Shipping Wiki
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So I asked her to help me defeat him
—Yoriichi asks Tamayo to start an alliance together, "him" referring to Muzan Kibutsuji.

YoriiTama is the het ship between Yoriichi Tsugikuni and Tamayo from the Demon Slayer fandom.


Yoriichi and Tamayo crossed paths when he confronted Kibutsuji, “the progenitor of demons.” Utilizing the Thirteenth Form of Sun Breathing, Yoriichi was able to overthrow Kibutsuji. Amid Kibutsuji's struggle to regenerate, Yoriichi observed a demon girl who was alongside Kibutsuji fixated on them. Yoriichi reported that oddly enough, he saw “a light of hope glimmering in those eyes.”

Tamayo who was processing what had just happened, dropped to her knees, screeching the words, “You were so close” repeatedly, expressing disdain for Kibutsuji as she stated, “You should've just died!! You filthy man!! Kibutsuji Muzan...!!”. Surprisingly, Tamayo, having surpassed the Kibutsuji curse, found herself alive. Yoriichi, having momentarily freed her from Kibutsuji's control, asked for her assistance in defeating Kibutsuji, to which she agreed, revealing her name as “Tamayo.” Tamayo also informed Yoriichi about Kibutsuji.

Soon after meeting Tamayo, Yoriichi was informed by his allies or his fellow hashiras that his brother, Michikatsu had been turned into a demon, meaning that Michikatsu had met Kibutsuji prior to Yoriichi and Tamayo's encounter. Yoriichi burdened by guilt, took responsibility for not defeating Kibutsuji, his brother becoming a demon, and letting Tamayo escape. He was then exiled from the Demon Slayer Corps.

During the Hashira Training Arc, Tamayo stares out a window as she vaguely remembers her, Kibutsuji, and Yoriichi's encounter. Tamayo accurately remembered Yoriichi's facial features and every thing about him appearance-wise, despite their encounter being over four centuries ago.


“When I calmed down the panicked and confused girl, she told me everything about the man, as if a dam had burst.”
— Yoriichi kneels down to speak with Tamayo, "the panicked and confused girl."
“I had temporarily freed the woman from Muzan's control because he had weaken. So I asked her to help me defeat him.”
— Yoriichi had helped free Tamayo from Kibutsuji's authority, he also discovered her and his similar goal, to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji.
“She was confused at first, but she agreed. She said her name was Tamayo.”
— Tamayo agrees to start an alliance with Yoriichi, she also told him her name, showing that she trusts Yoriichi to a certain extent.
“I took responsibility for not defeating Kibutsuji, for letting Tamayo escape, and for my brother becoming a demon, and I was exiled from the Demon Hunters.”
— Since Yoriichi and Tamayo formed some sort of alliance, he let her escape and he took full accountability for it.


YoriiTama isn't very recognized by the fandom and is shipped by few people, so it is relatively rare to come across. Additionally, the scene between the two has yet to be animated since their first meeting was only shown during the Final Battle. Another fact is that Yoriichi was canonically married to Uta, that ship being YoriUta, and Tamayo often being shipped with one of her companions, Yushiro, since he is often seen with her and is extremely overprotective over her. That ship being YushiTama. Tamayo has also stated various times that she loved her husband and children dearly, which leads some fans to stir away from shipping Tamayo with other characters. The same often happens with Yoriichi, since fans always bring up Yoriichi's existing marriage to Uta when Yoriichi is shipped with anyone other than her. Although YoriiTama lacks widespread popularity, it has four works on AO3, two of them being written in Spanish (Español) and the other two being written in English. This indicates that there are individuals who ship it passionately enough to create fanfiction about and/or featuring the pairing. YoriiTama has also started to gain a small amount of popularity on Twitter, also known as X.

Despite having only interacted once, fans theorize that a strong friendship developed between the two. Yoriichi's role in helping Tamayo gain freedom from Muzan Kibutsuji's control fuels speculation that Tamayo holds a profound appreciation for him. This sentiment is reinforced by Yoriichi sparing her, as well as his significant dedication to defeating Kibutsuji, which is a goal he shares with Tamayo.


Yoriichi/Tamayo tag on AO3
Yoriichi & Tamayo tag on AO3
よりいたま tag on Pixiv
よりいたま tag on POIPIKU
Yoriichi and Tamayo tag on POIPIKU
Yoriichi x Tamayo tag on Tumblr
Tamayo x Yoriichi tag on Tumblr
YoriiTama tag on Tumblr
YoriTama tag on Tumblr
YoriiTama hashtag on Twitter
YoriiTama tag on TikTok
Yoriichi x Tamayo tag on TikTok
Tamayo x Yoriichi tag on TikTok
Yoriichi's Relationship with Tamayo on the Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki
Tamayo's Relationship with Yoriichi on the Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki


  • Both are widowed after their spouses and children died.




Fan Art[]

All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.


MuzYoriiTama refers to the ship between the two and Muzan Kibutsuji
YoriUtaTama refers to the ship between the two and Uta


Kimetsu no Yaiba title
Demon Slayer ShipsDemon Slayer Characters
SHIPS het AmaKagaDakiTanDakiZenDokiDouKanaDouKotoDouShinoGenZukoGiyuMitsuGiyuShinoGojoShinoHaibumeHakuKoyuInoAoiInoKanaInoNezuInoShinoIzuNezuKaiDakiKaraNezuKokuNakiKyoNakiMakoGiyuMuiNezuObaMitsuRenKanaRenMitsuRenShinoSaneKanaSaneMitsuSaneShinoTamaShiboTamaZanTanAoTanKanaTanMakoTanMitsuTanOchaTanShinoUzuHinaUzuSumaYahaMaruYoriiTamaYoriUtaZenAoZenKanaZenNezuZenShino
slash DotaroDouAkaDouEnmuEnAkaEnZanGenMuiGenTanGenZenGiyuTanGyoHanInoTanInoZenIzuTanKaiZenKokuKaiMuiTanObaSaneObaTanRenGiyuuRenKazaRenTanRuiTanSabiGiyuuSaneGiyuuTouSumiUzuObaUzuRenUzuZenZenTan
femslash AoiNezuDakiMaruDakiNezuDakiSumaKanaAoiKoyuKotoMakioDakiMakoShinoNaDakiNezuchakoNezuKanaNezuMitsuShinoMitsuSumakioTamaShinoTsuKanae
poly GenMuiTanInoZenTanMakoShinoMitsuNezuKanaAoSabiMakoGiyuSaneObaMitsuUzuiWives
friendship Butterfly GirlsDouGyuDakiElectric PalsHimeShinoMuiMitsuMuRuiNezuTamaObaMaruWaterBreathersSquadYoriSumiSuyaZenitaro
family AkenoYoriiGenSaneGyuDakiKaneShinoKochou SistersMichiYoriMuiYuuNezuTanSabiMakoTogaDomaUrokodaki Family
CHARACTERS male DomaGenya ShinazugawaGiyu TomiokaInosuke HashibiraKyojuro RengokuMuichiro TokitoObanai IguroSabitoSanemi ShinazugawaTanjiro KamadoTengen UzuiYoriichi TsugikuniZenitsu Agatsuma
female Aoi KanzakiDakiKanae KochoKanao TsuyuriMakomoMitsuri KanrojiNezuko KamadoShinobu KochoTamayo