Shipping Wiki

Vocaloid ships listed by characters. When a character has 15 ships listed and five pages that aren't stubs a page may be created for them.

Akita NeruAoki LapisArsloidBig AlCULFlowerFukaseHiyama KiyoteruIALilyOLIVEROtomachi UnaUtatane PikoVY2


Akita Neru[]


KaiNeru — the ship between Neru and KAITO
LeNeru — the ship between Neru and Kagamine Len


HakuNeru — the ship between Neru and Yowane Haku
MikuNeru — the ship between Neru and Hatsune Miku
NeruLuka — the ship between Neru and Megurine Luka
NeruGumi — the ship between Neru and GUMI
RiNeru — the ship between Neru and Kagamine Rin


TetoNeru — the ship between Neru and Kasane Teto


Triple Baka — the ship between Neru, Hatsune Miku and Kasane Teto


NeruPhone — the ship between Neru and her phone

Aoki Lapis[]


KaiLapis — the ship between Lapis and KAITO
PikoLapis — the ship between Lapis and Utatane Piko


CuLapis — the ship between Lapis and CUL
YukaLapis — the ship between Lapis and Yuzuki Yukari


MerLapis — the ship between Lapis and Merli



ArsAnon — the ship between ARSLOID and Anon
ArsIA — the ship between ARSLOID and IA
ArsKanon — the ship between ARSLOID and Kanon
Arsku — the ship between ARSLOID and Hatsune Miku
Arsrai — the ship between ARSLOID and Mirai Komachi


ArsHio — the ship between ARSLOID and YOHIOloid
ArsKai — the ship between ARSLOID and KAITO
ArsKase — the ship between ARSLOID and Fukase
ArsLongya — the ship between ARSLOID and Yuezheng Longya


ArsYuuma — the ship between ARSLOID and VY2

Big Al[]


Alily — the ship between BIG AL and Lily
AlMiku — the ship between BIG AL and Hatsune Miku
AlSeeU — the ship between BIG AL and SeeU
Aluka — the ship between BIG AL and Megurina Luka
AnnAl — the ship between BIG AL and Sweet ANN


Alen — the ship between BIG AL and Kagamine Len
AlKai — the ship between BIG AL and KAITO
AlTonio — the ship between BIG AL and Tonio
LeoAl — the ship between LEON and BIG AL


Power FX Family — the ship between BIG Al, Sweet ANN, OLIVER and YOHIOloid



CulHio — the ship between CUL and YOHIOloid
CulKyo — the ship between CULand KYO
CULLen — the ship between CUL and Kagamine Len
GakuCul — the ship between CUL and Kamui Gakupo
FukaCul — the ship between CUL and Fukase


CulIA — the ship between CUL and IA
CuLapis — the ship between CUL and Aoki Lapis
CulFlower — the ship between CUL and flower
CuLily — the ship between CUL and Lily
CulKari — the ship between CUL and Yuzuki Yukari
CulRion — the ship between CUL and Tone Rion
GalaCul — the ship between CUL and galaco
GumiCul — the ship between CUL and GUMI


CulRose — the ship between CUL and Rose



DexFlower — the ship between flower and DEX
Floko — the ship between flower and Utatane Piko
FukaFlower — the ship between flower and Fukase
LenFlower — the ship between flower and Kagamine Len
OliFlower — the ship between flower and OLIVER


AkaFlower — the ship between flower and Kizuna Akari
CulFlower — the ship between flower and CUL
FlowerGumi — the ship between flower and GUMI
FlowerIA — the ship between flower and IA
FlowerLily — the ship between flower and Lily
FlowerMaika — the ship between flower and MAIKA
FlowerMayu — the ship between flower and MAYU
FlowerMiki — the ship between flower and SF-A2 miki
FlowerRana — the ship between flower and Rana
FloweRin — the ship between flower and Kagamine Rin
FlowerUna — the ship between flower and Otomachi Una
IroFlower — the ship between flower and Nekomura Iroha
KokoFlower — the ship between flower and kokone
MikuFlower — the ship between flower and Hatsune Miku
YukaFlower — the ship between flower and Yuzuki Yukari


FlowerYuuma — the ship between flower and VY2


Meme Squad — the ship between flower, Utatane Piko, OLIVER and Fukase
Memelord Squad — the ship between flower, Kagamine Len, Utatane Piko, Oliver and Fukase
Powerin — the ship between flower, Utatane Piko and Kagamine Rin



FukaCul — the ship between Fukase and CUL
FukaFlower — the ship between Fukase and flower
FukaGumi — the ship between Fukase and GUMI
FukaIA — the ship between Fukase and IA
FukaIro — the ship between Fukase and Nekomura Iroha
FukaMayu — the ship between Fukase and MAYU
FukaMiku — the ship between Fukase and Hatsune Miku
FukaNana — the ship between Fukase and Macne Nana
FukaRana — the ship between Fukase and Rana
FuKari — the ship between Fukase and Yuzuki Yukari
FukaUna — the ship between Fukase and Otomachi Una
RinKase — the ship between Fukase and Kagamine Rin


