Winnerface is the non-binary ship between Winner and Yellow Face from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
During team making in The Power of Two, Yellow Face and Winner's respective groups of three combine into one team. In the challenge, Winner launches Yellow Face up to the top of the roof. Upon landing, Yellow Face looks down and winks at them and the team.
Yellow Face tells Winner to have fun when they say they'll check to see if Ice Cube died.
When Two arrives to see the team's performance, Winner introduces Yellow Face to them shortly before Clock interrupts.
As Winner and the rest of the team dies each time they try to go underneath the canal, Yellow Face recovers and motivates them to try again.
During the meal challenge, Winner likes the sound of Yellow Face advertising cereal and suggests that they can give it to Two.
When the team is tasked with repairing the Moon, Winner and Bottle overhear Yellow Face advertise a product to fix the moon. Winner takes the team into Yellow Face's advertisement to his surprise. When Winner and Bottle ask him what they need, Yellow Face ends up forgetting because of them distracting him. As the team searches around the ad for the product, Winner finds a remote and asks Yellow Face if it's useful. He tells them that it works on only one device and they will need to figure out which device it is, leading Winner to toss the remote away. Winner continues to find various products from Yellow Face in the ad, such as Vomit-Os, a pogo stick, Revolutionary Headphones, and a glass panel. Later when Bottle finds the Moon Repair Kit, Yellow Face believes she's referring to her finding the scribble next to it and puts it on the Moon to show to Two. Winner nervously looks up at the scribble when Two arrives, asking Yellow Face why he grabbed it when they meant for him to grab the Moon Repair Kit. Yellow Face tries to cheerfully brush it aside as a misunderstanding but Winner is angered by this and asks if the scribble even does anything. Yellow Face is unable to come up with a response, leading the team to be put up for elimination.
Winner is part of the crowd helping Yellow Face give a gumball to Donut. Later at Cake at Stake, Winner and Yellow Face are the first two safe with the most votes to be saved. Yellow Face catches both of the glue they get for being safe with his new pair of arms, teasing Winner that they could catch glue as fast as he could if they had hands. Winner pulls out their retractable arm and slams it, impressing Yellow Face. He offers them the gumballs he used to take limbs from other contestants, worrying Winner. In the balance beam challenge when Yellow Face explains how weak his brand of glue is, Winner questions why he's telling them this. Yellow Face offers to glue down a reluctant Winner to the balance beam using Robot Flower's brand of glue. Bottle questions why she was glued down when Ice Cube could've used it more, leading Yellow Face to take Bell down using Ice Cube to Winner and Bottle's shock.
As Just Not refuses to let The S! inside Gelatin's Steakhouse, Yellow Face leads Winner, Bottle, and Ice Cube to where Cloudy's collection is. He warns them to be careful with it, but he ends up throwing them inside upon the panic of being caught in the zombie outbreak. Yellow Face, Bottle, and Winner work together to throw steaks to deflect the zombies from Cloudy's collection. When Black Hole later takes the entire collection, the two are left wondering who will be able to head off with the last steak. When their sacrifice of Ice Cube fails and Yellow Face laments on wishing he could have sold more from his factory, Winner and Bottle look at him disappointedly. After figuring out that vomit turns the zombies back to normal, he gets the idea to cook it onto some steaks and Winner wonders how they'll be able to get inside Gelatin's Steakhouse. The steakhouse comes flying at them from an explosion and after putting out the fire, Winner, Yellow Face, and Bottle work on making vomit covered stakes to give to the zombies.
In Winner's dream when the team learns that their nightmare for the challenge is about their old friendship with Loser, Yellow Face is sympathetic for them and compares it to if his arch-enemy Purple Face got famous and he didn't. Winner clarifies that fame didn't matter to them and tells the backstory of their friendship with Loser. While on the topic of merchandise that Loser wanted to see himself in, Yellow Face begins advertising Loser-O's from his factory and apologizes after getting ahold of himself. Later when Winner is grateful for the team trying to help them move on from Loser, Yellow Face cheers upon being complimented.
Winnerface is a rarepair in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. The ship has few supporters mainly from fans of their team, The S!, and are often stated as two of the most prominent members of their team. Because of their importance within their team, they are often put together in fan art although not commonly in a shipping sense. However, some themes between the two in a romantical sense exist such as them being parental figures towards the team. The ship is mainly overshadowed by those within their teammembers, such as Winnerclock, Winnerbottle, Yellowclock, and Bottleface.
- Winner and Yellow Face search results on DeviantArt
- Winner and Yellow Face posts on Reddit
- Winner and Yellow Face posts on Tumblr
- Winnerface posts on Twitter
- Winner x Yellow Face posts on Twitter