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Willuz is the femslash ship between Willow Park and Luz Noceda from The Owl House fandom.


Luz and Willow strike up an easy friendship after Luz offers to be Willow's abomination for a class she is otherwise failing. Despite this leading to Luz being banned from Hexside, the two remain friends and Willow offers to teach Luz about magic in the mean time. Willow later accompanies Luz to The Covention, a convention of the covens of The Boiling Isles. While there, they walk arm-in-arm while looking at different coven booths.

During "Hooty's Moving Hassle" Willow is excited to take part in a moonlight conjuring with Luz and Gus, as their newly formed friend group now has enough people to perform the ritual. After said ritual gets the group thrown of a cliff by beast hunters, Willow opens up slightly about how she and Amity used to be friends as children, which fascinates Luz.

Willow waits for Luz to find a better outfit for attending a grudgby game in "Escape of the Palisman" despite the bus leaving as she did not want to go without Luz. To make up for missing the bus Luz takes Owlbert without permission from Eda so she can fly them to game.

When Luz is finally able to attend Hexside as a student she is happy to be in Willow's company again. After being put on the detention track Luz reaches through the barred windows of the classroom to pat Willow's cheeks as she missed her. Willow promises to find a way to get Luz out and later comes to free her.

In "Understanding Willow" Luz and Willow work together in class to magically develop photos of Willow's memories, which shows more of Willow's and Amity's childhood friendship. Luz is determined to help them become friends again, though Willow is against the idea. After Amity accidentally sets fire to all of Willow's photo memories, causing her to loose the memories in her consciousness as well, Luz brings Willow to Eda in order to help her. She works together with Amity to repair the memories as well as Willow's relationship with Amity to a degree. Once Willow is better Luz rushes to hug telling her "I'm gonna hug you so hard you'll never forget me again!"

In "Enchanting Grom Fright", Willow visits Luz in the owl house so they can go to school together. Willow and Gus are about to tell Luz about Grom before getting interrupted, after Luz talks about how she wants to be a grom queen, Willow comments on how it's not usually something people sign up for. After Amity is revealed as the grom queen, Willow tells Luz to give her some space.

In "Wing it Like Witches", Luz sits beside Willow and is surprised that she has gotten so popular. After Boscha teases Willow and calls her "cute", Luz says she agrees that she is cute and tries to retrieve Willow's hair clip. Luz tries to make Willow feel better by saying "It's not like she can follow us all day", however, Boscha did follow them around. After Willow gets trash thrown at her, Luz quickly rushes to her aid. Luz gets fed up after Boscha continuously torments Willow and challenges her to a grudgby match. Willow is left surprised by Luz's actions and tries to get her to just talk about the bullying. Willow finally agrees to Luz's plan and after their attempt to play Grudgby, Willow quits due to her and Gus's items being broken. Willow goes to tell Luz that not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a sound track and how they'll lose. Willow cancels the match and Luz tries to get her to come back and picks up her broken hair clip. Luz has a plan to make up for what she did to Willow, before she leaves she gives Amity Willow's fixed hair clip. Luz takes Willow's place as a water gofer and target practice. Willow is given her fixed hair tie and smiles. Willow defends Luz from Boscha's attack, Luz is happy to see Willow and apologizes for pushing her. After Willow successfully does the thorn vault, Luz runs to congratulate her and embraces her.

In "Agony of a Witch", Luz gets the idea to steal the healing hat and Willow notices that Luz is hiding something. Gus and Willow decide to help Luz with her plan to steal the hat.


Willuz is a smaller ship in the Owl House fandom but is generally well liked thanks to their close friendship within the series. Their genuine affection for one another is also part of their appeal as it differs from other popular ship dynamics in the fandom that are more steeped in the enemies to lovers setup, as seen with Boschlow and Lumity. Ice skating AU's became a common theme for fanart and AU's after the Owl House's animation supervisor Spencer Wan drew the pair skating together in a charity stream.

On AO3, Willuz is the third most written ship for Willow and Luz. It is also the fourteenth most written romantic ship in The Owl House tag.


Willow/Luz tag on AO3
Willuz posts on Tumblr


  • In the time skip, Willow has the same haircut as season 1 Luz.
  • The ship name "Pauluz" is the pilot ship name for the pair.


Main article: Willuz/Gallery


Boschwillumity refers to the ship between the two and Boscha and Amity Blight
Camilmom refers to the ship between the two and Camila Noceda, Vee, Amity Blight, Gus Porter and Hunter
Hexsquad refers to the ship between the two and Amity Blight, Gus Porter and Hunter
Lavender Winter refers to the ship between the two and Hunter (The Owl House) and Amity Blight
Willumity refers to the ship between Willow, Luz, and Amity


The Owl House logo navbox
SHIPS het BellithBelomoraBrulithBrigusCamilosEvelebGoldenskarHuntarcyHuntashaHuntlowHuntmiraLudricLunterLusMysteryOwlOdaladorSkingVedricVeenterWillGus
slash AladariusGoldricGusterGustholomuleHootlingo
femslash AmillowBoschmityBoschlowCamilithClarVeeLumiraLumityLuzanneLuzarcyLuzMiraViniraWilluzWillVee
non-binary DariraineRaedaVeesha
poly CamilraedaEdhuntlowLavender WinterLumiterLuzblightsLuzWillGusRaediusWillumity
family BelonterBlight FamilyBlight SiblingsBlight TwinsCamilmomCaminterCamiluzClawthorne SistersDadladorDadriusEdakingLedakingOwl House FamilyOwl MomTitanlightsVeeLuzWittebane Brothers
friendships AladunterAmilithBat ParentBesties in TraumaBellectorBelLuzCamila & WillowCollectLuzCollectnelCollectKingCollector ClawthorneEdanterEdricdaEmerald TrioGusmityHexsquadHoolithHuntilithHuntjackHuntmoraOwluzRaven AuntStilith
cargo Snowdric
CHARACTERS female Amity BlightCamila NocedaEmira BlightEda ClawthorneLilith ClawthorneLuz NocedaVeeWillow Park
male Alador BlightEdric BlightEmperor BelosHunterKing ClawthorneGus Porter
non-binary The CollectorRaine Whispers