Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 22Model: 11Screenshots: 44
Slash ship: 11Friendship: 11Familyships: 22Non-binary ship: 11Poly ship: 11

The Second Coming is a character from the Animator vs. Animation fandom.


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SecBlue — the ship between the Second Coming and Blue
SecGreen — the ship between the Second Coming and Green
SecPurp — the ship between the Second Coming and Purple
SecRed — the ship between the Second Coming and Red
SecYellow — the ship between the Second Coming and Yellow


SecGreenPurp — the ship between the Second Coming, Green and Purple


ChoSec — the ship between the Second Coming and the Chosen One
Dad Alan — the ship between the Second Coming, Alan Becker, Red, Yellow, Green and Blue
SC Becker — the ship between the Second Coming and Alan Becker
StickDad — the ship between the Second Coming, Alan Becker, Victim, the Chosen One and the Dark Lord


ChoSecDark — the ship between the Second Coming, the Chosen One and the Dark Lord
DarkSec — the ship between the Second Coming and the Dark Lord
Hollowheads — the ship between the Second Coming, the Dark Lord, the Chosen One and Victim
Rainbow Gang — the ship between the Second Coming, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple
SecondMango — the ship between the Second Coming and King Orange
Stick Gang — the ship between the Second Coming, Red, Yellow, Green and Blue
VicSec — the ship between the Second Coming and Victim


Orange / The Second Coming tag on AO3


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AvA Logo
Animator vs. Animation ShipsAnimator vs. Animation Characters
SHIPS slash ChoDarkGrapevineSecGreen
Non-binary Green x Glitch GreenSecondCorndog
Poly SecGreenPurp
family ChoSecChoVicPurple MangoRoyal PurpleSC Becker
friend Stick Gang
CHARACTERS male The Second Coming