Undertale is a role-playing video game developed and published by Toby Fox.
Long ago, monsters and humans ruled the Earth together in peace. One day, war broke out, and after a hard and long-fought battle, the monsters were banished to the underground, a massive cave large enough to have its own weather system. They were sealed in by a magic barrier that was at the top of Mt. Ebott, created by the human's seven greatest magicians. Anyone can enter through the barrier, but only something with an incredibly powerful soul could make it out. You play as the human Frisk, who has fallen through the barrier, and strives to make their way out. The are many different monsters, who can be friendly or evil. You can make many friends, or you can kill them all. But be warned - if you kill to much, you may lose something that is impossible to get back...
- Alphys
- Annoying Dog
- Asgore Dreemurr
- Asriel Dreemurr
- Chara
- Flowey
- Frisk
- Mettaton
- Monster Kid
- Muffet
- Napstablook
- Papyrus
- Sans
- Temmie
- Toriel
- Undyne
- Alphore — the ship between Alphys and Asgore Dreemurr
- Asgoriel — the ship between Asgore Dreemurr and Toriel
- Bratton — the ship between Bratty and Mettaton
- BrattyCream — the ship between Bratty and Nice Cream Guy
- Brattypants — the ship between Bratty and Burgerpants
- Catton — the ship between Catty and Mettaton
- CattyCream — the ship between Catty and Nice Cream Guy
- Cattypants — the ship between Catty and Burgerpants
- Dogamyressa — the ship between Dogamy and Dogaressa
- Dunkin Donuts — the ship between Sans and Muffet
- Flemmie — the ship between Flowey and Temmie
- Flowet — the ship between Flowey and Muffet
- Flowey Dummy — the ship between Flowey and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Grillbun — the ship between Grillby and the Snowdin Shopkeeper
- Gruffet — the ship between Muffet and Grillby
- Honey Cotton — the ship between Asriel Dreemurr and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Mettalphys — the ship between Mettaton and Alphys
- Mettaren — the ship between Mettaton and Shyren
- Mettatoriel — the ship between Mettaton and Toriel
- Mewgore — the ship between Mad Mew Mew and Asgore Dreemurr
- Monikans — the ship between Monika and Sans
- Muffeton — the ship between Muffet and Mettaton
- Muffgore — the ship between Muffet and Asgore Dreemurr
- Muffriel — the ship between Muffet and Asriel Dreemurr
- Mufster — the ship between Muffet and W.D. Gaster
- Papalphys — the ship between Papyrus and Alphys
- PapMew — the ship between Papyrus and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Papyruffet — the ship between Papyrus and Muffet
- Sanphys — the ship between Sans and Alphys
- SansCatty — the ship between Sans and Catty
- SansMew — the ship between Sans and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Soriel — the ship between Sans and Toriel
- Temasriel — the ship between Temmie and Asriel Dreemurr
- Toaster — the ship between Toriel and W.D. Gaster
- Torillby — the ship between Grillby and Toriel
- Asby — the ship between Asgore Dreemurr and Grillby
- BouquetShipping — the ship between Flowey and Cagney Carnation
- Bowsgore — the ship between Bowser and Asgore Dreemurr
- Burgersans — the ship between Burgerpants and Sans
- Burgerton — the ship between Burgerpants and Mettaton
- Doggamy — the ship between Doggo and Dogamy
- Grilster — the ship between Grillby and W.D. Gaster
- JackPap — the ship between Jack Skellington and Papyrus
- JackSans — the ship between Jack Skellington and Sans
- Kingdings — the ship between Asgore Dreemurr and W.D. Gaster
- MannySans — the ship between Manny Calavera and Sans
- Mettagore — the ship between Mettaton and Asgore Dreemurr
- MettaGrill — the ship between Mettaton and Grillby
- Mettaster — the ship between Mettaton and W.D. Gaster
- Mettcest — the ship between two different forms of Mettaton
- Nicepants — the ship between Nice Cream Guy and Burgerpants
- Papby — the ship between Papyrus and Grillby
