Shipping Wiki

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Vedric is the het ship between Viney and Edric Blight from The Owl House fandom.


Viney and Edric have not yet met canonically. However, they do share certain character traits with one another. Particularly, both characters are depicted as having a penchant for troublemaking and messing with others. Despite the zero interaction, they both parallel each other quite well. They have a side where they show themselves to be desperate about something. There is a hint in episode "Lost in Language," when Edric is teasing Amity about her secret hideout, Edric says "I'm in love with a dictionary," which sounds like something Viney would say.

Viney is part of Beast Keeping, so is Edric, and has a pet name Puddles, while Edric says he wants to keep a bat as pet, however his sisters won't allow it. Edric and Viney both shows the same vulnerable side where Edric says "You see how she treats people how she treats you." While Viney says "You think you're better than us?" They both said this to Luz which could refer how both Viney and Edric are sensitive about how the other characters treat them individually.

Their uniforms have similar colors, Edric's being orange, yellow and blue and Viney's being blue and orange. Also, Viney has green eyes and Edric has green hair. The two are very laid-back and friendly, however they have a mischievous side to them.


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Vedric is a rare pair within the fandom. Since The Owl House main protagonists are both girls, this ship was one of the first het ships with both characters that haven't interact with the main characters beside themselves that has yet to happen. Many ship the two as a result of their similar personalities like Vinira, which is also their rival ship. Goldric, which is another rival, overshadows this ship. Some tend to ship the pair with Emira or they ship the pair with Emira and Hunter. Fans like to theorize that the two have met before, possibly in the detention track, and are great friends. The ship currently has 37 works made for it on AO3. While it has over 30 works in the Edric/Viney tag, it only has 6 works in the gen tag.



Edric Blight/Viney tag on AO3
Edric Blight & Viney tag on AO3



The Owl House logo navbox
SHIPS het BellithBelomoraBrulithBrigusCamilosEvelebGoldenskarHuntarcyHuntashaHuntlowHuntmiraLudricLunterLusMysteryOwlOdaladorSkingVedricVeenterWillGus
slash AladariusGoldricGusterGustholomuleHootlingo
femslash AmillowBoschmityBoschlowCamilithClarVeeLumiraLumityLuzanneLuzarcyLuzMiraViniraWilluzWillVee
non-binary DariraineRaedaVeesha
poly CamilraedaEdhuntlowLavender WinterLumiterLuzblightsLuzWillGusRaediusWillumity
family BelonterBlight FamilyBlight SiblingsBlight TwinsCamilmomCaminterCamiluzClawthorne SistersDadladorDadriusEdakingLedakingOwl House FamilyOwl MomTitanlightsVeeLuzWittebane Brothers
friendships AladunterAmilithBat ParentBesties in TraumaBellectorBelLuzCamila & WillowCollectLuzCollectnelCollectKingCollector ClawthorneEdanterEdricdaEmerald TrioGusmityHexsquadHoolithHuntilithHuntjackHuntmoraOwluzRaven AuntStilith
cargo Snowdric
CHARACTERS female Amity BlightCamila NocedaEmira BlightEda ClawthorneLilith ClawthorneLuz NocedaVeeWillow Park
male Alador BlightEdric BlightEmperor BelosHunterKing ClawthorneGus Porter
non-binary The CollectorRaine Whispers