Shipping Wiki

Valenwind is the slash between Cid Highwind and Vincent Valentine in the Final Fantasy fandom.


Final Fantasy VII[]

As Vincent is an optional character in the original game, it is possible to go the entire game without Cid or Vincent meeting in canon. This also means that he can be recruited to the party specifically by Cid, rather than by Cloud.

If Vincent joins the party as early as possible, he will be present when the group meets Cid for the first time. When the party all head to the Golden Saucer together, Cait Sith and Cid ask for a recap of everything that has happened thus far, and Vincent will agree with them. At the end of the explanation, Vincent approaches a snoozing Cid and suggests that they head back to their rooms together.

With the temporary absence of both Cloud and Tifa, Cid is named the new leader of the party. This allows for more interactions between him and Vincent. Vincent will tell Cid that he wishes he had his "go-get-them attitude". Later, Vincent is shown to be impressed that Cid can drive a train, before Cid reveals he has no idea what he's doing. Vincent also begins to notice how much being a leader is taking a toll on Cid, suggesting that he might need a break and that they should check in with Cloud and Tifa.

While still the leader of the party, Cid can head back to Shinra Manor and recruit Vincent if he has not already joined the party. Much of the dialogue remains the same, just with Cid's own flair. Vincent will ask after Lucrecia after learning that Cid worked with Shinra on the Space Program, but Cid doesn't recognize her name. If Cid is not the party leader, but is in the party when Vincent is recruited he'll call him "Sleepy" upon him joining the party.

Final Fantasy VII Remake[]

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Cid and Vincent are both introduced in Rebirth, the second game of the Remake Trilogy. While they join Cloud's party, they are not yet playable characters and thus have a limited amount of screen time. They are expected to interact more in the final game in the series.

Dirge of Cerberus[]

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Valenwind is a relatively popular ship in the fandom. Many shippers refer to the ship as "Old Man Yaoi", as they are some of the oldest members in Cloud's party. Both characters are externally grumpy, although Cid is much more extroverted than Vincent. This leads to a sort of Opposites Attract element, with the two men balancing each other out. Interest in Valenwind tends to come from fans of Dirge of Cerberus as that is where the majority of their canonical interactions occur.

There are currently over 650 works for Valenwind on AO3. It is the most popular ship for both Cid and Vincent. It is the tenth most popular ship in the Final Fantasy VII fandom overall. There are also 13 works on FFN tagged with this ship.


Cid/Vincent tag on AO3
Cid/Vincent (FFVII) tag on
Valenwind tag on Tumblr


Final Fantasy - Logo1
Final Fantasy ShipsFinal Fantasy Characters
SHIPS het ClerithCloLightClotiHopuRaiLightisNoctlunaNoerahRaireSnerahSnowRaiSquaerithSquinoaTidunaYunonZerithZifa
slash NocloudNyxnoctPhoenixFlareSefikuraSephZackStrifehartStrifentineTereDionValenwindZakkura
femslash AertiFLightLightifaVanLightYuffierith
poly AGSZCAngenesirothTeam Avalanche
family Dad Barret
friend Zackffie
CHARACTERS male Zack FairSephirothCloud Strife
female Lightning FarronAerith GainsboroughTifa Lockhart