- Papgore — the ship between Papyrus and Asgore Dreemurr
- Papycest — the ship between a Papyrus and another Papyrus
- Papypants — the ship between Papyrus and Burgerpants
- Papyrus x Daniel — the ship between Papyrus and Sir Daniel Fortesque
- Papyton — the ship between Papyrus and Mettaton
- Royal Guards — the ship between Royal Guard 01 and Royal Guard 02
- Saldi — the ship between Sans and Baldi
- Sanmentio — the ship between Sans and Dimentio
- Sansaton — the ship between Sans and Mettaton
- Sansby — the ship between Sans and Grillby
- Sanscest — the ship between Sans and another Sans
- SansGen — the ship between Sans and Arataka Reigen
- Sansgore — the ship between Sans and Asgore Dreemurr
- SansLewis — the ship between Sans and Lewis Pepper
- SansManolo — the ship between Sans and Manolo Sánchez
- Sansmaeda — the ship between Sans and Nagito Komaeda
- Sanster — the ship between Sans and W.D. Gaster
- Sudgers — the ship between Sans and Pablo
- Alphiel — the ship between Alphys and Toriel
- Alphyne — the ship between Undyne and Alphys
- Bralphys — the ship between Bratty and Alphys
- Bratcat — the ship between Bratty and Catty
- Fried Sushi — the ship between Fuku Fire and Skateboard Girl
- Goatbun — the ship between Toriel and the Snowdin Shopkeeper
- Maddyne — the ship between Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew and Undyne
- Mewffet — the ship between Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew and Muffet
- Mewphys — the ship between Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew and Alphys
- Mufdyne — the ship between Muffet and Undyne
- Muffren — the ship between Muffet and Shyren
- Muphys — the ship between Muffet and Alphys
- Sea Spear — the ship between Cala Maria and Undyne
- Tasquett — the ship between Tasque Manager and Muffet
- Tuffet — the ship between Muffet and Toriel
- Annoying Tem — the ship between the Annoying Dog and Temmie
- Asrid — the ship between Asriel and Monster Kid
- Burgerblook — the ship between Burgerpants and Napstablook
- Chans — the ship between Chara and Sans
- Charest — the ship between Chara and an another Chara
- Chara Kid — the ship between Chara and Monster Kid
- Charisk — the ship between Chara and Frisk
- Charus — the ship between Papyrus and Chara
- Chasriel — the ship between Chara and Asriel Dreemurr
- CocoaPowder — the ship between Chara and the Yellow Soul Human
- Frans — the ship between Frisk and Sans
- Friskest — the ship between Frisk and an another Frisk
- Friskett — the ship between Muffet and Frisk
- Frisk Kid — the ship between Frisk and Monster Kid
- Friskriel — the ship between Frisk and Asriel Dreemurr
- Ghostly Webs — the ship between Napstablook and Muffet
- Grillblook — the ship between Grillby and Napstablook
- Lancisk — the ship between Lancer and Frisk
- Napstasans — the ship between Napstablook and Sans
- Napster — the ship between Napstablook and W.D. Gaster
- Papstablook — the ship between Papyrus and Napstablook
- Red Justice — the ship between Frisk and Yellow Soul Human
- River Gaster — the ship between River Person and W.D. Gaster
- Shyblook — the ship between Napstablook and Shyren
- SnowyKid — the ship between Snowdrake and Monster Kid
- Swatchby — the ship between Swatch and Grillby
- Bratcaton — the ship between Bratty, Catty and Mettaton
- Bratcatpants — the ship between Bratty, Catty and Burgerpants
- Mettanapshyren — the ship between Mettaton, Napstablook and Shyren
- MewAlphyne — the ship between Mad Mew Mew, Alphys and Undyne
- Papalphdyne — the ship between Papyrus, Alphys and Undyne
- Sansgoriel — the ship between Sans, Asgore Dreemurr and Toriel
- Soriellby — the ship between Grillby, Sans and Toriel
- W.D. Asby — the ship between W.D. Gaster, Asgore Dreemurr and Grillby
- Blook Cousins — the ship between Napstablook and Mettaton
- Chariel — the ship between Chara and Toriel
- Charis — the ship between Chara and Kris
- Chasgore — the ship between Chara and Asgore Dreemurr