ArsKase — the ship between Fukase and ARSLOID
FuKaito — the ship between Fukase and KAITO
FukaLen — the ship between Fukase and Kagamine Len
FukaMoke — the ship between Fukase and Zhiyu Moke
HioKase — the ship between Fukase and YOHIOloid
Olikase — the ship between Fukase and OLIVER
PiKase — the ship between Fukase and Utatane Piko
Yuukase — the ship between Jukase and YUU


FukaTeto — the ship between Fukase and Kasane Teto


FukaLenPiko — the ship between Fukase, Kagamine Len and Utatane Piko
FukaOliLen — the ship between Fukase, OLIVER and Kagamine Len
Meme Squad — the ship between Fukase, flower, Utatane Piko and OLIVER
Memelord Squad — the ship between Fukade, Kagamine Len, Utatane Piko, OLIVER and flower


FukaPoint — the ship between Fukase and Point

Hiyama Kiyoteru[]


KiyoKanon — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and Kanon
KiyoLuka — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and Megurine Luka
KiyoLily — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and Lily
KiyoMei — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and MEIKO
KiyoMiku — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and Hatsune Miku
MikiTeru — the ship between SF-A2 miki and Hiyama Kiyoteru
Soniteru — the ship between SONiKA and Hiyama Kiyoteru
YukaKiyo — the ship between Yuzuki Yukari and Hiyama Kiyoteru


KaiKiyo — the ship between KAITO and Hiyama Kiyoteru
KiyoGaku — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and Kamui Gakupo
KiyoTed — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and Kasane Ted


KiyoYuuma — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and VY2


AHS Family — the ship between SF-A2 miki, Hiyama Kiyoteru, and Kaai Yuki
YukiTeru — the ship between Kaai Yuki and Hiyama Kiyoteru



ArsIA — the ship between ARSLOID and IA
FukaIA — the ship between Fukase and IA
GakuIA — the ship between Kamui Gakupo and IA
HioIA — the ship between YOHIOloid and IA
KaIA — the ship between KAITO and IA
LenIA — the ship between Kagamine Len and IA
PikoIA — the ship between Utatane Piko and IA


CulIA — the ship between CUL and IA
FlowerIA — the ship between flower and IA
GumIA — the ship between GUMI and IA
IALily — the ship between IA and Lily
LukaIA — the ship between Megurine Luka and IA
MayuIA — the ship between MAYU and IA
MikIA — the ship between SF-A2 miki and IA
MikuIA — the ship between Hatsune Miku and IA
RinIA — the ship between Kagamine Rin and IA
YukaIA — the ship between IA and Yuzuki Yukari


TetoIA — the ship between IA and Kasane Teto
YuumIA — the ship between IA and VY2


GuMikuIA — the ship between GUMI, Hatsune Miku and IA
GumiRinIA — the ship between GUMI, Kagamine Rin and IA


IONE — the ship between IA and ONE

Lily (Vocaloid)[]


Alily — the ship between BIG AL and Lily
GakuLily — the ship between Kamui Gakupo and Lily
HioLily — the ship between YOHIOloid and Lily
KaiLily — the ship between KAITO and Lily
KyoLily — the ship between KYO and Lily
LenLily — the ship between Kagamine Len and Lily
PikoLily — the ship between Lily and Utatane Piko
Willily — the ship between WIL and Lily


CuLily — the ship between CUL and Lily
FlowerLily — the ship between flower and Lily
GumiLily — the ship between Lily and GUMI
IALily — the ship between IA and Lily
IroLily — the ship between Nekomura Iroha and Lily
LilyLuka — the ship between Megurine Luka and Lily
LilyRin — the ship between Kagamine Rin and Lily
MeiLily — the ship between MEIKO and Lily
MikiLily — the ship between Lily and SF-A2 miki
MikuLily — the ship between Lily and Hatsune Miku


LilYuuma — the ship between Lily and VY2
Litsu — the ship between Namine Ritsu and Lily
RukoLily — the ship between Yokune Ruko and Lily


GakuLilyGumi — the ship between Kamui Gakupo, Lily and GUMI


Internet Family — the ship between GUMI, Kamui Gakupo, Lily and Ryuuto


RyuuLily — the ship between Ryuuto and Lily

OLIVER (Vocaloid)[]


OliFlower — the ship between OLIVER and flower
OliMayu — the ship between OLIVER and MAYU
OliMiku — the ship between Hatsune Miku and OLIVER
OliRana — the ship between OLIVER and Rana
OliRin — the ship between OLIVER and Kagamine Rin
Oliroha — the ship between OLIVER nad Nekomura Iroha
OliSeeU — the ship between OLIVER and SeeU
OliUna — the ship between OLIVER and Otomachi Una
OliYuki — the ship between OLIVER and Kaai Yuki


