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Wranduin is the slash ship between Wrathion and Anduin Wrynn from the Warcraft fandom.


Mists of Pandaria[]

Wranduin in the Tavern

Wrathion and Anduin first meet in the Tavern of the Mists at the Veiled Stair. Wrathion had been using the tavern as his main hideout for his operations in Pandaria while Anduin was there to recover following his recent experience with Garrosh Hellscream. After Wrathion informs an adventurer he's working with about Anduin's presence at the tavern[1] and ordering them to do some things for him at the Isle of Thunder, he begins discussing the Isle's ruler with Anduin over a Pandaren board game. The two have vastly different opinions about the Thunder King, with Wrathion believing his forceful rule was inspiring while Anduin decried it as tyranny and reminds him that he was overthrown. When Anduin says that, Wrathion fears that he's too soft to be king, which Anduin scoffs at by pointing out that a two year old - in dragon years - is lectuing him[2].

As Wrathion and his adventurer continue their activities on the Isle of Thunder, Anduin becomes increasingly weary of what Wrathion is doing, even telling the adventurer to not trust the dragon so blindingly. Wrathion merely states that the two of them have the same goal - the difference is their level of commitment[3] - and even offers Anduin to come along and see what he's doing[4]. Wrathion's efforts ultimately lead him to obtaining the Thunder King's heart - which is filled with the power of a Titan Keeper. To Anduin's shock, Wrathion eats the heart - an act that gives him a "taste" of Titan power that just as quickly fades. After the spectacle, Anduin expresses his doubt in Wrathion's intentions, to which the dragon claims is good[5].

Some time afterward, Anduin and Wrathion journeyed to the Timeless Isle for different reasons. Anduin came to assist the bronze dragon Kairozdormu in studying the time-frozen isle[6] while Wrathion came to exploit it to prepare his adventurer[7].

War Crimes[]

Following the Siege of Orgrimmar, Garrosh Hellscream was taken into custody so he could stand trial for his long list of crimes. Due to both being a major Alliance figure and having personally dealt with Garrosh, Anduin was brought to the trial. He takes the opportunity to invite Wrathion to listen and decide what was best for Azeroth[8]. After the trial begins and a respite is called following the accuser's first witness being presented, Anduin and Wrathion convene at an outlook at the Temple where the trial is being held. While there, they discuss the accuser's strategy which seemed more geared towards convicting the entire Horde instead of just Garrosh. When Wrathion suggests that there must be more nuance to the strategy, Anduin - having been troubled by some of the evidence from the witness - unintentionally throws shade at Wrathion believing nuance is always required, prompting a discussion of how things can change. With a lot on his mind after it, Anduin asks if he and Wrathion are friends, to which the dragon responds that they are[9].

As the trial continues, Anduin is called up as another of the accuser's witnesses. His testimony caused him to start meeting with Garrosh in his cell over the next few days in an attempt to see his side, before an argument on the fifth day causes this to stop. Things get worse when, on the trial's sixth day, something Anduin did behind his father Varian's back is revealed to everyone. Overwhelmed by all of it, once proceedings were done for the day, he went to a beach to be alone. Before too long, Wrathion flew in to keep Anduin company, which the prince was thankful for. As the two sat, Anduin admitted to Wrathion how tired he was of the entire trial and his unhappiness at being stuck there until it was done, prompting Wrathion to say he'll - once he's older - take him on many adventures. After that declaration, Wrathion reveals he brought along Jihui - the same Pandaren board game they played when they first met - for the two of them play, an offer that Anduin takes him up on[10].

On the final day of the trial, as closing statements were being made by the accuser, defender, and Garrosh, Anduin noticed that Chromie - one of the two bronze dragons that were helping present evidence during the trial - was missing and he agreed to search for her. Upon reaching what was Garrosh's cell, he finds the guards incapacitated by a pair of women with crossbows and Chromie trapped inside the cell. After Anduin learns that Kairoz - the other bronze dragon - was attempting to free Garrosh, he's immediately confronted by Wrathion - which makes Anduin realize that he's in on the breakout as the women that attacked the guards were his bodyguards. Anduin is heartbroken that he didn't suspect Wrathion was planning this, prompting the dragon to say it's not in Anduin's nature to suspect anything and apologizing for having to do this. Wrathion goes on to explain to Anduin that freeing Garrosh is for the good of Azeroth and that he hopes the prince sees why before knocking him out and leaving[11]. After waking up, Anduin assists in the ensuing chaos in the temple, after which he reveals Wrathion's hand in Garrosh's escape to everyone[12].

