Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 77Screenshots: 120120Sprite: 11Stills: 44
Slash ships: 33Het ships: 44Non-binary ships: 22Poly ship: 11

Tree is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Tree is a contestant on the fourth and fifth season of Battle for Dream Island. He has competed on both Death P.A.C.T. and its successor, Death P.A.C.T. Again.



Basketree — the ship between Tree and Basketball
Booktree — the ship between Tree and Book
FanTree — the ship between Tree and Fanny
Flowertree — the ship between Tree and Flower
Foldtree — the ship between Tree and Foldy
Gatree — the ship between Tree and Gaty
Icetree — the ship between Tree and Ice Cube
Leaftree — the ship between Tree and Leafy
PieTree — the ship between Tree and Pie
RobotTreeFlower — the ship between Tree and Robot Flower
RubyTree — the ship between Tree and Ruby
Sawtree — the ship between Tree and Saw
Traco — the ship between Tree and Taco
Treedrop — the ship between Tree and Teardrop
Treegolf — the ship between Tree and Golf Ball
Treelety — the ship between Tree and Bracelety
Treemote — the ship between Tree and Remote
Trillow — the ship between Tree and Pillow
Triy — the ship between Tree and Liy
Trottle — the ship between Tree and Bottle


Astrobiology — the ship between Tree and Black Hole
Cointree — the ship between Tree and Coiny
Donutree — the ship between Tree and Donut
LightTree — the ship between Tree and Lightning
Snowtree — the ship between Tree and Snowball
Staptree — the ship between Tree and Stapy
Trarker — the ship between Tree and Marker
Treefloor — the ship between Tree and The Floor
TreeFries — the ship between Tree and Fries
Treelock — the ship between Tree and Clock
Treephy — the ship between Tree and Trophy
Treeser — the ship between Tree and Loser
Treevee — the ship between Tree and TV
Tren — the ship between Tree and Pen


Treetwo — the ship between Tree and Two


BlackTreeker — the ship between Tree, Black Hole and Marker
BlackTreemote — the ship between Tree, Black Hole and Remote
FanTrarker — the ship between Tree, Fanny and Marker
Poly Pact — the ship between Tree, Black Hole, Fanny, Lightning and Marker
TrarkningHole — the ship between Tree, Marker, Lightning and Black Hole
TrenHole — the ship between Tree, Pen and Black Hole
Trenmote — the ship between Tree, Pen and Remote


Garden Gang — the ship between Tree, Flower, Grassy and Leafy


Black Hole
Main article: Astrobiology
Main article: Treemote


Tree tag on AO3
Tree stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
55 Astrobiology Black Hole slash
33 Black Hole & Tree Black Hole gen
10 Trottle Bottle het
6 Tren Pen slash
2 Traco Taco het
2 Leafy & Tree Leafy gen
2 TrenHole Black HolePen poly
1 Flower & Tree Flower gen

