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Artwork: 44Screenshots: 22

TsugeKiryu is the slash ship between Taiga Tsugeura and Mitsuki Kiryu from the Wind Breaker fandom.


In his perspective, these two don't mix well at all. It is all owed by by his loudness, macho demeanor, and often that imposes on others without intention. Kiryu and his uncharacteristically, acts coldly towards his peer.

KEEL Arc[]

They're both first-years in Furin High in Class 1-1. While Taiga is at the Muscle Power restaurant with Sakura, Nirei, and Suo while ordeing, he saw Mitsuki holding a girl's hand. He ask him if he wants to join with them but they're on a separate seat. He gives a sit to her and they seat together on this table. He gives a order to her at the menu, he ask him if they'll talk together with Sakura but he told him to stop. He ask her to come over seems he's interest in him. He goes off the chair that he bet he wanna know more about him, but he's a bit busy right now , so maybe at school. He goes to him and he don't want him to be bored now. He wants to talk together because he still didn't teach him about his aesthetics to him. He slammed the table to him and she's afraid at him, she felt sorry for him but they're both from Furin High so he won't hurt her but he can be a bit scary. He stands up off the table and he stares at him, he ask him to stop that. He tells his name and he ever think he did about how he look in the eyes of other. He didn't know what he means but he's tall and he looks sot strong and the people are looking at he might be scared. If he make so much noise, he'll scare the girls around him and he won't get popular like that. He grabs a girl's hand opens the door that they're going somewhere else. They see the door for what's going on outside, he opens the door and ask him what's going on and he asking did he pick a fight with these guys. He explains that he saw this girl getting dragged off by that guy, so he went to help and ran away with her. He tumble his shoulders that he's cool and he thanks to him. A guy yelled at him but he's asking to listened at them but they don't. He ask him to do this another time and he knew his eyes didn't deceive it but he'll punch them because they didn't underestimate them but Sakura kicks him. They're going to fight with them and they'll handled this.

After they beat these guys, they did it together with Sakura without exceptions and they're safe. She thanks to them and they're really grateful for her and she'll take care now and walked away. They go back at their classroom to see the Tamon Team's second-years' Grade Captains. After that, while walking around the town and he ask everyone they'll go to Muscle Power again for another round but they pass. They saw a strange gangs called KEEL and walked away. They saw Masaki got hurt and he was okay. Everyone is here to help Masaki to save Nagato from KEEL and they'll fight and going to their lair. When they're at the KEEL's headquarters, all the KEEL members are here to fight. After the fight, they have won and they came here to save Nagato to bring back to the Anzai and the others.

Sakura/Tsubakino Arc[]

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Umemiya's Backstory Arc[]

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Noroshi Arc[]

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TsugeKiryu is the ship amongst the fandom. On AO3, there are currently 15 written works.


Kiryu Mitsuki/Tsugeura Taiga tag on AO3
Kiryu Mitsuki & Tsugeura Taiga tag on AO3



Chapter Covers[]


Official Art/Merchandise[]

