Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Yu-Gi-Oh! ships listed by characters. When a character has 15 ships listed and five pages that aren't stubs a page may be created for them.

Johan AndersenJim "Crocodile" CookTyranno KenzanJun ManjomeRyo MarufujiSho MarufujiDaichi MisawaAustin O'BrienEdo PhoenixRei SaotomeAsuka TenjoinFubuki TenjoinYubel

Johan Andersen[]


Ambershipping — the ship between Johan and Tyranno Kenzan
Cowboyshipping — the ship between Johan and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Defianceshipping — the ship between Johan and Hao
Glowshipping — the ship between Johan and Austin O'Brien
Jewelshipping — the ship between Johan and Jun Manjome
Spiritshipping — the ship between Johan and Judai Yuki
Superiorshipping — the ship between Johan and Edo Phoenix
Tealshipping — the ship between Johan and Ryo Marufuji
Toastshipping — the ship between Johan and Daichi Misawa


Bondshipping — the ship between Johan and Yubel


Advancedshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Hao
Aidshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Edo Phoenix
Attractionshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Sho Marufuji
Competitorshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Jun Manjome
Fascinateshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Asuka Tenjoin
Rockyshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Soulbondshipping — the ship between Johan, Judai Yuki, and Yubel

Jim "Crocodile" Cook[]


Tomorrowshipping — the ship between Jim and Asuka Tenjoin


Alloyshipping — the ship between Jim and Edo Phoenix
Australiashipping — the ship between Jim and Hayato Maeda
Boreshipping — the ship between Jim and Jun Manjome
Cowboyshipping — the ship between Jim and Johan Andersen
Fossilshipping — the ship between Jim and Tyranno Kenzan
Orichalcumshipping — the ship between Jim and Austin O'Brien
Saviourshipping — the ship between Jim and Judai Yuki


Cometshipping — the ship between Jim, Austin O'Brien, and Judai Yuki
Enactshipping — the ship between Jim, Austin O'Brien, and Asuka Tenjoin
Rockyshipping — the ship between Jim, Judai Yuki, and Johan Andersen

Tyranno Kenzan[]


Pairshipping — the ship between Tyranno and Rei Saotome


Ambershipping — the ship between Tyranno and Johan Andersen
Evolveshipping — the ship between Tyranno and Judai Yuki
Fossilshipping — the ship between Tyranno and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Jurassicshipping — the ship between Tyranno and Sho Marufuji

Jun Manjome[]


Argueshipping — the ship between Jun and Rei Saotome
Valentineshipping — the ship between Jun and Asuka Tenjoin


Angelshipping — the ship between Jun and Sho Marufuji
Boreshipping — the ship between Jun and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Egoshipping — the ship between Jun and Edo Phoenix
Hornetshipping — the ship between Jun and Daichi Misawa
Jewelshipping — the ship between Jun and Johan Andersen
Majesticshipping — the ship between Jun and Ryo Marufuji
Rivalshipping — the ship between Jun and Judai Yuki
Stormshipping — the ship between Jun and Fubuki Tenjoin


Aoishipping — the ship between Jun, Fubuki Tenjoin, and Ryo Marufuji
Brinyshipping — the ship between Jun, Asuka Tenjoin, and Ryo Marufuji
Competitorshipping — the ship between Jun, Judai Yuki, and Johan Andersen
Primaryshipping — the ship between Jun, Judai Yuki, and Daichi Misawa

Ryo Marufuji[]


Amoreshipping — the ship between Ryo and Rei Saotome
Royalshipping — the ship between Ryo and Asuka Tenjoin


Beforeshipping — the ship between Ryo and Yusuke Fujiwara
Fusionshipping — the ship between Ryo and Judai Yuki
Geniusshipping — the ship between Ryo and Daichi Misawa
Idolshipping — the ship between Ryo and Fubuki Tenjoin
Majesticshipping — the ship between Ryo and Jun Manjome
Mascarashipping — the ship between Ryo and Shouji Manjome
Tealshipping — the ship between Ryo and Johan Andersen
Victoryshipping — the ship between Ryo and Edo Phoenix


Antiheroshipping — the ship between Ryo, Edo Phoenix, and Judai Yuki
Aoishipping — the ship between Ryo, Fubuki Tenjoin, and Jun Manjome
Brinyshipping — the ship between Ryo, Asuka Tenjoin, and Jun Manjome
Eliteshipping — the ship between Ryo, Fubuki Tenjoin, and Yusuke Fujiwara


Marufujishipping — the ship between Ryo and Sho Marufuji

Sho Marufuji[]


Meadowshipping — the ship between Sho and Asuka Tenjoin
Smoochshipping — the ship between Sho and Dark Magician Girl


Angelshipping — the ship between Sho and Jun Manjome
Anikishipping — the ship between Sho and Judai Yuki
Jurassicshipping — the ship between Sho and Tyranno Kenzan
Tethershipping — the ship between Sho and Austin O'Brien


Attractionshipping — the ship between Sho, Judai Yuki, and Johan Andersen


Marufujishipping — the ship between Sho and Ryo Marufuji

Daichi Misawa[]


Sageshipping — the ship between Daichi and Asuka Tenjoin
Tigershipping — the ship between Daichi and Taniya


Geniusshipping — the ship between Daichi and Ryo Marufuji
Hornetshipping — the ship between Daichi and Jun Manjome
Shakeshipping — the ship between Daichi and Fubuki Tenjoin
Toastshipping — the ship between Daichi and Johan Andersen
Tutorshipping — the ship between Daichi and Judai Yuki


Fightshipping — the ship between Daichi, Judai Yuki, and Taniya
Primaryshipping — the ship between Daichi, Judai Yuki, and Jun Manjome

Austin O'Brien[]