Olihiki — the ship between OLIVER and Kazehiki
Olikase — the ship between OLIVER and Fukase
OliLen — the ship between OLIVER and Kagamine Len
OliMoke — the ship between OLIVER and Zhiyu Moke
OliPiko — the ship between OLIVER and Utatane Piko
YohiOli — the ship between YOHIOloid and Oliver


OliHime — the ship between OLIVER and Meika Hime


FukaOliLen — the ship between Fukase, OLIVER and Kagamine Len
Meme Squad — the ship between OLIVER, Utatane Piko, flower and Fukase
Memelord Squad — the ship between OLIVER, Kagamine Len, Utatane Piko, flower and Fukase


Power FX Family — the ship between Sweet ANN, BIG AL, Oliver and Yohioloid

Otomachi Una[]


FukaUna — the ship between Fukase and Otomachi Una
OliUna — the ship between OLIVER and Otomachi Una
Ryuuna — the ship between Ryuto and Otomachi Una


FlowerUna — the ship between flower and Otomachi Una
IroUna — the ship between Nekomura Iroha and Otomachi Una
UnaKiri — the ship between Otomachi Una and Tohoku Kiritan
UnaMiku — the ship between Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku
UnaRana — the ship between Rana and Otomachi Una
UnaRin — the ship between Kagamine Rin and Otomachi Una


MikoUna — the ship between Meika Mikoto and Otomachi Una


GakuUna — the ship between Kamui Gakupo and Otomachi Una
KaiUna — the ship between KAITO and Otomachi Una

Utatane Piko[]


AkaPiko — the ship between Kizuna Akari and Utatane Piko
Floko — the ship between Utatane Piko and flower
GumiPiko — the ship between GUMI and Utatane Piko
PikoIA — the ship between Utatane Piko and IA
PikoLapis — the ship between Utatane Piko and Aoki Lapis
PikoLily — the ship between Lily and Utatane Piko
PikoMiki — the ship between Utatane Piko and SF-A2 miki
PikoMiku — the ship between Utatane Piko and Hatsune Miku
PikoNana — the ship between Utatane Piko and Macne Nana
PikoRana — the ship between Utatane Piko and Rana
PikoRin — the ship between Utatane Piko and Kagamine Rin
Piroha — the ship between Utatane Piko and Nekomura Iroha


DexPiko — the ship between DEX and Utatane Piko
GakuPiko — the ship between Utatane Piko and Kamui Gakupo
LenPiko — the ship between Utatane Piko and Kagamine Len
OliPiko — the ship between OLIVER and Utatane Piko
PiKase — the ship between Fukase and Utatane Piko


PikoYuuma — the ship between Utatane Piko and VY2
RitsuPiko — the ship between Namine Ritsu and Utatane Piko
TetoPiko — the ship between Utatane Piko and Kasane Teto


Meme Squad — the ship between Utatane Piko, OLIVER, flower and Fukase
Memelord Squad — the ship between Kagamine Len, Utatane Piko, Oliver, flower and Fukase
Powerin — the ship between Utatane Piko, flower and Kagamine Rin


With men[]

ArsYuuma — the ship between ARSLOID and VY2
GakuYuuma — the ship between Kamui Gakupo and VY2
HioYuuma — the ship between YOHIOloid and VY2
KaiYuuma — the ship between KAITO and VY2
KiyoYuuma — the ship between Hiyama Kiyoteru and VY2
Kyuuma — the ship between KYO and VY2
LenYuuma — the ship between Kagamine Len and VY2
PikoYuuma — the ship between Utatane Piko and VY2

With women[]

FlowerYuuma — the ship between flower and VY2
IroYuuma — the ship between Nekomura Iroha and VY2
LilYuuma — the ship between Lily and VY2
LukaYuuma — the ship between Megurine Luka and VY2
SeeUma — the ship between SeeU and VY2
Yuumari — the ship between Yuzuki Yukari and VY2
Yuumi — the ship between GUMI and VY2
YuumIA — the ship between IA and VY2
YuuMiku — the ship between Hatsune Miku and VY2
YuuRin — the ship between Kagamine Rin and VY2


TetoYuuma — the ship between Kasane Teto and VY2
YuuMizu — the ship between VY1 and VY2


Vocaloid ShipsFemslash Vocaloid ShipsHet Vocaloid ShipsNon-binary Vocaloid ShipsSlash Vocaloid ShipsVocaloid Characters
SHIPS het FlokoFukaFlowerGakuGumiGakuLukaGakuRinGumiLenKaiLukaKaiMeiKaiMikuKaiRinKiyoMeiLeNeruLenLukaMikuLenRinLen
slash FukaLenGakuKaiLenPikoKaiLenOlikase
femslash GumiLilyGumikuGumiRinLukaRinMeiLukaMikuFlowerMikuMeiMikuNeruNegitoroMikuRinUnaRinYukaIA
non-binary TetoMikuKaiYuuma
poly Big 8Triple Baka
friendship Cryptonloid Gang
cargo MikuLeekNeruPhone
CHARACTERS male Kagamine LenKAITOKamui Gakupo
female GUMIHatsune MikuKagamine RinMEIKOMegurine Luka