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Vollzi is the poly ship between Serial Designation V, Doll and Uzi Doorman from the Murder Drones fandom.


The relationships between V, Doll, and Uzi evolve from intense hostility to reluctant cooperation, though the tension remains constant. Doll seeks revenge on V for the death of her parents, V views Doll as just another obstacle later evolving into a deadly threat, Uzi dislikes Doll for their rivalry and toxic bullying history, and V depicts Uzi as an apocalyptic threat to her, N, and the rest of dronekind. Uzi, initially at odds with both, sees them as enemies and is caught in their conflict. However, as the series progresses, Uzi and V start to develop a tentative alliance, particularly after V shows protective instincts toward Uzi. While Uzi remains wary, she begins to see V as more complex than a simple antagonist.

Doll’s relationship with Uzi is similarly complicated. Previously, with her friendly accomplices, Doll enjoyed harassing Uzi for her infamous status as the local freak in their school. Though Doll continues to resent Uzi for interfering with her plans, she shows some understanding of Uzi's dangerous predicament, especially regarding the Absolute Solver. The two come to realize their similarities, shared suffering, and scarring losses of loved ones. Despite moments of reflection, Doll remains a significant threat to Uzi and V as a rival.

By the end of the show, V and Uzi end up showing a visible friendship bond. However with Doll's death, there have been no proper progress on her relationship with V or Uzi.


Towards the end of the episode, a fight involving V and Uzi happens (though not fighting each other directly). After the fight is over, V is shown tied up and restrained. Doll comes out of her hiding, cheering for the victory of Uzi and N. Though their interactions are minimal, the episode hints at the tension and complex relationships that will evolve between the trio.

The Promening[]

V, Doll, and Uzi clash during the Worker’s prom. Doll traps V, impaling her with metal poles and nearly killing her, but Uzi and N arrive just in time to stop her. Uzi saves V despite her hesitation, which angers Doll and makes the fight even more intense.

V ends up shooting Doll in the head, seeming to kill her, but later at Doll’s place, she comes back alive. Doll tries to kill Uzi again, but Uzi’s Absolute Solver activates and stops the attack. Doll apologizes and says she’ll help Uzi later, but V fires a missile at her and Doll escapes.


During the flashback sequence, Uzi and N, having found what they came for while searching in the basement, agreed to leave, but their escape is interrupted when Uzi loses control of the Eldritch and is wrenched out of N's mind. The tension escalates as Uzi's father, Khan, asks her about Doll's presence. Moments later, Doll throws Khan out of the way and appears in Uzi's doorway.

A fight breaks out between Doll and Uzi, but the conflict shifts when Uzi notices that N and V are in danger. Uzi hands over the keybug, hoping to end the standoff. Her gamble pays off—Doll accepts the key, thanks Khan for raising a good daughter, and teleports away, leaving Uzi, V and N behind.

At the end of the episode, Uzi manages to prevent N's and V's memories being erased (though being threatened by V with a chainsaw). Doll meanwhile teleports outside to meet with J and Tessa and gives them the keybug. When they turn around, Uzi, N, and V were right in front of them. The episode ends on a cliffhanger.

Dead End[]

Uzi, N, and V meet with Tessa and J, who begin explaining their reasons for coming to Copper 9. Doll unexpectedly snatches the keybug she had given them earlier and makes a run for it. The group tries to chase her down, but Doll manages to escape by jumping into a hole that leads to the labs.

Near the episode's end, Uzi, N, V, and Tessa flee from the Sentinels down a long hallway toward a hidden elevator. There they find Doll seemingly stuck in a boot-looped state, having been incapacitated by the Sentinels and Tessa retrieves the key-bug from Doll's hands.

However, Doll had only pretended to be in a boot-loop (using a GIF) to trap the group. She steals the key-bug once again and drops a lift to block their path, leaving them stranded with the Sentinels as she salutes to Uzi and escapes.


