Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 66Manip: 11Screenshots: 1616Sprite: 11Stills: 22
Slash ships: 33Het ships: 33Friendship: 11Poly ship: 11

Zack Fair is a character from the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fandoms.


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Zack x Cissnei — the ship between Zack and Cissnei
Zack x Yuna — the ship between Zack and Yuna
Zaqua — the ship between Zack and Aqua
Zerith — the ship between Zack and Aerith Gainsborough
Zifa — the ship between Zack and Tifa Lockhart


RufusZack — the ship between Zack and Rufus Shinra
SephZack — the ship between Zack and Sephiroth
Zack x Angeal — the ship between Zack and Angeal Hewley
Zack x Genesis — the ship between Zack and Genesis Rhapsodos
Zack x Tseng — the ship between Zack and Tseng
ZackBiggs — the ship between Zack and Biggs
Zackerra — the ship between Zack and Terra
Zackules — the ship between Zack and Hercules
Zackunsel — the ship between Zack and Kunsel
ZackVen — the ship between Zack and Ventus
Zakkura — the ship between Zack and Cloud Strife
Zarret — the ship between Zack and Barret Wallace


AGSZC — the ship between Zack, Angeal Hewley, Genesis Rhapsodos, Sephiroth, and Cloud Strife
CTZA — the ship between Zack, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, and Cloud Strife
Fairstrifehart — the ship between Zack, Cloud Strife, and Squall Leonhart
SephZackCloud — the ship between Zack, Sephiroth, and Cloud Strife
Zack x Aerith x Cloud — the ship between Zack, Aerith Gainsborough and Cloud Strife


Zackffie — the ship between Zack and Yuffie Kisaragi


Aerith Gainsborough
Main article: Zerith


Cloud Strife
Main article: Zakkura


Zack Fair tag on AO3
Zack tag on FanFiction.Net
Zack (KH) tag on FanFiction.Net
Zack Fair tag on Tumblr
Zack Fair on the Final Fantasy Wiki
Zack Fair (Other appearances) on the Final Fantasy Wiki
Zack Fair (Opera Omnia) on the Final Fantasy Wiki
Zack Fair (Theatrhythm) on the Final Fantasy Wiki
Zack Fair (Record Keeper) on the Final Fantasy Wiki
Zack on KHWiki


# portmanteau character style
2215 Zakkura Cloud Strife slash
1506 Zerith Aerith Gainsborough het
446 AGSZC Cloud Strife • Angeal Hewley • Genesis Rhapsodos • Sephiroth poly
533 Zack & Cloud Cloud Strife gen
457 SephZack Sephiroth slash
324 Zack & Sephiroth Sephiroth gen
220 Zack x Angeal Angeal Hewley slash
171 SephZackCloud Cloud StrifeSephiroth poly
132 Zifa Tifa Lockhart het
120 Zack & Angeal Angeal Hewley gen


Final Fantasy - Logo1
Final Fantasy ShipsFinal Fantasy Characters
SHIPS het ClerithCloLightClotiHopuRaiLightisNoctlunaNoerahRaireSnerahSnowRaiSquaerithSquinoaTidunaYunonZerithZifa
slash NocloudNyxnoctPhoenixFlareSefikuraSephZackStrifehartStrifentineTereDionValenwindZakkura
femslash AertiFLightLightifaVanLightYuffierith
poly AGSZCAngenesirothTeam Avalanche
family Dad Barret
friend Zackffie
CHARACTERS male Zack FairSephirothCloud Strife
female Lightning FarronAerith GainsboroughTifa Lockhart
Kingdom Hearts logo
Kingdom Hearts ShipsKingdom Hearts Characters
SHIPS het AkuKaiAkuNamiAkuShiAquPhillipAxelsaDonDaisyEpheSkulLarxelLaurElreMickMinnRepliNamiRiKaiRikuNamiRionRokuNamiRokuShiSoKaiSoNamiSorapunzelSorarielSoXionSquaerithTerraquaTerrellaVenquaZaqua
slash AkuRokuAkuSoraCLeonDonGoofDonMickGoofMickLeaIsaRikuRokuSoHiroSorikuSorNekuSoRokuSorPanTerraVenVanVenXemXigYoSora
femslash AquarellaKaiNamiMinsyNamiShiUrdVorYuffierith
poly Daybreak TrioSorElsAnna
non-binary PlayAvaPlayEphePlaySkulPlayStreli
family Chip 'n Dale
friend Council of Disney VillainsDisney TrioHercSoraPrincesses of HeartRiMickThe Sensational SixSorcerer's ApprenticeVenMickWayfinder Trio
CHARACTERS male AladdinCloudDonald DuckGoofyHadesHerculesHiro HamadaJack SkellingtonLeaMickey MousePeter PanRikuRoxasScarSephirothSimbaSoraStitchTerraVentusZack
female AerithAliceAnnaAquaArielAuroraBelleCinderellaDaisy DuckElsaJasmineKairiMaleficentMinnie MouseNaminéRapunzelSnow WhiteTifa UrsulaXion
neutral Player