Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 9999Manip: 11Screenshots: 163163
Femslash ships: 66Het ships: 77Familyship: 11Poly ships: 22

Weiss Schnee is a character from the RWBY fandom.


Weiss is a former student at Beacon Academy and current member of team RWBY. Her and her team are currently travelling to Vaccuo together.



Arctic Fox — the ship between Weiss and Fox Alistair
BruWeiss — the ship between Weiss and Bruce Wayne
Caged Bird — the ship between Weiss and Qrow Branwen
Cinnamon Snowflake — the ship between Weiss and Yatsuhashi Daichi
Daddy Issues — the ship between Weiss and Mercury Black
En garde — the ship between Weiss and Scarlet David
Exploding Ice — the ship between Weiss and Katsuki Bakugou
Fire&Ice — the ship between Weiss and Shoto Todoroki
Frostbite (RWBY) — the ship between Weiss and Adam Taurus
Frozen Vine — the ship between Weiss and Vine Zeki
Iceberg — the ship between Weiss and Neptune Vasilias
Ice coal'd — the ship between Weiss and Flynt Coal
IronWeiss — the ship between Weiss and James Ironwood
Polar Bears — the ship between Weiss and Junior Xiong
Reiss — the ship between Weiss and Roman Torchwick
Salt and Pepper — the ship between Weiss and Sage Ayana
Scorpion Ice — the ship between Weiss and Tyrian Callows
Sunflakes — the ship between Weiss and Sun Wukong
The Princess and the Pauper — the ship between Weiss and Oscar Pine
Timefreezer — the ship between Weiss and Marrow Amin
White Clover — the ship between Weiss and Clover Ebi
White Cyborg — the ship between Weiss and Victor Stone
White Knight — the ship between Weiss and Jaune Arc
White Lotus — the ship between Weiss and Lie Ren
Zeiss — the ship between Weiss and Zen (Hyun Ryu)


Cold Murder — the ship between Weiss and Cinder Fall
Freezerburn — the ship between Weiss and Yang Xiao Long
Icegold — the ship between Weiss and May Marigold
IceWitch — the ship between Weiss and Salem
Monochrome — the ship between Weiss and Blake Belladonna
Myrtenaster Bandit — the ship between Weiss and Vernal
Nordic Winter — the ship between Weiss and Nora Valkyrie
PennyWeiss — the ship between Weiss and Penny Polendina
Prismatic Ponytails — the ship between Weiss and Ilia Amitola
Schneekos — the ship between Weiss and Pyrrha Nikos
Snow Arrow — the ship between Weiss and Robyn Hill
Snowcats — the ship between Weiss and Neon Katt
Snowflake in the Rough — the ship between Weiss and Emerald Sustrai
Snow Genie — the ship between Weiss and Jinn
Snowhares — the ship between Weiss and Velvet Scarlatina
Stockholm Syndrome — the ship between Weiss and Raven Branwen
Weisscream — the ship between Weiss and Neopolitan
White Chocolate — the ship between Weiss and Coco Adel
White Leopard — the ship between Weiss and Kali Belladonna
White Rose — the ship between Weiss and Ruby Rose
White Sheep — the ship between Weiss and Fiona Thyme
White Squirrel — the ship between Weiss and Makoto Nanaya
White Tiger — the ship between Weiss and Sienna Khan
White Witch — the ship between Weiss and Glynda Goodwitch
Wonder Weiss — the ship between Weiss and Diana of Themyscira


Bees Schnees — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long
Freezerburned Ice Cream — the ship between Weiss, Yang Xiao Long, and Neopolitan
Frosensteel — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose and Penny Polendina
Global Warming — the ship between Weiss, Yang Xiao Long, and Pyrrha Nikos
Grey Knight — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Jaune Arc
Icyhot Knight — the ship between Weiss, Yang Xiao Long and Jaune Arc
IronQroWeiss — the ship between Weiss, James Ironwood and Qrow Branwen
Monochromatic Ice Cream — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Neopolitan
Monochrome Robot — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Penny Polendina
Neapolitan Shakes — the ship between Weiss, Emerald Sustrai and Nora Valkyrie
Newspaper — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Ruby Rose
Newspaper Knight — the ship between Weiss, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose
Pollinated Knight — the ship between Weiss, Jaune Arc, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna
Pollinated Silent Knight — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Neopolitan, Yang Xiao Long and Jaune Arc
Pollination — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long
Robotic Heatsicle — the ship between Weiss, Yang Xiao Long, and Penny Polendina
Ruby's Harem — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose, Penny Polendina, Oscar Pine and Jaune Arc
Short and Sweet — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose, Penny Polendina and Neopolitan
Strawberry Sunweiss — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long
Strawberry Weisscream — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose and Neopolitan
Team RWBN — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna and Nora Valkyrie
Team RWBYN — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Nora Valkyrie and Yang Xiao Long
Thunderchrome — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Nora Valkyrie
War of the Roses — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc
White Bird Bandit — the ship between Weiss, Vernal and Raven Branwen
White Cats — the ship between Weiss, Blake Belladonna and Kali Belladonna
White Chameleon Rose — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose and Ilia Amitola
White Chocolate Cream — the ship between Weiss, Emerald Sustrai and Neopolitan
Winter Greenhouse — the ship between Weiss, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Nora Valkyrie and Penny Polendina


Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs — the ship between Weiss and Klein Sieben


Heart of Ice — the ship between Weiss and Jacques Schnee
Ice Age — the ship between Weiss and Winter Schnee
Throne of Ice — the ship between Weiss and Whitley Schnee
White Swan — the ship between Weiss and Willow Schnee


Burger Queen — the ship between Weiss Schnee and a burger


Neptune Vasilias
Main article: Iceberg


Ruby Rose
Main article: White Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Main article: Freezerburn
Blake Belladonna
Main article: Monochrome



Weiss Schnee tag on AO3
Weiss Schnee tag on


Weiss Schnee posts on Tumblr


# ship name characters type
5887 White Rose Ruby Rose femslash
1087 Freezerburn Yang Xiao Long femslash
1038 Monochrome Blake Belladonna femslash
666 White Knight Jaune Arc het
318 Bees Schnees Blake BelladonnaYang Xiao Long poly
304 Schneekos Pyrrha Nikos femslash
263 Pollination Blake BelladonnaRuby RoseYang Xiao Long poly
189 Iceberg Neptune Vasilias het
165 Ice Age Winter Schnee family
110 Prismatic Ponytails Ilia Amitola femslash


  • Weiss' character alludes to Snow White from the fairytale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


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RWBY ShipsRWBY Characters
SHIPS het ArkosBlack SunBlood RoseBruWeissCandy CaneCombat GogglesCombat BootsCrimson LotusCinnabunDragonslayerEmercuryEscaped ConvictsExplosive Hot-HeadsFrecklesFrostbiteFire&IceFall StingerFirerobberFirewallThe Fox and the HareFunky BeatsGreek LotusGelatoHareHoundHummingbirdIcebergIron MaidenIronwitchJailbirdsKnightfallKnightshadeLancasterNora's ArcOld SilverOzglynPhoenixPoisonous ObsessionPupsicleQuick SilverReNoraRose GardenRobotic KnightRosewickRosey SkySnowbirdStrawbanaSunflakesSunflowyrTauradonnaThermometerTimefreezerToxic PetalsWhite KnightWinter SoldierWise DragonYellow Rose
slash Alcohol PoisoningFair GameIronQrowMartial ArcsMilitary FundingNoah's ArcNuts and VoltsSea MonkeysShovel KnightTaiQrow
femslash Achilles HeelBlack GlassBlood MintBumblebyCatmeleonCrossharesCold SteelCream MachineDouble BowElectromagnetismEmberaldFreezerburnFalling PetalsGingersnapsGuilty ConscienceLadybugMilk and CerealMonochromeMommy IssuesNuts and DoltsNordic WinterOverheatingPennyWeissPink LemonadeRed VelvetRosebirdSchneekosSnowfallSpicecreamSpumoneSteadfastStrawberry ShortcakeSugar RushThundercatWhite Rose
poly Bees SchneesCloqwork OrangeFrosensteelMechabugTraffik Lights
friendship Sister Complex
family Abandonment IssuesDragon RoseHarvesting MoonsIce AgeStrawberry SunriseTrouble Twins
cargo Forever AloneSea King
CHARACTERS male Jaune ArcMercury BlackQrow BranwenJames IronwoodOscar PineLie RenNeptune VasiliasTyrian Callows
female Blake BelladonnaCinder FallEmerald SustraiNeopolitanNora ValkyriePyrrha NikosPenny PolendinaRuby RoseWeiss SchneeWinter SchneeYang Xiao Long