Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 6060Manips: 22Model: 11Screenshots: 219219Stills: 2525
Femslash ships: 77Het ships: 33Friendships: 33Familyships: 33Non-binary ship: 11Poly ships: 99Cargo ship: 11
“Bite me!”
— Uzi's catchphrase

Uzi Doorman is a character from the Murder Drones fandom.


Uzi is an angsty, rebellious worker drone who has an extreme vendetta against her home company, JCJenson, and humans combined. She eventually conjures an unusual friendship with a Disassembly Drone known as N, and ventures into discovering the origins of the sadistic Murder Drones, exposing JCJenson's secrets, unveiling the history of her mother, and most importantly, discovering herself.



Nuzi — the ship between Uzi and Serial Designation N
Samzi — the ship between Uzi and Sam
ThUzi — the ship between Uzi and Thad


Dollzi — the ship between Uzi and Doll
Cynuzi — the ship between Uzi and Cyn
Emizi — the ship between Uzi and Emily
Juzi — the ship between Uzi and Serial Designation J
Luzi — the ship between Uzi and Lizzy
Rebzi — the ship between Uzi and Rebecca
Vuzi — the ship between Uzi and Serial Designation V


Solvzi — the ship between Uzi and the Absolute Solver


DoNuzi — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation N and Doll
LuziV — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation V and Lizzy
Nuziam — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation N and Sam
Nuziv — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation N, and Serial Designation V
Nuzivjay — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation N, Serial Designation V, and Serial Designation J
Thuzin — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation N, and Thad
UziDoLizz — the ship between Uzi, Doll and Lizzy
Vhazi — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation V, and Thad
Vollzi — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation V, and Doll
VuziJ — the ship between Uzi, Serial Designation V and Serial Designation J


Doorman Family — the ship between Uzi, Khan Doorman and Nori Doorman
Khuzi — the ship between Uzi and Khan Doorman
NorUzi — the ship between Uzi and Nori Doorman


Alzi — the ship between Uzi and Alice
Pomzi — the ship between Uzi and Pomni
Tesszi — the ship between Uzi and Tessa Elliott


Duel Uzis — the ship between Uzi and an Uzi submachine gun
Railzi — the ship between Uzi and her railgun


Serial Designation N
Main article: Nuzi
Main article: ThUzi


Serial Designation V
Main article: Vuzi
Main article: Dollzi
Serial Designation J
Main article: Juzi


Uzi Doorman tag on AO3
Uzi posts on Tumblr
Uzi hashtag on Twitter
Uzi Doorman on Murder Drones Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
1642 Nuzi Serial Designation N het
831 N & Uzi Serial Designation N gen
384 Uzi & V Serial Designation V gen
295 Vuzi Serial Designation V femslash
190 Khuzi Khan Doorman family
177 Nuziv Serial Designation N & Serial Designation V poly
161 Uzi & N & V Serial Designation N & Serial Designation V gen
143 ThUzi Thad het
108 Uzi & J Serial Designation J gen
80 Juzi Serial Designation J femslash


Murder Drones Logo W
Murder Drones ShipsMurder Drones Characters
SHIPS het DaidonDamEnjayEnvyInvalidCodeJhadJhanKhaliceKhanYevaKhoriNebeccaNizzyNollNuziRebDarrenSamilySamziThalizzyThollThUziVamVaxVhad
slash KheacherNhadThadSam
femslash CrimsonHorrorsDizzyDobeccaDollziEldritchTerrorsEmiLizzyEmiziJayliceJebeccaJessaJizzyJollyJoriJuziLuziNorliceNorYevaOilRoseRebLizzyRebziRemilyValiceVizzyVollVoriVuzi
non-binary AbsoluteCynAbsoluteJaySolvzi
poly AliNorYevaDoNuziDizzybeccaJenvyJizzyhadLuziVKhoriYevaNarrebeccaNuzivNuzivjayThollizzyThuzinUziDoLizzVhaziVollizzyVollziVuziJ
family BeauliceDoorman FamilyElliott FamilyKhuziLizzeacherNCynNorUziTessCynJenvyYevDoll
friend AlziCynDollCynessaCynziKhanLizThadKhanLizzyKhanThadNessaNhanNorCynNomniNoriNPomziTessjenvyTessziVCynVessa
cargo DollKnifeDuel UzisJ x JCJenson PenKhanDoor
CHARACTERS male Khan DoormanSamSerial Designation NThad
female AliceCynDollLizzyNori DoormanRebeccaSerial Designation JSerial Designation VTessa ElliottUzi DoormanYeva