khan
Scar x Balto — the ship between Scar and Balto
Sebazu — the ship between Zazu and Sebastian
Simba x Kimba — the ship between Simba and Kimba
Simbalto — the ship between Simba and Balto
Simbambi — the ship between Simba and Bambi
Timbaa — the ship between Timon and Pumbaa
Timushu — the ship between Timon and Mushu


Fulani — the ship between Fuli and Rani
Fulsiri — the ship between Fuli and Jasiri
Fultani — the ship between Fuli and Vitani
Kiara x Vitani — the ship between Kiara and Vitani
NalaZira — the ship between Nala and Zira
Shenzabi — the ship between Shenzi and Sarabi
Zirabi — the ship between Zira and Sarabi


Afiasa — the ship between Afia and Mufasa
Ahafasa — the ship between Ahadi and Mufasa
AhaTaka — the ship between Ahadi and Taka
Askion — the ship between Askari and Kion
Bunga's Uncles — the ship between Bunga, Timon, and Pumbaa
Eshefasa — the ship between Eshe and Mufasa
EsheTaka — the ship between Eshe and Taka
Janni — the ship between Rani and Janna
Janniyo — the ship between Janna and Baliyo
Jannak — the ship between Janna and Surak
Kianala — the ship between Kiara and Nala
Kiarabi — the ship between Kiara and Sarabi
Kiarion — the ship between Kiara and Kion
Kovitani — the ship between Kovu and Vitani
Kovuka — the ship between Kovu and Nuka
Masfasa — the ship between Masego and Mufasa
Mufiara — the ship between Mufasa and Kiara
Mufion — the ship between Mufasa and Kion
Nalafather — the ship between Nala and her father
Nalafina — the ship between Nala and Sarafina
Nalion — the ship between Nala and Kion
Nalopa — the ship between Nala and Kopa
Nuktani — the ship between Nuka and Vitani
ObaTaka — the ship between Obasi and Taka
Outsider Family — the ship between Zira, Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu
Pride Rock Family — the ship between Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kion, and Kopa
Raniyo — the ship between Rani and Baliyo
Sarabion — the ship between Sarabi and Kion
Scarfasa — the ship between Scar and Mufasa
Scarion — the ship between Scar and Kion
Sciara — the ship between Scar and Kiara
Simbar — the ship between Simba and Scar
Simbarabi — the ship between Simba and Sarabi
Simba's Two Dads — the ship between Simba, Timon and Pumbaa
Simbfasa — the ship between Simba and Mufasa
Simbiara — the ship between Simba and Kiara
Simbion — the ship between Simba and Kion
Surani — the ship between Rani and Surak
Urufasa — the ship between Uru and Mufasa
UruTaka — the ship between Uru and Taka
Vitanala — the ship between Vitani and Nala
Ziratani — the ship between Zira and Vitani
Zirauka — the ship between Zira and Nuka
Zirovu — the ship between Zira and Kovu


Angiara — the ship between Anga and Kiara
Beshtiara — the ship between Beshte and Kiara
Bungiara — the ship between Bunga and Kiara
Dark Alliance — the ship between Jafar, Hades, Maleficent, the Evil Queen, the Magic Mirror, Captain Hook, Cruella de Vil, Ursula, Scar, Oogie Boogie and Zurg
Elsa x Nala — the ship between Nala and Elsa
Fuliara — the ship between Fuli and Kiara
Hyena Trio — the ship between Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed
Kimon — the ship between Kiara and Timon
Lion Guard — the ship between Kion, Bunga, Fuli, Besthe, and Ono
Lioness Trio — the ship between Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri
Mufasazu — the ship between Mufasa and Zazu
Nalazu — the ship between Nala and Zazu
New Hyena Trio — the ship between Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu
Obafasa — the ship between Obasi and Mufasa
Oniara — the ship between Ono and Kiara
Pocahontas x Simba — the ship between Simba and Pocahontas
Pumbaala — the ship between Pumbaa and Nala
Pumbiara — the ship between Pumbaa and Kiara
Rafala — the ship between Rafiki and Nala
Rafasa — the ship between Rafiki and Mufasa
Rafimba — the ship between Rafiki and Simba
Sarazu — the ship between Sarabi and Zazu
ScarZazu — the ship between Scar and Zazu
Scarida — the ship between Scar and Merida
Simbazu — the ship between Simba and Zazu
Simladdin — the ship between Simba and Aladdin
Tarzan & Simba — the ship between Simba and Tarzan
Timonala — the ship between Timon and Nala
Vitani's Guard — the ship between Vitani, Shabaha, Kasi, Imara, and Tazama


The Lion King tag on AO3
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The Lion King tag on Tumblr


# portmanteau characters type
140 Simbala Nala/Simba het
92 Kovara Kiara/Kovu het
63 Mufasarabi Mufasa/Sarabi het
45 Ranion Kion/Rani het
35 Scarira Scar/Zira het
26 Timbaa Timon/Pumbaa slash


The Lion King Logo
The Lion King ShipsThe Lion King Characters
SHIPS het AzaliJanjasiriKiFuKisiriKopa x VitaniKovaraMufasarabiRanionScarabiScariraScarlaScarziSimbalaVitani x Kion
slash Timbaa
femslash Kiara x Vitani
family KiarionMufionNalionScarfasaSimba's Two DadsSimbarSimbarabiSimbfasaSimbiara
CHARACTERS male KionScarSimba