Battle for Azeroth[]

As a result of Wrathion's part in breaking Garrosh free, a chain of events occur that ends with the Burning Legion launching its third invasion on Azeroth, the first major battle of which causes the death of Anduin's father and his untimely ascension to king of the Alliance. As king, Anduin led the Alliance to victory against the Legion and, later on, the Fourth War against the Horde. During all of this, Wrathion wandered across Azeroth to research about the Old Gods and how to resist their corruption. This research would pay off when the Old God N'Zoth was released from its prison after the conflict in Nazjatar.

Wranduin Punch

With N'Zoth's threat now present, Wrathion arrived in Stormwind to offer his help in dealing with it. Anduin, however, is not happy to see Wrathion since he still remembers that the dragon is indirectly responsible for his father's death. As a result, when Wrathion arrives in the castle's throne room, Anduin responds by punching him in the face and yelling at him, only calmed down when Magni Bronzebeard - who was accompanying Wrathion - tells him that the dragon was there to help. Wrathion goes on to explain that any physical offense Anduin's planning is pointless as N'Zoth will attack the mind first, which makes the king realize that him punching Wrathion was influenced by the Old God. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Anduin agrees to Wrathion's council[13][14]. Wrathion would go on to be a key player in finally killing N'Zoth.

Post-Battle for Azeroth[]

After the events in the Shadowlands, Anduin went into self-imposed exile for the next few years. In the meantime, Wrathion got work on his next project of finding the Dragon Isles, during which he reflected on his relationship with Anduin. He came to realize that meeting Anduin was both a blessing - because someone had cared for and trusted him - and a curse - because he turned that trust against him. He also hoped to finally reconcile with Anduin once he came from his exile[15]. Wrathion continues to try and find out about Anduin's possible whereabouts, even asking other Alliance leaders about it[16].


“But.. he's not like other black dragons, is he? He's completely honest and yet always hiding something. Not at all what I expected.”
— Anduin on Wrathion, Gossip dialogue during Meet Me Upstairs
Wrathion“When I am older, I shall, if asked politely, take you on my back and ferry you to fascinating places, where we will have adventures that will age your father ten years in one night.”
Anduin“You have no idea how wonderful that sounds.”
War Crimes, Chapter 27
Mathias Shaw“King Greymane, I thought you should know. Wrathion asked if there's been any word from--”
Genn Greymane“Anduin? He asked me the same question. Though their friendship has been strained, I know the king considers Wrathion an ally.”
— Gossip dialogue between Shaw and Genn at Stormwind Harbor during Dragonflight


Wranduin is a very popular ship in the Warcraft fandom. From their first interactions in Mists of Pandaria, fans have taken a liking to the lively contrast between the two in their views on the world. This ship really started to take off with fans following the release of the novel War Crimes, which saw the two bonding even more than in-game. In particular, the scene at the beach in Chapter 27 had been described as being from a romance novel if taken out of context. This ship is primarily rivaled on Anduin's side with the likes of Andelia and Tessduin.

On AO3, this ship is a well-written one, with tagged entries in the 640's range. It's the second-most written ship for the Warcraft fandom behind Sylvaina, and the most written one for both Anduin and Wrathion.



Wrathion/Anduin Wrynn tag on AO3


Wranduin tag on Tumblr


  • Christie Golden, the writer of several Warcraft stories (including War Crimes), acknowledges this ship's existence.[17][18]
  • Wrathion and Anduin have nicknames with contrasting color and status themes. The former often goes by the title "Black Prince" while the latter's Alliance codename is "White Pawn".
    • They both started being called these names in Mists of Pandaria.



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