  • In Absolute End during the credits, Lizzy broadcasts a PowerPoint as a memorial for Doll's death during the next prom. She refers to her as "Babe-A-Tron Queenthousand" and draws a heart for her while stating, "Gone too soon". V and Uzi attend said memorial, with V throwing a thumbs-down and Uzi looking uninterested.


The dynamics between the members of Vollzi are marked by tension, growth, and eventual understanding. V and Doll share a fraught relationship due to Doll's vendetta against V for her parents' murder, with their fiery clashes slowly evolving into reluctant respect as V seeks redemption and Doll grapples with her need for vengeance. Doll and Uzi connect through their shared trauma and existential struggles as Absolute Solver inheritors, finding strength in their similarities despite Doll’s cold demeanor and Uzi’s rebellious empathy. Meanwhile, the shift from enemies to allies defines Uzi and V’s dynamic, as Uzi’s defiance and V’s protective instincts lay the groundwork for a hesitant but growing trust that can deepen with Doll’s involvement.

Vollzi is an exceptionally rare and intriguing poly ship within the Murder Drones fandom, bringing together the chaotic trio of V, Doll, and Uzi. Despite each member's complicated history and tangled relationships, fans of Vollzi may embrace the ship for its potential to embody themes of redemption, reconciliation, and resilience in the face of shared trauma.

The ship frequently combines the dynamics of Voll, Dollzi, and Vuzi, resulting in a multifaceted connection. Vollzi shippers may highlight how their collective personalities and histories complement and contrast each other. While Vollzi involves significant emotional and interpersonal hurdles, shippers may use AUs and speculative storytelling to make scenarios where the trio overcomes their animosity and forges an unconventional but deeply loyal bond.

The ship has reached a sweet handful of recognition from social media; fanarts accompanied with the "Vollzi" or "DeadGirls" tag are more often found on Twitter. Most sketches interpret Uzi and Doll carrying a sexual/romantic bond towards V.


Doll/Uzi Doorman/V tag on AO3
Doll & Uzi Doorman & V tag on AO3
Vollzi hashtag on Twitter
Vollzi posts on Twitter
Vollzi tag on Tumblr
Vollzi posts on Tumblr



Voll refers to the ship between Serial Designation V and Doll
Vuzi refers to the ship between Serial Designation V and Uzi Doorman
Dollzi refers to the ship between Doll and Uzi Doorman


Murder Drones Logo W
Murder Drones ShipsMurder Drones Characters
SHIPS het DaidonDamEnjayEnvyInvalidCodeJhadJhanKhaliceKhanYevaKhoriNebeccaNizzyNollNuziRebDarrenSamilySamziThalizzyThollThUziVamVaxVhad
slash KheacherNhadThadSam
femslash CrimsonHorrorsDizzyDobeccaDollziEldritchTerrorsEmiLizzyEmiziJayliceJebeccaJessaJizzyJollyJoriJuziLuziNorliceNorYevaOilRoseRebLizzyRebziRemilyValiceVCynVizzyVollVoriVuzi
non-binary AbsoluteCynAbsoluteJaySolvzi
poly AliNorYevaDoNuziDizzybeccaJenvyJizzyhadLuziVKhoriYevaNarrebeccaNuzivNuzivjayThollizzyThuzinUziDoLizzVhaziVollizzyVollziVuziJ
family BeauliceDoorman FamilyElliott FamilyKhuziLizzeacherNCynNorUziTessCynJenvyYevDoll
friend AlziCynDollCynessaCynziKhanLizThadKhanLizzyKhanThadNessaNhanNorCynNomniNoriNPomziTessjenvyTessziVessa
cargo DollKnifeDuel UzisJ x JCJenson PenKhanDoor
CHARACTERS male Khan DoormanSamSerial Designation NThad
female AliceCynDollLizzyNori DoormanRebeccaSerial Designation JSerial Designation VTessa ElliottUzi DoormanYeva