Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Wind Breaker ships listed by characters. When a character has 15 ships listed and five pages that aren't stubs a page may be created for them.

Chika TakiishiChoji TomiyamaHayato SuoJo TogameYamato Endo

Chika Takiishi[]


ChikaSaku — the ship between Chika Takiishi and Haruka Sakura
ChikaTomi — the ship between Chika Takiishi and Choji Tomiyama
EndoChika — the ship between Yamato Endo and Chika Takiishi
UmeChika — the ship between Hajime Umemiya and Chika Takiishi


ChikaSakuTomi — the ship between Chika Takiishi, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
EndoChikaSaku — the ship between Yamato Endo, Chika Takiishi, and Haruka Sakura
UmeChikaTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Chika Takiishi, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeEndoChika — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Yamato Endo, and Chika Takiishi
UmeEndoChikaSaku — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Yamato Endo, Chika Takiishi, and Haruka Sakura

Choji Tomiyama[]


ChikaTomi — the ship between Chika Takiishi and Choji Tomiyama
SakuTomi — the ship between Haruka Sakura and Choji Tomiyama
TogaTomi — the ship between Jo Togame and Choji Tomiyama
UmeTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya and Choji Tomiyama


ChikaSakuTomi — the ship between Chika Takiishi, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
TogaSakuTomi — the ship between Jo Togame, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeChikaTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Chika Takiishi, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeSakuTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeTogaSakuTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeTogaTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, and Choji Tomiyama

Hayato Suo[]


EndoSuo — the ship between Yamato Endo and Hayato Suou
KajiSuo — the ship between Ren Kaji and Hayato Suou
KiryuSuo — the ship between Mitsuki Kiryu and Hayato Suo
SugiSuo — the ship between Kyotaro Sugishita and Hayato Suou
SuoKanu — the ship between Hayato Suou and Minoru Kanuma
SuoNirei — the ship between Hayato Suou and Akihiko Nirei
SuoSaku — the ship between Hayato Suou and Haruka Sakura
TogaSuo — the ship between Jo Togame and Hayato Suou
UmeSuo — the ship between Hajime Umemiya and Hayato Suou


AriKanuSuo — the ship between Yukinari Arima, Minoru Kanuma, and Hayato Suo
AriKanuSuoNirei — the ship between Yukinari Arima, Minoru Kanuma, Hayato Suo, and Akihiko Nirei
EndoSuoSaku — the ship between Yamato Endo, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura
KajiSuoNirei — the ship between Ren Kaji, Hayato Suou, and Akihiko Nirei
KajiSuoSaku — the ship between Ren, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura
SugiSuoSaku — the ship between Kyotaro Sugishita, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura
SugiSuoSakuNirei — the ship between Kyotaro Sugishita, Hayato Suou, Haruka Sakura, and Akihiko Nirei
SuoNireiKoto — the ship between Hayato Suou, Akihiko Nirei, and Kotoha Tachibana
SuoSakuNirei — the ship between Hayato Suou, Haruka Sakura, and Akihiko Nirei
TogaSuoSaku — the ship between Jo Togame, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura
TogaSuoSakuNirei — the ship between Jo Togame, Hayato Suou, Haruka Sakura and Akihiko Nirei
UmeSuoSaku — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura

Jo Togame[]


TogaEndo — the ship between Jo Togame and Yamato Endo
TogaSaku — the ship between Jo Togame and Haruka Sakura
TogaSuo — the ship between Jo Togame and Hayato Suou
TogaTomi — the ship between Jo Togame and Choji Tomiyama
UmeToga — the ship between Hajime Umemiya and Jo Togame


TogaEndoSaku — the ship between Jo Togame, Yamato Endo, and Haruka Sakura
TogaSuoSakuNirei — the ship between Jo Togame, Hayato Suou, Haruka Sakura and Akihiko Nirei
TogaSuoSaku — the ship between Jo Togame, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura
TogaSakuTomi — the ship between Jo Togame, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeTogaEndo — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, and Yamato Endo
UmeTogaSaku — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, and Haruka Sakura
UmeTogaSakuTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, Haruka Sakura, and Choji Tomiyama
UmeTogaTomi — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, and Choji Tomiyama


TogaRamune — the ship between Jo Togame and Ramune drinks

Yamato Endo[]


EndoChika — the ship between Yamato Endo and Chika Takiishi
EndoSuo — the ship between Yamato Endo and Hayato Suou
TogaEndo — the ship between Jo Togame and Yamato Endo
UmeEndo — the ship between Hajime Umemiya and Yamato Endo
YamaSaku — the ship between Yamato Endo and Haruka Sakura


EndoChikaSaku — the ship between Yamato Endo, Chika Takiishi, and Haruka Sakura
EndoSuoSaku — the ship between Yamato Endo, Hayato Suou, and Haruka Sakura
TogaEndoSaku — the ship between Jo Togame, Yamato Endo, and Haruka Sakura
UmeEndoChika — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Yamato Endo, and Chika Takiishi
UmeEndoChikaSaku — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Yamato Endo, Chika Takiishi, and Haruka Sakura
UmeTogaEndo — the ship between Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame, and Yamato Endo