Firewallshipping — the ship between Austin and Judai Yuki
Glowshipping — the ship between Austin and Johan Andersen
Orichalcumshipping — the ship between Austin and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Tethershipping — the ship between Austin and Sho Marufuji


Cometshipping — the ship between Austin, Jim "Crocodile" Cook, and Judai Yuki
Enactshipping — the ship between Austin, Jim "Crocodile" Cook, and Asuka Tenjoin

Edo Phoenix[]


Defectshipping — the ship between Edo and Grace Tyler
Rareshipping — the ship between Edo and Asuka Tenjoin


Alloyshipping — the ship between Edo and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Antiheroshipping (ARC-V) — the ship between Edo and Kaito Tenjo
Egoshipping — the ship between Edo and Jun Manjome
Heroshipping — the ship between Edo and Judai Yuki
Lightshipping — the ship between Edo and Yugo
Superiorshipping — the ship between Edo and Johan Andersen
Swayshipping — the ship between Edo and Yuya Sakaki
Victoryshipping — the ship between Edo and Ryo Marufuji


Aidshipping — the ship between Edo, Judai Yuki, and Johan Andersen
Antiheroshipping (GX) — the ship between Edo, Judai Yuki, and Ryo Marufuji
Substituteshipping — the ship between Edo, Judai Yuki, and Asuka Tenjoin


Tornshipping — the ship between Edo and Yusho Sakaki

Rei Saotome[]


Amoreshipping — the ship between Rei and Ryo Marufuji
Argueshipping — the ship between Rei and Jun Manjome
Charmershipping — the ship between Rei and Judai Yuki
Cupidshipping — the ship between Rei and Fubuki Tenjoin
Pairshipping — the ship between Rei and Tyranno Kenzan
Thirdshipping — the ship between Rei and Martin Kanou


Evashipping — the ship between Rei and Asuka Tenjoin

Asuka Tenjoin[]


Fiancéeshipping — the ship between Asuka and Judai Yuki
Meadowshipping — the ship between Asuka and Sho Marufuji
Observeshipping — the ship between Asuka and Hayato Maeda
Rareshipping — the ship between Asuka and Edo Phoenix
Robustshipping — the ship between Asuka and Kaito Tenjo
Royalshipping — the ship between Asuka and Ryo Marufuji
Sageshipping — the ship between Asuka and Daichi Misawa
Tomorrowshipping — the ship between Asuka and Jim "Crocodile" Cook
Valentineshipping — the ship between Asuka and Jun Manjome


Barkshipping — the ship between Asuka and Junko Makurada
Bijoushipping — the ship between Asuka and Momoe Hamaguchi
Controlshipping — the ship between Asuka and Camula
Dancingdivashipping — the ship between Asuka and Yuzu Hiiragi
Postureshipping — the ship between Asuka and Emi Ayukawa
Escapeshipping — the ship between Asuka and an Osiris Red Girl
Evashipping — the ship between Asuka and Rei Saotome
Hissshipping — the ship between Asuka and Seika Kohinata
Keepshipping — the ship between Asuka and Grace Tyler
Mistressshipping — the ship between Asuka and Mizuchi Saio
Moonfragranceshipping — the ship between Asuka and Serena
Venusshipping — the ship between Asuka and Reggie MacKenzie


Addictshipping — the ship between Asuka and Yubel


Brinyshipping — the ship between Asuka, Jun Manjome, and Ryo Marufuji
Choiceshipping — the ship between Asuka, Judai Yuki, and Jun Manjoume
Enactshipping — the ship between Asuka, Jim "Crocodile" Cook, and Austin O'Brien
Escortshipping — the ship between Asuka, Judai Yuki, and Fubuki Tenjoin
Fascinateshipping — the ship between Asuka, Judai Yuki, and Johan Andersen
Substituteshipping — the ship between Asuka, Judai Yuki, and Edo Phoenix
Widowshipping — the ship between Asuka, Momoe Hamaguchi, and Junko Makurada


Balletshipping — the ship between Asuka and Fubuki Tenjoin

Fubuki Tenjoin[]


Cupidshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Rei Saotome
Pineshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Sara


Anguishshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Hao
Frozenshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Takuma Saio
Idolshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Ryo Marufuji
Maskshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Yusuke Fujiwara
Shakeshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Daichi Misawa
Stormshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Jun Manjome
Zooshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Judai Yuki


Aoishipping — the ship between Fubuki, Jun Manjome, and Ryo Marufuji
Eliteshipping — the ship between Fubuki, Ryo Marufuji, and Yusuke Fujiwara
Escortshipping — the ship between Fubuki, Judai Yuki, and Asuka Tenjoin


Balletshipping — the ship between Fubuki and Asuka Tenjoin


With Men[]

Bondshipping — the ship between Yubel and Johan Andersen
Perpetualshipping — the ship between Yubel and Hao
Soulshipping — the ship between Yubel and Judai Yuki

With Women[]

Addictshipping — the ship between Yubel and Asuka Tenjoin


Soulbondshipping — the ship between Yubel, Judai Yuki, and Johan Andersen


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Yu-Gi-Oh! ShipsYu-Gi-Oh! Characters (Duel MonstersGX5D'sZEXALARC-VVRAINS)
SHIPS het AngelmakershippingAppleshippingBazookashippingCareshippingCattobingushippingCharmershippingFaithshippingFallenAngelshippingFiancéeshippingFruitshippingGenesishippingMeadowshippingPolarshippingPredatorshippingRetributionshipping
slash AiballshippingAnikishippingCounterpartshippingDartshippingDatastormshippingFoilshippingPrideshippingPuzzleshippingRecoilshippingSpiritshippingThiefshippingWishshipping
femslash MystshippingStageshipping
non-binary Soulshipping