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Toipad is the slash ship between MePad and Toilet from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


In "Marsh on Mars", MePhone4 is introducing to the contestants his new assistant. Toilet, oblivious, believes he's talking about him. MePhone then reveals he was talking about MePad. Toilet gets flabbergasted and flushing could be heard. He gets jealous and complains he's the new assistant but gets ignored. He gets even more mad by the attention MePad gets that he starts mocking him, calling him an idiot. MePad stands up and advices him that he should act more professionally in his work environment.

In "A Kick in the Right Direction", Toilet tells MePhone he couldn't find Bow after he was asked to but found another contestant. It was revealed the contestant was Dough. MePhone says that it's good enough, which leaves Toilet shocked. He gets over to MePad and starts screaming at him how he's the better assistant. MePad gets confused but remains calm.

In "Everything's A-OJ", during the court session, after Paper confessed about the trauma he got from Indefinite Island, MePad warns him that he's being biased against the defended. He's later interrupted by Toilet's screaming.

In "Theft and Battery", after MePhone4 glitches and passes out, Toilet yells at him to answer if he needs a pillow. MePad explains to him that he seems to have malfunctioned. Toilet freaks out and rhetorically asks if that means he's sick. MePad says how the fate of MePhone's existence depends on them. He continues by warning the contestants that if they don't participate, they will suffer immediate elimination. Toilet gets upset and starts complaining how he thinks he's the host for now. MePad calms him down and advices that he goes with the Bright Lights, and Toilet with the Grand Slams. As the Bright Lights run back into their hot air balloon, Toilet runs in and warns MePad he will "smack him in the dubba". He continues, saying that MePad always gets to help him and that he wants his chance. He grabs Knife and uses him to cut the balloon, only for the two assistants and the Bright Lights to fall. As they're falling, MePad, out of genuine curiosity, asks Toilet why he's leading everyone to imminent death. He answers that he wants to be the good assistant. MePad comforts him, saying that he considers each other as equals and that he doesn't mean on being superior. Toilet rethinks the way he acted at him and says he appreciates the feedback. When everyone got back on the ground, Toilet apologised for almost killing them. MePad forgives him and accepts the apology. After MePhone4 got cured, he thanked MePad. However, he told him to not forget to thank Toilet for the help.

In "Kick the Bucket", Toilet asks MePad how many parameters Marshmallow is away from them but gets concerned for him. MePad answers he's watching their progress, saying that they're all focused on pleasing each other, but not themselves. He asks the question "Shouldn't you receive what you provide?". Toilet answers that it's not always like that, laughing and leaving him behind.

In "Alternate Reality Show", Toilet demands MePad to show the voting pie to reveal which contest is next.

In "Mine Your Own Business", Toilet is seen advising MePad that ADAM could help with MePhone4's malfunction. MePad notices that Test Tube is holding a gem MePhone needs and grants her immunity for the challenge. Toilet asks what he means. When given the answer, Toilet gets surprised and starts screaming out of excitement. Later on, the two assistants explain to the contestants the challenge. After Fan asks a question regarding MePhone's disappearance, Toilets comforts everyone that what they have is perfect contestant attendance. MePad agrees and gives everyone a digital gold star. After all of the gems were found, the two got up to MePhone and repaired him. The moment Toilet mentioned they didn't need ADAM's help, MePhone gets memories and fires him. MePad tries to defend him, saying he would never do anything related to Steve Cobs, but of no use.

In "Objects in Mirror", sometime after MePad's death, Toilet cried about how no one thought he could do anything right except for him.


Toipad is a relatively popular ship in the Inanimate Insanity fandom. Those who pair the two have a strong liking of their interactions. MePad being the only one who believed in Toilet and liking him more than anyone sparked the ship. The episode that gave light to the pairing is "Theft and Battery", in which MePad talks about how he considers him and Toilet equals, but that they only serve a different purpose. Despite Toilet's jealously, he was touched by his speech and appreciated it. It is the most popular ship between MePad and Toilet. It doesn't have many rivals because ships that have one of the two characters are relatively uncommon. However, the only notable rival would be Tacopad on MePad's side.

On AO3, Toipad has 40 works, and is the most written ship for Toilet and the second most written ship for MePad.


MePad/Toilet tag on AO3
MePad & Toilet tag on AO3
Toipad stories on Wattpad
Toipad tag on TikTok
Toipad posts on Tumblr
Toipad posts on Twitter



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