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Twoclock is the non-binary ship between Two and Clock from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


When Two announces that the potential newbies for the season all got at least 200 votes, Clock is happy about it. However, he is angered when Two tells him he was kidding and that Rubber Spatula, the lowest, has 177 votes. Later when Two reaches the point where the rest have at least a thousand votes, Clock makes sure he isn't joking. Two is saddened that Clock doesn't trust them but tells him to get over it when he reveals that Leek got 1,014 votes. Later during the challenge, Clock asks Two if Bottle counts as being on top of the roof despite her shattering in the process. Two is unsure and asks him if it should and allows it when Clock thinks it should.

Clock dashes over to Two and asks them if they can do anything about Four turning into the sun, thinking that they are more powerful than Four. Two doesn't know where he heard it from and wants to stay out of it. Clock tries to urge Two with the sun being blue but Two gleefully responds that they're green.

As Two announces the season is now down to 41 contestants, Clock asks him how they're going to ever finish the competition since there's a large amount of contestants and they don't compete frequently. Two is confused by this and eventually reveals to him and the others the reason why. Later when Clock's team is tied for last place in the challenge, he asks Two what the tiebreaker will be. Two believes it would be unfair for the other teams and also points out what Clock said earlier about the competition going slowly. With this in mind, both teams are put up for elimination and Clock gasp out of shock.

Two throws a burrito at Clock and the rest of his safe teammates for being safe at their Cake at Stake ceremony.

As Two is worried about his plates landing on accelerating clouds as a result of a daylight savings change, Clock apologizes in the distance.

When reviewing The S!'s bowl of Vomit-O's, Two wonders how the team was able to make it. Clock straight-up tells them they used actual vomit, causing Two to scream in horror as Clock watches.

After Two announces Bottle being the last one safe at their next Cake at Stake ceremony, Clock quickly realizes that he's eliminated as a result and asks them why. Two tries telling him it's not their fault and makes sure that they didn't vote just incase. Clock begins to fret about it and tries getting Winner to back him up but is shocked upon learning they actually would like it better if he was gone. Clock urges Two to let him stay so he can fix the current issues he has as he desparately pleads so. Two uses Rocky vomiting Clock as an opportunity to "clean" him, eliminating him and announcing how many votes he got. After Death P.A.C.T. Again's elimination, Clock wakes up to find out he's inside of Four and X's kitchen. Two pops up and tells them that he's not where the eliminated contestants go, adding on that they don't believe he's ready to be separated from the contestants just yet because of Winner's conflict with him. Clock briefly thinks that he's still in the game but Two assures him he's eliminated but is allowed to stay in Four and X's kitchen until he's able to fix his problem with Winner. Clock is greatful for the opportunity and thanks Two, who appreciates it and says they'll talk to him later. Later at night, Two opens the front hotel door for Clock and wishes him luck as he tries talking to Winner. After witnessing Winner run away from Clock, Two is sympathetic for him and tells him to give it a go another day. Clock is down about it but still thanks Two for their support.

Two sees Winner walk away from the balance beam and takes the opportunity to talk to them about Clock. Winner is peeved that they didn't ask them about it and explains they were tired of having to deal with him. After Winner snaps at them, Two is saddened and later expresses to Gaty during a talk with her that he just wanted to help Clock after he was devastated. They learn from Gaty that they shouldn't rush either him or Winner about their situation as she helps them realize that the two will eventually sort it out.

When Clock ends up in Winner's head during the nightmare challenge, he tries explaining to Bottle that Two kept him behind until distracted by the surroundings of the dream. Later after the team is free from Winner's head, Two notices him outside of the hotel and yells at him to get back in the kitchen. Winner then tells Two that they sorted out their issues with Clock, making him feel like he's finally ready to fully be separated from the game. Two gives him a farewell and teleports him to the elimination area. However, Four and X scold Two for taking him away because the two grew close to Clock while he worked for them in the kitchen.


Their interactions, while briefly noticed early on in the season, began to get an increase in attention in the fandom throughout the episodes afterwards. Fans particularly noted how Two shows much more care towards their contestants than previous hosts of the show with Clock being a good example of this. Upon the release of TPOT 7, fans immediately noticed Two's will to help Clock out with his situation and many praised them for it. Some called out that it felt unfair to Winner, however, but future episodes in the season adressed the concern. In a shipping sense, romantic fanfics exist for the pairing and fan art of the two roams throughout certain websites.

Although the tag has not been made canon yet, they currently have three works on AO3.


Twoclock stories on Wattpad
Two and Clock search results on DeviantArt
twoclock posts on Tumblr
Two and clock posts on Tumblr
twoclock posts on Twitter
Two and clock posts on Twitter

