Yu Narukami (known as Souji Seta in the manga, and sometimes referred to simply as "Protagonist" or "Persona 4 Protagonist") is a character from the Persona fandom.
Yu Narukami is a teenager who moves to Inaba, Japan at the start of his second year of high school. He is a caring and loyal friend, although his personality can differ due to the nature of the Persona games involving a "silent" protagonist.
- ChiYu — the ship between Yu and Chie Satonaka
- MariYu — the ship between Yu and Marie
- NaoYu — the ship between Yu and Naoto Shirogane
- RiYu — the ship between Yu and Rise Kujikawa
- Shadow Rise x Yu — the ship between Yu and Shadow Rise
- SouYuki — the ship between Yu and Yukiko Amagi
- ShuAda — the ship between Yu and Tohru Adachi
- SouKan — the ship between Yu and Kanji Tatsumi
- SouMina — the ship between Yu and Makoto Yuki
- SouYo — the ship between Yu and Yosuke Hanamura
- YuRen — the ship between Yu and Ren Amamiya
- YuTeddie — the ship between Yu and Teddie
- SouKanYo — the ship between Yu, Yosuke Hanamura, and Kanji Tatsumi
- Yoshieami — the ship between Yu, Yosuke Hanamura, and Chie Satonaka
- Yu x Rise x Shadow Rise — the ship between Yu, Rise Kujikawa, and Shadow Rise
- Investigation Quad — the ship between Yu, Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko
- Investigation Team — the ship between Yu, Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Rise, and Naoto
- Big Bro — the ship between Yu and Nanako Dojima
- Dojima Family — the ship between Yu, Ryotaro Dojima and Nanako Dojima
- Main article: SouYo
Tohru Adachi
- Main article: ShuAda
- Yu Narukami tag on AO3
- Souji Seta tag on AO3
- Persona 4 Protagonist tag on AO3
- Souji/Yu tag on Fanfiction.net
- Yu Narukami tag on Tumblr
- Souji Seta tag on Tumblr
- Yu Narukami on the Megami Tensei Wiki
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
3228 | SouYo | Yosuke Hanamura | slash |
641 | ShuAda | Tohru Adachi | slash |
397 | RiYu | Rise Kujikawa | het |
181 | NaoYu | Naoto Shirogane | het |
180 | SouKan | Kanji Tatsumi | slash |
163 | SouMina | Makoto Yuki | slash |
157 | SouYuki | Yukiko Amagi | het |
128 | YuRen | Ren Amamiya | slash |
93 | Big Bro | Nanako Dojima | gen |
84 | ChiYu | Chie Satonaka | het |