- Clovgore — the ship between Yellow Soul Human and Asgore Dreemurr
- Corporeal Cousins — the ship between Mettaton and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Dreemurr Dad — the ship between Asgore Dreemurr and Asriel Dreemurr
- Dreemurr Family — the ship between Asgore Dreemurr, Toriel, Asriel Dreemurr and Chara
- Dreemurr Mom — the ship between Toriel and Asriel Dreemurr
- Flowsriel — the ship between Flowey and Asriel Dreemurr
- Gaster Family — the ship between W.D. Gaster, Sans and Papyrus
- Ghost Cousins — the ship between Mettaton, Napstablook and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Goat Dad — the ship between Asgore Dreemurr and Frisk
- Goat Mom — the ship between Toriel and Frisk
- KFC — the ship between Frisk, Chara and Kris
- Papster — the ship between Papyrus and W.D. Gaster
- Skelebros — the ship between Sans and Papyrus
- Smad Cousins — the ship between Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew and Napstablook
- Twin Runes — the ship between Frisk and Kris
- Uncle Grillby — the ship between Grillby and Fuku Fire
- Alphisk — the ship between Alphys and Frisk
- Alphsriel — the ship between Alphys and Asriel Dreemurr
- Alphys Kid — the ship between Alphys and Monster Kid
- Alphyster — the ship between Alphys and W.D. Gaster
- Asryne — the ship between Asriel Dreemurr and Undyne
- Asterisk — the ship between W.D. Gaster and Frisk
- Bad Time Trio — the ship between Chara, Sans and Papyrus
- Boneheads — the ship between Sans, Papyrus, Brook, Manny Calavera, Manolo Sánchez, Jack Skellington, Lewis Pepper and Sir Daniel Fortesque
- Bones N Pellets — the ship between Sans and Flowey
- Bremmie — the ship between Bratty and Temmie
- Cemmie — the ship between Catty and Temmie
- Chalphys — the ship between Chara and Alphys
- Charaby — the ship between Chara and Grillby
- Chara Dummy — the ship between Chara and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Charapants — the ship between Chara and Burgerpants
- Charey — the ship between Chara and Flowey
- Charfrans — the ship between Chara, Frisk and Sans
- Chemmie — the ship between Chara and Temmie
- Chocoblook — the ship between Chara and Napstablook
- Chuffet — the ship between Chara and Muffet
- Flapstablook — the ship between Flowey and Napstablook
- Flemmie — the ship between Flowey and Temmie
- Flowdyne — the ship between Flowey and Undyne
- Flowey Kid — the ship between Flowey and Monster Kid
- Flowisk — the ship between Flowey and Frisk
- Flowiskra — the ship between Chara, Frisk and Flowey
- Flowphys — the ship between Flowey and Alphys
- Frisemmie — the ship between Frisk and Temmie
- Friskablook — the ship between Frisk and Napstablook
- Friskaton — the ship between Frisk and Mettaton
- Friskby — the ship between Frisk and Grillby
- Frisk Dummy — the ship between Frisk and Mad Dummy/Glad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew
- Friskdyne — the ship between Frisk and Undyne
- Friskpants — the ship between Frisk and Burgerpants
- FroggiFrisk — the ship between Frisk and Froggit
- Garbage Dump Trio — the ship between Alphys, Bratty and Catty
- Gastara — the ship between W.D. Gaster and Chara
- Gastemmie — the ship between W.D. Gaster and Temmie
- Humans & Skeletons — the ship between Frisk, Chara, Sans and Papyrus
- Kidyne — the ship between Monster Kid and Undyne
- Kloasriel — the ship between Klonoa and Asriel Dreemurr
- MadoFrisk — the ship between Madotsuki and Frisk
- Mettadyne — the ship between Undyne and Mettaton
- Mettasriel — the ship between Asriel Dreemurr and Mettaton
- Mettatem — the ship between Temmie and Mettaton
- Mom's Spaghetti — the ship between Toriel and Papyrus
- Napsriel — the ship between Napstablook and Asriel Dreemurr
- Napstadyne — the ship between Napstablook and Undyne
- Nyechtar — the ship between Papyrus and Flowey
- Papriel — the ship between Papyrus and Asriel Dreemurr
- Papy Kid — the ship between Papyrus and Monster Kid
