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Trottle is the het ship between Tree and Bottle from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Bottle complements Pie and Liy for being against killing. Tree agrees with her and the two decide to team up after Liy asks them to. After the team is complete, the two contribute to naming it as Death P.A.C.T.

During the seventh contest, Tree ends up getting stuck inside of Bottle while she tries to score a goal with the Liar Ball. He remains inside of her throughout the next five contests of the show.

Pen and Pillow are pressuring Tree to throw balls in their team's basket while he is still inside Bottle. Tree is annoyed by this while Bottle is tickled from the constant movement.

Tree watches Bottle whack Golf Ball with a golf club in an attempt to bring Four back.

By the eleventh challenge, Tree is halfway out of Bottle's top. She asks Bottle to walk over to Four so he can tell him to recover Pie. He waits for Four and Bottle to finish their side conversation before doing so.

Taco, who's swapped minds with Tree for the next contest, tries to remain in the clear by asking the team to help her get unstuck. She spins Bottle around and shatters her, which is a giveaway for the team on who their impostor is.

Tree asks Four to recover Bottle for the next challenge. When she returns, Tree and Bottle gleefully walk back together to their team. The two later head out, along with Pen, Pie, and Remote, to search for emeralds at the Evil Canyon.

While forming teams for The Power of Two, Bottle overhears Yellow Face talking about how fun his team will be. This convinces Bottle to leave Death P.A.C.T., assuring Tree that she's serious about switching. Tree is annoyed to have lost another member from the team.

Despite being on different teams now, Tree still recovers Bottle after Two announces a new recovery center.


Trottle is a fairly popular ship in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. A common reason for shipping the two include the fact that Tree is looking after Bottle, given that he is the only one in the team to ask for her to be recovered. Despite being physically stuck inside Bottle for five episodes, he does not have any resentment for Bottle because of it. Fan art of the two often depict them being close, either side by side with each other, or Tree stuck inside of Bottle as shown in the series. Some ships that rival the pair include Astrobiology (Tree x Black Hole), Treemote (Tree x Remote), and Pietle (Pie x Bottle).

On AO3, there are eight works for their relationship tag. It is the most written ship for Bottle and the second most for Tree, the first being with Black Hole.


Bottle/Tree (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
Treetle stories on Wattpad
Trottle search results on DeviantArt
Trottle posts on Twitter
Treebottle posts on Tumblr
Treebottle tag on TikTok