- Papyrisk — the ship between Papyrus and Frisk
- Sansdyne — the ship between Sans and Undyne
- Sans Kid — the ship between Sans and Monster Kid
- Sansriel — the ship between Sans and Asriel Dreemurr
- Stripe Shirt Kids Club — the ship between Frisk, Chara, Asriel Dreemurr and Monster Kid
- Talking Flowey — the ship between a Talking Flower and Flowey
- Temdyne — the ship between Temmie and Undyne
- Temillby — the ship between Temmie and Grillby
- Temmie Kid — the ship between Temmie and Monster Kid
- Temmiel — the ship between Temmie and Toriel
- Tempants — the ship between Temmie and Burgerpants
- Tempyrus — the ship between Temmie and Papyrus
- Temsans — the ship between Temmie and Sans
- Temsgore — the ship between Temmie and Asgore Dreemurr
- Temuffet — the ship between Temmie and Muffet
- Toriblook — the ship between Toriel and Napstablook
- Undertale Trio — the ship between Chara, Frisk and Asriel Dreemurr
- Undyrus — the ship between Undyne and Papyrus
- Ungore — the ship between Undyne and Asgore Dreemurr
- Void Crew — the ship between W.D. Gaster, Chara, Dess Holiday and the Vessel
- WesternFlowers Duo — the ship between Flowey and Yellow Soul Human
- Charalate — the ship between Chara and chocolate
- Papyghetti — the ship between Papyrus and spaghetti
- Sanschup — the ship between Sans and ketchup
- TemEgg — the ship between Temmie and a hard-boiled egg
Undertale is widely popular, most commonly known for its unique design and long, creative story. At the same time, it is also disliked by some, often because of the retro style. However, many of the game's fans believe that it distinguishes from most retro RPGs. The game is famous for its Soundtrack and Characters, and therefore enjoys popularity on the internet. Undertale is best known for the track "MEGALOVANIA" and the Character associated with it, Sans.[1]
Undertale fandom is also prone to multishipping and crack pairing fic and art.
The fandom is known for being largely involved in anti-ship movements, groups of people who attack other fans over their shipping preferences. A lot of these reported cases center around Frisk, Chara, and Asriel due to their ages and the fact that people write smut about them.
There are many popular het, slash and non-binary ships. As for femslash, Alphyne is one of the biggest ships in the fandom, but otherwise femslash ships are uncommon.
- Undertale tag on AO3
- Undertale on FanFiction.Net
- Undertale tag on DeviantArt
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
8663 | Sanscest | Sans/Sans | slash |
4681 | Alphyne | Alphys/Undyne | femslash |
3390 | Fontcest | Papyrus/Sans | slash |
2368 | Skelebros | Papyrus & Sans | family |
1701 | Frans | Frisk/Sans | non-binary |
1666 | Papycest | Papyrus/Papyrus | slash |
1548 | Papyton | Mettaton/Papyrus | slash |
1518 | Asgoriel | Asgore Dreemurr/Toriel | het |
1157 | Soriel | Sans/Toriel | het |
769 | Sansby | Sans/Grillby | slash |
Undertale Ships • Undertale Characters | |||||||
❤SHIPS | het | Alphore • Asgoriel • Dogamyressa • Dunkin Donuts • Mettalphys • Muffgore • Soriel | |||||
slash | Asgorudy • BouquetShipping • Bowsgore • Papyton • Royal Guards • Sansgen • Sansgore • Sansmaeda | ||||||
femslash | Alphiel • Alphyne • Bratcat • Mewdyne | ||||||
non-binary | Annoying Tem • Asrid • Chans • Charisk • Chasriel • CocoaPowder • Frans • Frisk Kid • Friskriel • Red Justice • Shyblook | ||||||
poly | MewAlphyne | ||||||
family | Blook Cousins • Chasgore • Clovgore • Corporeal Cousins • Dreemurr Family • Fallen Humans • Ghost Cousins • Goat Dad • Goat Mom • KFC • Skelebros • Smad Cousins | ||||||
friend | Boneheads • Bones N Pellets • Flowisk • Frisemmie • Friskablook • Friskaton • Friskdyne • Kidyne • Nyechtar • Papyrisk • Undertale Trio • Undyrus • WesternFlowers Duo | ||||||
CHARACTERS | male | Asgore • Asriel • Flowey • Mettaton • Papyrus • Sans | |||||
female | Alphys • Mad Mew Mew • Toriel • Undyne | ||||||
neutral | Chara • Frisk • Monster Kid • Napstablook |